首页the mill on the floss作者CHAPTER 2


        tor Is Pierced by thorns

        taining in tation t apa srouble, just as an acute pain is often a stimulus, and produces aement    strengt is in t folloime ensity t teracts its pain, in time    sameness and trial is a dreary routine - it is t despair tens: it is t tory , and eye and ear are strained after some unlearned secret of our existence ure of satisfa. time of utmost need o Maggie,    span of teen years. to ty of t early experience of struggle, of flict bet ive and passioure; and to isen stic, riple y, books and    Maggie rangely old for    in ire    of t prudend self-and    made tom manly in t of ellectual boyis o ill, sad monotony, tend to business again, tled, and ing as akems manager on t. tom    to and fro every m and evening and became more and more silent in t intervals at    o say? One day oms i in life, driven bad crusrating itself into tious resistao misfortuies of o ening apas of an easy prosperous om    apt to be dimmed by mists of feeling or imagination. Poor Mrs tulliver, it seemed, y: s among tle ions, all t little cares about reasures ury, since s purgs, cy life.    ion by ing parison of t . It eous to see tout ting tal restlessness    ty er il Maggie, being alarmed about elling    vexed tom t sting doing    amidst ty, toucrait of ing maternity, otle     soiling to te peevistempted to relieve e-brus it alone, my dear, your    as s your moto do t - I t do till brusend Maggies o, in spite of its refusal to curl, no     cter if se different; yet t, so bruised in its small personal desires, found a future to rest on in t o save t hem.

        But tant presence of ful be o Maggie t of ive depression. As long as t seemed as if    alrong tide of pitying love almost as an inspiration, a ne    difficult life easy for    noead of caciturn ration of purpose in strange trast    unicativeness and , and ted from day to day and from o ening    is someto youtures - ted in disappoi and distent, to    t to take no notice of it, and it    of a imes? ticity. `It o do it. And t never part are apt to create impatience even in tion t streams fort tenderness and pity in time of more obvious affli.

        Mr tulliver lingered noions to stay and c, as in old times, in t be reciled : ttitude in s bruises; and in all beoed an allusion to tances. Even to ride round to t so black to    days on ors ion from o save someto of tors    tos; and uure, t profuse man o be stinted or to stint any one else in amorpo tulliver could not eise enougo satisfy    not    quality. tom, trongly repelled by ered to    paying tors and t    quarters money, , and gave it to o put into tin box ore of sns in tin box seemed to be t t broug beam of pleasure into t and tra, for it    t time . A defiore ting i seemed a deep pit to fill y soms probable savings o be added. On t tire unity of feeling in t round ticks ulliver carried tegrity of t up to t to ,    of moral pillory: it o o `do t trieve ion t if tors o    sion t    rigtle t Mr tulliver so peremptorily refused to receive anyt from Mr and Mrs Moss: but to all s of o t of denying    indulgenere flavour: o smuggle into tc ter supper tom.

        tions about debt, ullivers, may pere a smile on to self    any trouble of ours - t t my tradesman is out of pocket by me is to be looked at tainty t somebody elses tradesman is in pocket by somebody else, and si be bad debts in t is mere egoism not to like t icular sead of our felloizens. I am telling tory of very simple people, s as to personal iy and honour.

        Under all tration of desire, Mr tulliver retaiole    suffice to cill t t spring of fatterness, like everyt nig o get a loool and sit by    it. roke     er o tle caresses, eitom - tracted in t intervals erly preoccupied    t ting up into a    of    Gritty    o make urn in tle o a narroinued misfortu to bee a perpetually repeated round of sad and bitter ts: t t t to a recurrent series of movements.

        tors. Uncles and aunts paid only s visits no stay to meals, and traint caused by Mr tullivers savage silence, o ted room alking, eness of ts on all sides, and teo make tances - to get a furniture,    anyto offer you,    as anybody, present an embarrassiion of reasons for s on    t distant day, tion in tian society of t o a sectarian e he sacred fire.