ed until Alice trousers and crawled inside.
jutted out from be t told Alice about ed to talkto somebody about it, because maybe if old all ts out loud puzzled him.
tcalking and talking and not ever getting anybody to uand knoated around te and picked and tried to make of everything in him.
Because in some men it is in to give up everyt some time, before it ferments and poisons—t to some o. In some men it is i is All men seek for t reted and relaxed. t t and brigurned s and a quick tongue—Mister Brannon—by himself.
J. ayed out mige t before. It oo even to drink coffee for breakfast, so ser and cold biscuits. Sc out on t porco read t maybe Mister Singer Sunday ms. But Mister
Sier o before and ed for Mister Singer a long time. All t ba tcook Ralp of a dress on him and wiped off his face.
t o take t. S Bubber ride in ted and t sideo t . till propped against to climb.
You mind Ralpo Bubber. Mind ts dont sit on his eyelids.’
Five minutes later Mick stood up and raig ed to stand. top. But not many kids could do it. Most of t yrip and rolled off t ops of trees. On toeeples and tacks from t blue and as fire. te or black.
Sed to sing. All to t to t part of t out a yell and tarted a speec rymen, Lend me your ears! t getting to top t gave you a to yell or sing or raise up your arms and fly.
S tennis s sraddled t finis buildings in tories, h very high
ceilings and teepest roof of any house she had ever seen.
But soon ters o find anoto play.
S and sook from t of s ttes s t before. Ste gave so finis.
M.K.—t en oeen years old and very famous. Se Packard automobile ials on tten in red on ior. S little tiny radios t people could carry around and sti ten o s oo make a large tuo a, and people could go down in big balloons.
t tilings s they were already planned.
te s dead and flipped tt do of t ed on o o herself.
It nearly all time tter er s on teps every Sunday afternoon and listen in on the programs.
t t. t made sime s.
Sometimes ttle colored pieces of crystal dy, and otimes it est, saddest t.
t up straight
and liste sun made e and damp.
tinued, and Mick moved sloed roof on omac ted over the ground below.
t tting over somettle black, died in the wagon.
old enougo sit up, and o th his cap crooked on his head, g.
Bubber! Mick called do Ralps and give it to him.’
Bubber stood up and looked o t nothing.’
ell, give hen.’
Mick climbed back to tting before. Sed to time about tain people, to sing to o make plans. But t Ralpill be any peace for all.
Boldly so climb doo t eep and t from eac tholds.
S beat so made remble.
andingly salked out loud to igil yoe gets a grip tay close and o t. Nerve, Mick, youve got to keep nerve.’
ing do part of any climbing. It took ime to reaco feel safe again. ood on t last ser and smaller and for a minute like td jerked t a notcigill g, but stention and into ty house.
Last mont a sign out in front saying t no c. A gang of kids had been
scuffling around i, and a girl o a room t been floored and fallen till at tal in a plaster paris. Also, anotime some touge some pretty bad no matter signs up, t runkids ail ted and finished and people had moved in.
tennis s ed quiet. Sood still in t room for a and broug tubs of cher red.
Mick dreters very slo top se EDISON, and u sRAd MUSSOLINI. t letters of all, made lined in red, se ials—M.K. e e a very bad s ials, too.
Sood in ty room and stared at isfied. Srying to tten t eac seemed t a kid ra too. In six different tunes from tinkling, and anot smell in time after a rain. But ted at time.
Sunes, and after a y tears e in her eyes. her
t got tig sing any more.
Quickly se t top of t—MOtSARt.
Ralpied in t as s up quiet and still and little o the sides.
Ralptle C ain. So took from pocket a blue-colored jelly bean. Suck t mouth.
Put t in your pipe and smoke it, so e, because Ralpill too little to get t of dy. A rock to tle fool . uand any more about taste t talking.
ired ing o t o o as suco haul him around.
Mick cupped igoget first ts. tle sounded, and after a fe from around the house.