首页the legend of zeldaCHAPTER 36


        ter imes uttered or ten, t I er our monto envy for t of restrained pity. ion bo it run trao settle on to time and lost to orue nature.

        I    bay book. Our enter outside ted o t a single dle to sory and isfied. tried to sing tes of o one bundle    my manuscript, papers from ter from Speck; and into anot of to leave at able. Our miscime o make amends. Above me, glass crastered. An obse exclamation, a to tsteps approacrapdoor.

        Per t s drifted from dread to excitement, a sensation not unlike ing at turn from o    o sless not befrieer all t I did not e    olen music, give him my name, and bid him farewell.

        ting to figure out o get into to e to er ay,    ba its lig. A perfect square separated our t once, uck o ted over t six inc of ed me, for no sign of kindness nition marked ures, no expression but ra, ed o a snarl, and rage beat out of o our ord co t;Keep your distance," I ;I    send you from t; But    ing.     to do and lifted tern above my    past    my back.

        tern glass broke and a blaze spilled out like er over a pile of blas, and traig. As ter,    t of ter, and    into to retrieve. urned around, rapdoor banged closed, and a long, t upward, brighe walls.

        On ture began to emerge in terne ligion, but as tlines flared and flickered. t once I perceived t: t Coast of ted States, tours of t Lakes, ty plains, to tly above my roke of tion, and some. Speck e and drarail to folloo tern o. S o t tone or painting    s line of try, sced on t rouge a stellation of draions, primitive and cory told on i??p of its aor. Some of t, as if a preoric being    memories like paintings on a cave    a stream. Ss, and tures from es and imps and goblins. Icarus, Visoons: Ignatz t Krazy Kat, Little Nemo slumbers in onderland, Koko jumps out of to knots, a garland knitted from m glory viures uure rose as in an oven, but I could not save myself from    er, sed a left    s. to ba a mountain of books. On trao ter    open. I o leave.

        I studied Specks passage , o it it to memory.    to look up? A der popped and fle filled to t, but my bundle    fit ts ignited, sending a    knocked me to my knees. I tore open ttering papers to t ter and a feray c my c; to t.

        tars    and ts , and many of t t t ep, but I koto and tories    up in flames. From a green o figug to my s, I started trip    . In te darkness, fireflies flasheir semaphores of longing.

        Speck made it, I am sure, from o t Pacific idal pools, slept on tangle of knots, rong as ropes from sory of ry, tfields and soybeans of t, sunfloeep pitced Desert beyond, and finally o in vieook you so long? And I ory and il in . Only tep by tortured step.

        took kind care of me upon my return to camp    m. Onions and Béka scoured to sootered feet. Co tern and dreer to quend o ure and to erary remains. Only a fe survived to prove t it ed. I told t Specks map on t s beo store it in tive sciousness of tribe.

        "Youll simply o remember," said Luchóg.

        "Rely upon t is a plicated mac; Smaolac;I    still recall exactly    w saw you

        " tion re-creates." ucime h my old friend.

        "Sometimes I dont knourns    is real or t;

        "A mind often makes its o; said Lue."

        "Ill need paper. Do you remember    me some paper, Ludness Ill never fet."

        From memory, I transferred Specks map on to tter, and in t folloailed map of try and any book    California and t be anyplace along t. tainty t I y sustained me as I began again. My feet    quietly in our camp, ing every day outdave o tumn.

        As to yelloo crispy bre sound drifted nooo our camp. Emanating from till nigarts and fits, broken noraffi t Friday nigball games, and tter of    intrudes upon modern life. Running like a river, t and spilled doleranced by top to listen, and mad y, Luc out to find its source. te Octht.

        "Stay just a s    ;

        By t of trap to my travel poud ;

        , and    get my attention,    louder. I looked up to see er almost as big as     he broadside.

        "You    upside down, Luc;

        "Surely you    read it a at t only tide but, under, a small    engraving of two figures in flig.


        Smaolaatter    as likely to be rig youll stay for t;

        "You t miss t," Luot as long."

        e footed our , a last bit of miscogetaking bold delig not being seen. On t of t es of toifully, Ill admit, and o stao to laug    ill stered for breat still. Cor, rag ard    taring at t stars.

        c everyration ten on ime es, . trings aloook up t measures, and    t ransformed, youer. I    o leave, I ever know.

        transfixed by tra, and I am quite sure t ted me looking t tar and out into to study t once    roo leave t c ers to me. I kept o see my sisters, but, of course, till ageless ed, seemed to glance my o crao o feel    my co be o be kno among to    s     someood.

        smiling and playing, and like a book told a story t seemed, in part, a gift—as if, in our only on language,    beat in . Some sorroions, as if above and beloerludes, tes, I t    to say goodbye, goodbye to to silence. "Aniday," Luco t or t like a torm. One by one, o t tones and bato t, as if we he people.

        o leave e tomorroory    taken nearly as long to re-create. I    been ed ting dos, nor a detailed explanation of tand sud beloer troubles exist for co tories old or believed. Reac all t souls and t beent to remain as t c me. e all go away one day.

        Sell ill. Say o my baby sisters. Kill t I    as far as ters to look for s t. A name, love, urn and his book is for you.

        I am gone and am not ing back, but I remember everything.