首页the more the merrier电影CHAPTER 2


        Mr tulliver of Dorlill, Declares ion about tom

        ` I , you knoulliver, `, is to give tom a good eddication: an eddication asll be a bread to    ice for o leave t Ladyday. I mean to put o a do t to make a miller and farmer of    more sc: all t o bire end and t at t I som to be a bit of sc be up to tricks otalk fine and e s and arbitrations and t make a do a sort o engineer, or a surveyor, or an aueer and vallyer, like Riley, or oiss and no outlay, only for a big cool. tty nig far off being even    looks a ulliver o o t is since fan-s be so near ing in again. At t time, y, t St Oggs and sidered s things.)

        `ell, Mr tulliver, you kno: Ive no objes. But    I better kill a couple o foo dinner    er Glegg and Sister Pullet    to say about it? ts killing!

        `You may kill every fo I s nor uncle o do ulliver, defiantly.

        `Dear , said Mrs tulliver, s toric, `alk so, Mr tulliver? But its your o speak disrespectful o my family, and Sister Glegg t as t    lucky for my co s and uncles as    live indepe. oms to go to a nery bit, bless int    t as mucuals as most, thank God.

        `ell,    send    o reac, if ot in, said Mr tulliver. `But you mustnt put a spoke i t t get a scs t I o find ick i t step over it. Youd    me not to    a mole on his face.

        `Dear ! said Mrs tulliver, in mild surprise, `o a man, because    a mole on    I t remember your iver    to ulliver. t a mole on    died o tion, as urnbull for attending     o sig o kno, Mr tulliver?

        `No, no, Bessy; I didnt mean justly t it to stand for summat else; but niver mind - its puzzling alking is.    Im to find t sort o sco send tom to, for I migaen in again, as Ive been o do o, it s be a Cademy. It sime i summat else besides blag tting up tatoes. Its an unon puzzling to know w sco pick.

        Mr tulliver paused a minute or to s as if o find some suggestion tly    disappointed, for ly said, `I knoalk it over    arbitrate about the dam.

        `ell, Mr tulliver, Ive put ts out for t bed, and Kezias got em    t t ss, but to sleep in, be    s, I s buying em, only to lay us out in. An if you o die to-morroulliver, tiful, an all ready, an smell o lavender as it ud be a pleasure to lay em out. An t t-, at t as I srust anybody to look em out but myself.

        As Mrs tulliver uttered t sentence s bund si one, rubbing     tulliver ible man in ions,     s to aid ion in anticipating t e to justify tion of t s.    so: ible in respect of    to er-po listening very closely, and, since ion of Mr Riley, ly occupied in a tactile examination of ogs.

        `I t it, Bessy, er a s silence. `Rileys as likely a man as any to knoo all sorts o places, arbitratin and vallyin and t. And o talk it over to-morroom to be suan as Riley, you knoalk pretty    for    o    mean muc lay oo.

        `ell, said Mrs tulliver, `so far as talking proper and knoting    mind t up to t. But talking men from toly -fronts; till its all a mess, and t oms to go and live at Mudport, like Riley, co turn in, an niver get a fres, ansleep up tairs - or four, for    to deats down.

        `No, no, said Mr tulliver, `Ive no ts of o Mudport: I mean o set up    St Oggs close by us, an live at , tinued Mr tulliver after a pause, ` afraid on is, as tom    got t sort o brians for a smart fello    sloer your family, Bessy.

        `Yes, t ulliver, accepting t propositioirely on its os, ` in    hers before him.

        `It seems a bit of a pity, tulliver, `as take after tead o ttle    ont ly calkilate . ttle un takes after my side, noe as tom. too cute for a inued Mr tulliver, turning    on one side and ts no misctle un, but an over cute ter nor a long-tailed sc.

        `Yes, it is a misctle un, Mr tulliver, for it all runs to naugo keep    me i mind, tinued Mrs tulliver, rising and going to t knoty ime. A so - er, like a umble in same day.

        Mrs tulliver rapped ted more turo her chair.

        `You talk o ess, Mr tulliver, s do Im sure t i some tairs to fetcs    o ur, all ting for airs. t niver run i my family, tter. I dont like to fly i t it seems    one gell, an her so ical.

        `Pooulliver, `sraigo see. I dont knohe parson.

        `But    curl all I    do    and s    put i paper, an Ive suake and and    pinchirons.

        `Cut it off - cut if off s, said ther, rashly.

        `alk so, Mr tulliver? Soo big a gell, gone nine, and tall of o    s; an t a ro seems er Deane s pretty cakes more after me nor my oone of fulness, as take of nature eelling you to keep aer? Youll tumble in and be dro do as motold you.

        Maggies , painfully firmed ion: Mrs tulliver, desirio    cut too s in front to be pus raiger it aken out of paper, Maggie ly tossing o keep t of ion ony.

        `O dear, O dear, Maggie, o t doake it upstairs, t your    your otctle lady.

        `O motly cross tone, `I dont    to do my patchwork.

        `, not your pretty patake a terpane for your aunt Glegg?

        `Its foolisoss of earing to pieces to seoget    to do anyt Glegg - I dont like her.

        Exit Maggie, dragging    by tring, wulliver laughs audibly.

        `I    you, as youll laug ulliver, said tic fretfulness in one. `You ence iness. An s s me spoils her.

        Mrs tulliver empered person - never cried ted, in s, ty and amiability. But milk and mildness are not t turn only a little sour toma upid expressioy undisturbed rong- a little too old to do    clot o feeble remonstrance, getting more and more peevis became more and more iual.