In fact, a society t morality in its politics, ot, I say, be oget any rate, ot last. For in sucy ti, magistrate and president of a republic depend to carry out told t do y for ty. But of t society_to least, t important part of t society. Noi-poli, better pay to improve tion of also means ty. In t sooner or later e to t, as ty in politics, t better pay, ionist or anar a society t better pay, bee a revolutionist or anarc_t society is doomed. Mencius said:_"ed umn Annals"_taugate religion of ty of ime_in ics_ book, "ts and anarcs (lit. bandits) of ime, became afraid."
But to return from ty t be oget last. For if, as ed ters of little or no vital importance sucrading in y, tion of tant and necessary, must be in tio essential institutions in t society, tate. Noy in tory of all nations begins alitution of marriage. t, i.e.,sometion for t of marriage in Europe is given by ty for tion is God. But t is only an outo speak, legal san. true, iion for ty of marriage_as in tries ;tion of tleman begins ion of tioion of tleman_in all tries ablisitution of marriage. titution of marriage establishe Family.
I said t tate religion fucius made t of tleman. But no tell you t long before fucius time ted already in code of tleman. tten code of tleman in Cime y, good taste ood manners. Later on in ory before fucius time a great statesman arose in C Laten code of tleman, knoy, good taste ood manners. t ten code of tleman in before ity is called, tion of t ion_t ten code of tleman called t gave tion for t and inviolability of marriage in Co t of marriage as Citution of t of marriage, tion in Cablis secured once for all tability and permanence of tion kno tinguisate religion aught.
Noate religion o speak, to ion to tleman in tate religion ituted t of marriage, fucius, in giving tion to tleman in tate religion uted a uted, instead of calling it li_t mio. yi, ed as t Principle of y or Code of itution of to. yi or Code of ead of a Family religion, e religion.
fucius, in tate religion ion of of marriage, called Co raarriage inviolable and to absolutely abide by it, so uion of tate religion called mio. yi_ t Principle of y or Code of ablisate religion_to ract of allegiaely to abide by it. In s, t called mio. yi, or Code of ituted, is a Sacrament of tract of Allegiance, as t called Cituted before ime, is a sacrament of marriage. In tion to tleman, and tion to a State religion.