首页the lizard man 游戏下载CHAPTER SEVENTEEN


        tING OF tE StAG    ttle es after t of t cill living sa tcook    to flig t Lue Peter and Aslan rao o see Peter looking as ern    and he seemed so much older.

        "It ; Peter ;ed en if it    been for ing our troops into st.    But notop     one of your leopards into a statue. And rying to go for ly and    simply getting made a statue    ake all t    so    many already.

        erribly    go and see him.”

        ttle ing line. y green    colour.

        "Quick, Lucy," said Aslan.

        And t for t time, Lucy remembered t mas present. rembled so muc she    could hardly

        undo topper, but s in to    h.

        "t; said Aslan o Edmunds pale fad .

        "Yes, I kno; said Lucy crossly. "ait a minute.”

        "Daug; said Aslan in a graver voice, "ot t of death.

        Must more people die for Edmund?”

        "Im sorry, Aslan," said Lucy, getting up and going    tending to tored turned into stone.    last so e baund sanding on    and not only    lookier    t ever sierm at t    o go le Aslan made .

        "Does ; ; ch really was?”

        "," said Susan.

        "Oug o be told?" said Lucy.

        "O," said Susan. "It oo awful for hink how    youd feel if you were he.”

        "All t to kno; said Lucy. But at t moment terrupted.

        t nig    someting doo a fi about eig day t river. And t day after t, at about teatime, tually reacle of Cair Paravel on its little otle pools of salt er, and sea?    you remember?

        t evening after tea to get doo t togs off aoes. But     day     o trumpets,

        Aslan solemnly croo ts of, "Long Live Kier! Long Live Queen Susan! Long Live King Edmund! Long    Live Queen Lucy!”

        "Once a king or queen in Narnia, al well, Sons    of Adam!

        Bear it well, Daug; said Aslan.

        And tern door, heir new    Kings and Queens.

        So t on tres    into to all to tumnus to t Rumblebuffin, to taurs, and to t nig feast in Cair Paravel, and    revelry and dang, and gold flaso t    stranger, ser, and more pierg, came the sea people.

        But amidst all tly slipped a    t it. For Mr    Beaver ;; ;One day youll see    .    like being tied doo attend to. Its quite all rigen drop in. Only you mustnt    press    like a tame lion.”

        And noory is nearly (but not quite) at an end. t mucime    in seeking out ts of te itcroying time ts of t - a ing . But in t foul    brood amped out. And t trees from    being unnecessarily cut doed young dyrs from    beio scopped busybodies and interferers and enced    ordinary people o live a live. And ts    (quite a different sort from Giant Rumblebuffin) on tured    across tier. And tered into friendsries    beyond ts of state and received visits of state from ter became a tall and    deep-ced man and a great . And    Susan greo a tall and gracious    fell almost to     and tries beyond to send ambassadors asking for her hand    in marriage.

        And sle. Edmund er man    ter, and great in cil and judgement. . But    as for Lucy, ss    desired o be t.

        So t joy and if ever t    fell out t tumnus (out) came doe Stag s - te Stag , rode a-ing ern    oods to folloe Stag. And t ed long before t    of    pace over rougill tiers ired out and till folloag enter into a t er (for talked in quite a different style nos, let us noo t; for in all my days I never ed a nobler quarry.”

        "Sir," said t;even so let us do.”

        So ted and tied to trees and    on into t.

        And as soon as tered it Queen Susan said,    "Fair friends,    marvel, for I seem to see a tree of iron.”

        "Madam," said,King Edmund, "if you look    you s is a    pillar of iron er on top thereof.”

        "By trange device," said Kier, "to set a lantern    rees cluster so t it and so    t if it    it    s to no man!”

        "Sir," said Queen Lucy. "By likeli and t rees in t is old." And tood looking upon it. t;I kno    is, but t rangely.    It runs in my mind t I    he    dream of a dream.”

        "Sir," ans;it is even so h us also.”

        "And more," said Queen Lucy, "for it    go out of my mind t if    and lanterrange adventures or else some great    es.”

        "Madam," said King Edmund, "tirret also.”

        "And in mine, fair brot; said Kier.

        "And in mioo," said Queen Susan. "ly return to our e Stag no further.”

        "Madam," said Kier, "to    our o any ter, as battles, quests, feats of arms, acts of justice, and t always w we aken in he same we have achieved.”

        "Sister," said Queen Lucy, "my royal brotly. And it seems    to me    as now we have in chase.”

        "And so say I," said King Edmund. "And I o find tion of t I    by my good urn back for t jehe islands.”

        "t; said Queen Susan, "if ye    us go on and take ture t so us.”

        So tered t, and before t t, and    before ty more ticed t t    t ts. A moment tumbling out of a    o ty room, and ting array but just Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lu t o to ors ill talking in t luckily    to ty room and so t caught.

        And t     been t    t t explain to ts out of    tell t to be silly or not to tell lies, but believed tory. "No," ;I    dont t rying to go back to get ts. You     get into Narnia again by t route. Nor s be much use by now if you did!

        Es t? Yes, of course youll get back to Narnia again some day. Once a King in Narnia, al dont g to use te twice.

        Indeed, dont try to get t all. Itll    looking for it. And dont talk too muc it even among yourselves. And doion it to anyone else unless you find t tures of t ts t? . Odd t t out. Keep your

        eyes open. Bless me, eac these schools?

        And t is ture of the wardrobe.

        But if t it ures of Narnia.