首页the call of the wild作者CHAPTER 2



        Bucks first day on tmare. Every    of civilization and flung into t of to do but loaf and be bored. , nor a moments safety. All ion, and every moment life and limb ive o be stantly alert; for t to the law of club and fang.

        as tures foug experieaugtable lesson. it is true, it    by it. Curly im. tore, eet equally s, and Curlys face o jaw.

        It ing, to strike and leap a to it ty or forty o t and surrouants in an i and silent circle. Buck did not pre silent iness, nonist, umbled . S ted for. tling mass of bodies.

        So sudden , and so ued, t Buck aken aback. z run out    tongue in a o scatter t did not take long. tes from time Curly    do of s    srampled sno literally torn to pieces, t anding over en came back to Buck to trouble     o it t    doz ran out ongue and laug moment Buck ed ter ared.

        Befic passing of Curly, ened upon    of straps and buckles. It     to    t friurning y    animal, oo o rebel. , t range. Francois ern, demanding instant obedience, and by virtue of ant obedience;    al at Buck,    in traces to jerk Buto tuition of es and Franade remarkable progress. Ere turo camp o stop at "; to go a "mus; to so keep clear of t doheir heels.

        "t; Francois told Perrault. "Dat Buck, eac;

        By afternoon, Perrault, rail ed ;Billee" and "Joe" rue    as day and nig rospective, ual snarl and a malignant eye. Buck received tz proceeded to t one and tail appeasingly, turo run    ill appeasingly)    no matter z circled, Joe oget as ion of belligerent fear. So terrible z o disciplining    to cover ure urned upon to the camp.

        By evening Perrault secured anot, tle-scarred fad a single eye . ed notely into t, even Spitz left y o be approagly guilty, and t knoer Buck avoided o t of trouble.a    ambition, like Daves, o be left aloero learn, eacal ambition.

        t nig problem of sleeping. tent, illumined by a dle, glo of te plain; and ered it, bot and Francois bombarded ensils, till ernation and fled ignominiously into ter cold. A ipped    o tempted to sleep, but t soon drove o . Miserable and dissolate,    amos, only to find t one place    led ) and t ed.

        Finally an idea came to urn and see eammates . to onis, t t camp, looking for turned. ere tent? No, t could not be, else    . tail a. Suddenly t. ling and snarling, fearful of t a friendly little yelp reassured    back to iigate. A ingly, squirmed and o sentions, and eveured, as a bribe for peace, to lick Bucks face    tongue.

        Anot , ely selected a spot, and ed effort proceeded to dig a rice t from    soundly and fortably, tled h bad dreams.

        Nor did ill roused by t first    kne of fear s trap. It oken t o trap and so could not of . tracted spasmodically and instinctively, tood on end, and raigo t , e camp spread out before    ime    for a stroll o t before.

        A s from Francois ; I say?" to Perrault. "Dat Buck for sure learn quick as anyt;

        Perrault nodded gravely. As courier for t, bearing important dispatco secure t dogs, and icularly gladdened by the possession of Buck.

        to team inside an otal of nine, and before anoter of an rail too be gone, and t particularly despise it.    ted team and o    still more surprising    in Dave and Sol-leks. tterly transformed by t and active, anxious t table ever, by delay or fusioarded t oil of traces seemed t took delight.

        Dave eam rung out ao tion z.

        Buck     receive instru. Apt sc    teaco linger long in error, and enf teaceet cause, and o nip ood in need of it. As Francois o be end o retaliate. Once, during a brief , angled in traces and delayed tart, bot ered a sound troung. ting tangle    Buck took good care to keep traces clear ter; aered es about ceased nagging ly, and Perrault even ing up    and carefully examining them.

        It imber line, across glaciers and snos    deep, and over t C Divide,    er and time doers of extinct voloes, and late t nigo t tt,    t ted just, but all too early ed out io the sled.

        t day ty miles, trail being packed; but t day, and for many days to follorail,    traveled aeam, pag to make it easier for t times exot often. Perrault er, t all.

        Day after day, for days unending, Buck toiled in traces. Al gray of dating trail cer dark, eating t of fiso sleep into tion for eaco go noo to keep in good dition.

        ly lost tidiousness er,    es, finis, robbed ion. t. ing off t s of to remedy te as fast as tly did    above taking    belong to ceal a slice of ba urned, ed tting a uproar    ed; , unished for Bucks misdeed.

        t t marked Buck as fit to survive in tile Nort. It marked ability, y to adjust o s, t s and terrible deat marked, furto pieces of ure, a vain truggle for existe    private property and personal feeling; but in took suco at was a fool, and in so far as o prosper.

        Not t Buck reaso out. , t ter . But ter en into al and primitive code. Civilized, ion, say t teness of ion o flee from tion and so save    steal for joy of it, but because of tomac rob openly, but stole secretly and ingly, out of respect for club and fang. In s, t o do t to do them.

        (or retrogression) ernal ey.    anytter ible; and, oen, tomacracted t least particle of nutriment; and    to t reato toug and stoutest of tissues. Sig became remarkably keen,    i sound and k eet collected beter    by rearing and striking it iff fore legs.    spicuous trait y to st t it a nigter    by tree or bank, t later bleably found o leeward, sered and snug.

        And not only did    instincts long dead became alive again. ticated geions fell from o to time t and killed t as t do ask for o learn to fig and slas fotten aors. tricks o ty of tricks. to    effort or discovery, as till cold niged    a star and    , pointing    star and uries and t to tillness, and the cold, and dark.

        token of    t song surged to al in t lap over the needs of his wife and divers small copies of himself.