首页the earth around the sunTheme for English B

Theme for English B

        tructor said,

        Go e

        a page tonight.

        A page e out of you--

        t rue.

        I s t simple?

        I am ty-ton-Salem.

        I    to s here

        to the hill above harlem.

        I am tudent in my class.

        teps from to harlem,

        t. Nicholas,

        Eigo the Y,

        take tor

        up to my room, sit doe this page:

        Its not easy to knorue for you or me

        at ty-t I guess Im w

        I feel and see and hear, harlem, I hear you:

        alk on this page.

        (I oo.) Me--who?

        ell, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love.

        I like to and life.

        I like a pipe for a Cmas present,

        or records--Bessie, bop, or Bach.

        I guess being colored doesnt make me not like

        ther races.

        So    I e?

        Bei    be we.

        But it will be

        a part of you, instructor.

        You are we--

        yet a part of me, as I am a part of you.

        ts Ameri.

        Sometimes per    to be a part of me.

        Nor do I often    to be a part of you.

        But s true!

        As I learn from you,

        I guess you learn from me--


        and somew more free.

        this is my page flish B.