首页the lost paradise15


        See     these Dogs of hell advance

        to e and havoder orld, which I

        So fair and good created, and ill

        Kept in t State,    the folly of Man

        Let in tful Furies, we [ 620 ]

        Folly to mee, so dothe Prince of hell

        And s, t h so much ease

        I suffer to enter and possess

        A place so heavnly, and iving seem

        to gratifie my sful Enemies, [ 625 ]

        t laugransported

        Of Passion, I to tted all,

        At random yielded up to their misrule;

        And kno t I calld and dreher

        My o lick up th [ 630 ]

        ing Sin aint h shed

        On ill crammd and gd, nig

        it and glutted offal, at one sling

        Of torious Arm, well-pleasing Son,

        Bot last [ 635 ]

        truct th of hell

        For ever, and seal up his ravenous Jawes.

        th renewd shall be made pure

        to sanctitie t saine:

        till t on both precedes. [ 640 ]

        he heavnly Audience loud

        Sung he sound of Seas,

        titude t sung: Just are thy ways,

        Righy orks;

        e, to the Son, [ 645 ]

        Destiorer of Mankind, by whom

        Nehe Ages rise,

        Or down from hir song,

        or calling forth by name

        ie Angels gave them several charge, [ 650 ]

        As sorted best    the Sun

        so to move, so shine,

        As mig t

        Scarce tollerable, and from to call

        Decrepit inter, from t [ 655 ]

        Solstitial summers . to the blanc Moone

        o ther five

        tarie motions and aspects

        Iile, Square, and trine, and Opposite,

        Of noxious efficacie, and wo joyne [ 660 ]

        In Synod unbenigne, and taug

        t wo showre,

        he Sun, or falling,

        Sempestuous: to t

        ter to found [ 665 ]

        Sea, Aire, and So rowle

        iterror the dark Aereal hall.