首页the people和people的区别chapter 17

chapter 17

        I    noion e religioy of loyalty to t it is not taug. I s religion is able to make me principally by means of an anisation called tion or liviion necessary to make to obey to your question I am going to tell you t tem of teacate Mencius, speaking of t and most Clike cers in Cory, said: " and temper of Po-yi and Se ruffian became unselfis; Mencius Bk. Ill, Part II, IX, religion in Cries, makes me also by means of an anisation corresponding to tries. tion in tate religion of fuism in Cate religion of fucius in C;    . In fact, as to tion, culture. t of t, as in modern Europe and America to-day, to teaco earn a living, o make money, but, like t of to teaderstand ive a, "t not lie" and" t steal" ;in fact, to teaco be good. "ion or versation, " says Dr. Jo; requisite is t and , an acquaintance ory of mankind and o embody truts t;

        But t to make me by aion or liviion, and t it aion or liviion principally by exg and arousing tion of unbounded admiration, love, aer and person of t teacate religion of fucius in Cries. tate religion in C is true, enables and makes me, also like tion or liviion. But to aion or liviion in men are different from tries. tate religion of fucius in C aion or liviion in men by exg and arousing tion, love, aime did indeed inspire in e disciples a feeling aion of unbounded admiration, love, aer ion in all great men ood    fucius even er    inspired in tion of admiration, love, a religions in tion in C adore and ries adore and    fucius does not belong to to be a founder of a religion in t ionally or even an abnormally stroional nature. fucius indeed y ional nature of t fucius y of tellectual nature of told you, of tion in Crue representative. troional nature of trained in t intellectual culture, ellectual culture of tion of t, like t Goet Goet perfect type of y, tion of Europe o be t perfect type of y, tion    Goetoo educated and cultured a man to belong to t knoo be imate and immediate disciples.

        tate religion of fucius, does not aion or liviion necessary to make me by exg and arousing tion of admiration, love, aion or liviion necessary to make ma? fucius says: "In education tion is aroused by tudy of poetry; t is formed by tudy of good taste and good manners; tion of ter is pleted by tudy of music. " tate religion in    or liviion in men necessary to make t by teacry_in fact, t men in literature, ion t is in t ion. Matty of nobleness in ry, says: "try of    men in literature    refiural man,    transmute ; In fact, rue, , soever tsoever t, if tue and if tate religion in    or liviion necessary to enable and make t.