DEEP MAGI tIME "Yes! and ; said tch sfully.
"t; said t;er do once.”
"I o done on toable itself," said tc;t is t is w has always been done before.”
"It ime able agai to its proper use,”
said the dwarf.
"true," said tc;ell, I will begin.”
At t moment o them.
"I toable, ain, Maugrim. I all. One of the Sons of Adam killed him. Fly! Fly!”
"No," said teet me ts and ts of trees res, and toadstools.
e ill my turn into stone even as ttle to finish here while you are away.”
t brute bos urned, and galloped away.
"No; s; me see. e ter put it against trunk of a tree.”
Edmund found o . t a tree and bound . cake off er mantle. and terribly e see muc rees.
"Prepare tim,", said tc at took Edmunds o raise er t Edmund range noise - it he sound of a knife being sharpened.
At t very moment s from every dire - a drumming of ing of cied. Strong arms eady now - youll be all rige.”
t talking to to one anot; tc; "I t you ; "I didnt see er I k of er to say s; "- A d everyt once - ? Os only an old stump!" But just at t Edmund off in a dead faint.
Presently taurs and unis and deer and birds (ty cer) all set off to go back to toable, carrying Edmund if t valley after t have been surprised.
It ly still and presently t; if you sree-stump and on a fairsized boulder. But if you o t botump and t you tump did look really remarkably like a little fat man crouccump o t up and begin talking to tump; for iy tump and tc of s t, and so do so at t oo.
m (t t t into camp late last nig t mome out, and toget from t of t. to tell you (and no one ever Aslan it ion uro meet th him.
"; ;and - to talk to .”
Edmund so ea, "Im sorry," and everyone said, "ts all rig; And ted very o say somet quite clear t tural -and of course no one could to say. But before time to feel really a;Sire, the enemy who craves audience.”
"Let ; said Aslan.
t aurned leading tchs dwarf.
" is your message, Son of Eart; asked Aslan.
"t to e and speak ; said t;on a matter age as to hers.”
"Queen of Narnia, indeed!" said Mr Beaver. "Of all the cheek -”
"Peace, Beaver," said Aslan. "All names ored to time dispute about tell your mistress, Son of Eart I grant on dition t s t great oak.”
to and t back o see t tions . "But supposing surns to stone?”
er. I to t any rate, as tanding up on tails ling - like a cats range dog.
"Itll be all rig; ; send t .”
A fees later t to top ood before Aslan. t seen her before
felt s t of . t e at tc to see te face so close toget t tcly in icularly noticed this.
"You raitor t; said te s Edmund. But Edmund past t er all er talk m. on looking at Aslan. It dido matter ch said.
"ell," said Aslan. " against you.”
"ten t; asked tch.
"Let us say I ten it," ans;tell us of this Deep Magic.”
"tell you?" said tc;tell you ten on t very table of Stone ell you ten iers deep as a spear is long on tones on t ell you re of t least kno into Narnia at t every traitor belongs to me as my la for every treac to a kill.”
"O; said Mr Beaver. "So ts o imagine yourself a queen - because you he Emperors hangman. I see.”
"Peace, Beaver," said Aslan, ;And so," tic;t ure is mio me. y.”
"e and take it t; said t bellowing voice.
"Fool," said tc a snarl, "do you really ter rob me of my rigter t. unless I urned and periser.”
"It is very true," said Aslan, "I do not deny it.”
"O; , will you?
t t t it?”
&quainst t; said Aslan, turning to suggestion to him again.
Edmund ime at Aslans face. a c to say somet a moment later t expected to do anyt to , and do w old.
"Fall back, all of you," said Aslan, "and I alk to tch alone.”
t errible time ting and ly toget;O; and began to cry. Peter stood o t at tant sea. tood aurs stamped uneasily everyone became perfectly still in t you noticed even small sounds like a bumble-bee flying past, or t doling till talk bete it.
At last t;You all e back," ;I tled tter. S; And all over talk.
tc turning aopped and said, "But ?”
"; roared Aslan, moutcer staring for a moment , picked up s and fairly ran for her life.