首页the chink and the childCHAPTER 8


        "I ; t bitter days of er imprisoorm and freezing temperatures made travel outside of camp impossible. Most of us spent nigion of cold and ood above me, smiling, a surprise ient    aside like a curtain.

        "ake up, sleepy I found."

        Keeping tig tood. S out a single envelope, its    ook it from    a greeting card ure of a big red    on its front. Absentmindedly, I let to t to pick it up.

        "Look, Aniday," siff fingers o carefully tear t;If you o open it up, you could    a stamp and address on t, and on t." Sook t;See, you    dra and back of too, go around ting ; Speck bounced on oes in t of joy as to one, as if uo bear iion    of us.

        "Youre eful. I trudged t t back ;


        "arm me up." So my side, and I opeo snuggle in, and s y us and fell into a deep sleep. I a m    . Speck co     I read t if thee, dear friend,

        All losses are restored and sorrows end.

        S 30

        ture, no addressee, and    snow.

        " do you t means?"

        "I dont kno; I told ;; the name seemed vaguely familiar.

        "roubles end, if    t ;

        treetops, ing began: sno, ted to be alone .

        " are you going to e?"

        "I    to make a dar, but I do not knooday?"

        "One day is like anot;

        "Arent you curious about    is today?"

        Speck o , biddio do to t poi ran along tern edge, a difficult passage over a steep slope of loose s, and I    of breatapped    and told me to be quiet and listen. e ill and ed. Otains, it .

        " am I supposed to ;

        "trate," she said.

        I tried, but save for tcwigs and brang reached my ear. I shrugged my shoulders.

        "try ;

        I listened so ily t a fierg of , and a far-off rion t at first sounded like t soon took on a more fixed cer. A ernating speeds, a lo, and I realized ening to distant traffic.

        "," I told ;Cars."

        "Pay attention.    do you ;

        My ting, but I focused. "Lots of cars?" I guessed.

        &qu; S;Lots and lots of cars. traffi t;

        I still did.

        "People going to y. Scs of cars in t means its a    a Sunday. Sundays are quiet and not so many cars speeding by."

        So tasted it in ant. "I ts a Monday," she said.

        "Ive seen t trick before. ell?"

        "All tories make smoke. But t so many cars on tories are closed on Sundays. You aste any smoke at all. Monday, a bit more. By Friday nigastes like a mout; S;Definitely a Monday. No me see your letter."

        I ine and envelope, ing to tmark over tamp. "Do you remember ines Day?"

        "February fourteent; I felt proud, as if I    anse, ing numbers on a chalkboard.

        "ts rig; Sed to te on tmark, s    in t means Monday m is ."

        "So, today is Valentines Day? ines Day."

        "No, Aniday. You o learn to read t out. Dedu. oday be Valentines Day if today is a Monday? ter t is lost? If I found tter yesterday, and today is Monday, oday be Valentines Day?"

        I ired. My head ached.

        "February teent Monday. If t for more t    yesterday and broug to you. Yesterday    day—not many cars—a Sunday. today must be t Monday."

        Sion my ability to reason at all.

        "Its simple. today is Monday, February 20, 1950. You do need a dar." S --t-F-S for ted all te side, to 31. As so     about leap years, al circles to demonstrate t if I ed to keep track of time, all I o move to t spa to start over at th.

        Spe s proved to be ty of imagination and creativity. At sucs of insigremor in ing are. "If you ever fet, Aniday, e find me." S, across trees until so tural world. e: February 20, 1950. I    so mucime.

        Far belo of stinking blas and furs. By listening to traffid folloo its source, I could be back among to stop and take me anding by t for , to e save me. I    run a    try not to eye level, ss and my little sister, tell to get o ting beside ell ale, and s . Id jump from t car as opped before my er oer. "Ive found your boy," t;eve been looking all over for you for a long time." Later, after fried cs, o to sco do o trate and folloion. I looked to t saened, but ried to remember, but could not recall my name.

        Pocketing my tokens, I turned over to myself: "But if t; took out my pencil and began to e all I could remember. Many a year ten tory more t t op tiffened in to t to me he promise of warm dreams.

        Not long after Specks valentine, anot landed in my lap. Luc it back from one of ing expeditions, unpag a at tmas tree. "And ttle treasure, is for you. too. Paper."

        ebook, to e of ences. On t itle RULED POSItION BOOK. On ted    of atomic attack: close t paniside, tten he flyleaf.

        tually indecipy broell, it ory, or part of a story, because on t page, ting ends mid-sentence ic See Otten on tried to read it, but t of tory eluded me. ty of tion book for me stemmed from Mess self-indulgeen on only one side of ty-eigs of paper. I ture my trary story in te dire.    journal is in astest to its basitents: a naturalists journal rec my observations of life in t, plete s—a diary of t years of my life.

        My crack time,    of time, but despair    by my friends and panions, and as I aged inside, a casual nothe boy.

        topped by mid-Marc years, and a feer t, green life s , fistly restored our energies, t corresponding to our i in exploration. e s, ss and s o tinking bodies, dro and scum. Once, Blomma olen a bar of soap from a gas station, and    ao a splinter in a single reneh. Pale bodies on a pebbly shore, rubbed pink and .

        ted in ting taini, until self smelled pu and bitters. Lucilled to a potent brerac over t many a July day gatness among t, and I am sad every time to see t potful at our evenis, for those black jewels are a harbinger of summers end.

        t-eaters among us rejoiced at taste. Eag tely flies,    cra a y of termites in a rotting log, a party of slugs in ty carcass, and dig in aing creatures rating patiently by a small fire, c of tongue o orious bug-eater, but at least solerate ted rotil t legs tend to sti your teets, if not roasted first, e your tongue and t on the way down.

        I o t    an occasional bit of protein in t, all of us ook squirrels, moles, mice, fisoo great a o steal from t. Anyt care for t ime. In late summer and early fall, in particular, tribe ogetunate creature roasted on a spit. Nots a rabbit under a starry nig, as Speck o desire.

        Su my fourtands above all t. Sped I rayed from camp, and so topped at an old gray dogwood.

        "Climb up test ar."

        As anded, I srunk, despite tourned face, eyes agloation.

        "Go on," s;Be careful. Dont make t;

        t sting startled me like a pinprick, t I ermined. I could smell t it and could feel it before I sa. s sed red, I fell from to t floor    me itude. e ran from t ted toe til our lips and cuff, tar omaced in t aco pull tingers from my fad    my every    over and kissed my palm.

        "You are suiday." But rayed ning rending the summer sky.