首页the call of the wild课后答案CHAPTER 1


        INtO tIVE

        Old longings nomadic leap,

        C s ;

        Again from its brumal sleep

        akens train.

        Buck did not read t trouble    alone for    for every tideer dog, strong of muscle and    Sound to San Diego. Because men, groping in tic darkness, al, and because steamsransportation panies o ted dogs, and ted oil, and furry coats to protect t.

        Buck lived at a big a Clara Valley. Judge Millers place, it    stood back from trees, t of t ran around its four sides. t terlag bougall poplars. At t t. t stables, tages, an endless and orderly array of outures, orcc for tesian    tank    cool in t afternoon.

        And over t demesne Buck ruled.    rue, t but be ot a place, but t t. t, resided ioots, trange creatures t rarely put    of doors or set foot to ground. On terriers, a score of t least, oots and Ysabel looking out of t tected by a legion of h brooms and mops.

        But Buck o tank or    ing ed Mollie and Alice, ters, on long t before tsteps tures doo tain in table yard, and even beyond, oots and Ysabel terly ignored, for hings of Judge Millers place, humans included.

        . Bernard, o follo se--y pounds--for cy pounds, to    es of good living and universal respect, enabled o carry    royal fased aristocrat; rifle egotistical, as try gentlemen sometimes bee because of tuation. But    being a mere pampered ing and kindred outdoor delig do and o o tubbing races, ter onid a h preserver.

        And trike dragged men from all to t Buck did not read t kno Manuel, one of tance. Maing sin. o play Ctery. Also, in ting em; and tioain. For to play a system requires money, he needs of a wife and numerous progeny.

        t a meeting of tion, and tic club, on t of Mareac Buck imagined roll. And ion of a solitary man, no one sa ttle flag station knoalked hem.

        "You mig; tranger said gruffly, and Manuel doubled a piece of stout rope around Bueder the collar.

        "t it, and youll cy," said Manuel, and tranger grunted a ready affirmative.

        Buck ed t dignity. to be sure, it ed performa o trust in men o give t for a    outreac ed    to intimate o and. But to igting off    t , and    t tigruggled in a fury, ongue lolling out of    ting futilely. Never in all reated, and never in all    rengtrain o the baggage car.

        t    ongue    ed along in some kind of a veyaive old raveled too often    to knoion of riding in a baggage car. o t, but Buck oo quick for ill    of him once more.

        "Yep, s," ttracted by truggle. "Im taking o Frisco. A crack dog doctor t ;

        ing t nig eloquently for tle ser front.

        "All I get is fifty for it," ;and I    do it over for a t;

        tr o ankle.

        "?" the saloon-keeper demanded.

        "A ; ;ouldnt take a sou less, so ;

        "t makes a y," ted, "and , or Im a square;

        t ed ;If I do ;

        "Itll be because you o ; laug;," he added.

        Dazed, suffering intolerable pain from t and toled out of tempted to faentors. But edly, till to a cage-like crate.

        t, nursing    uand    all meant.    did t range men?    up in te?    knoy. Several times during t o    ing to see t least. But eacime it    peered in at    of a tallo trembled in Bucks t ed into a savage growl.

        But t ered and picked up te. More tormentors, Buck decided, for tures, ragged and u; and ormed and raged at ticks at ly assailed eetill    ed. e to be lifted into a e in    in anotruck carried ment of boxes and parcels, upon a ferry steamer; rucked off teamer into a great rail, and finally ed in an express car.

        For tail of sives; and for t advances of taliated by teasing    t aunted estable dogs, me rage to y, and    mind t ter caused o fever-pitc matter, rung and finely sensitive, treatment o a fever, ongue.

        age; but no it    , ed a fund of    boded ill for    rain at Seattle.

        Four men gingerly carried te from to a small, out ma sagged generously at t and sig    tormentor, and    t a d a club.

        "You aint going to take    no; the driver asked.

        "Sure," tto te for a pry.

        tantaneous scattering of t in, and from safe percop to che performance.

        Buck rus tering o it, surging and ling . c fell on tside, o get out as ter ent oing .

        "No;    for t time d sed to    hand.

        And Buck ruly a red-eyed devil, as ogetling, moutter in    eyes. Straig ty pounds of fury, surc passion of to close on t c eetogetcruck by a club in    uand. it    bark and more scream    and launco t e    it    ion. A dozen times en the charge and smashed him down.

        After a particularly fierce blooo dazed tgered limply about, tiful coat sprayed and flecked ely dealt ful bloe agony of t    lion-like in its ferocity,    t ting t to left, cooly caug time o t.

        For t time ruck t doterly senseless.

        " dog-breaking, ts ; one of thusiasm.

        "Drut; arted the horses.

        Bucks senses came back to    ntcer.

        " `Anso t; ting from tter e and tents. "ell, Buck, my boy,"    on in a genial voice, "le ru, and t to let it go at t. Youve learned your place, and I knouffing outa you. Uand?"

        As ted tarily bristled at touc    protest.    er, er bolted a generous meal of ra, che mans hand.

        en (); but    broken.    ood no c a man erlife    it. t club ion. It ion to tive larodu s of life took on a fiercer aspect; and    u ing of ure aroused. As t by, otes and at tcer. Again and again, as    eacal performao Buck: a mao be obeyed, t necessarily ciliated. Of t Buck y, ten dogs t faails, and licked    e nor obey, finally killed in truggle for mastery.

        Ners, edly, er. And at sucimes t money passed betraook one or more of t, for t ture rong upon ime ed.

        Yet ime came, in ttle ions and.

        "Sacredam!"    upon Buck. "Dat one dam bully dog! E;

        "t at t,"    reply of ter. "And seeing its gover money, you aint got no kiing, e?"

        Perrault grinned. sidering t ted demand, it    an unfair sum for so fine an animal. t s dispatcravel t k; ed mentally.

        Buck sa surprised le     er, and as Curly and    reg Seattle from t    aken belo and turned over to a black-faced giant called Francois. Perrault o Buck (of o see many more), and ly to respect t Perrault and Francois ial in administering justice, and too o be fooled by dogs.

        In te fellen o the Barrens.

        reac of o ones face tated some underrick, as, for insta meal. As Buck sprang to punis first; and noto Buck but to recover t ion.

        t attempt to steal from t    all o be left alone, and furt trouble if    left alone. "Dave" e and slept, or yaimes, and took i in not even ced,    to sleep again.

        Day and nigo tireless pulse of t    to Buck t teadily gro last, one m, t, and tmospement.    it, as did t a c    t t step upon t sank into a e stuff    more of it fell upon    curiously, to bit like fire, and t instant ried it again, s. t as w was    snow.