首页the people是第三人称chapter 16

chapter 16

        e ion, tion t is in religion. But tion or liviion in religion is found not only in religion_I mean    or liviion is knoo everyone ions of self-i or fear. In fact, tion or liviion t is in religion is found in every a of men ed by tive of self-i or fear, but by ty and ion or liviion in religion, I say, is found not only in religion. But t t y of ps , tion or liviion    easy for men to obey t tion or liviion in t ion again is found not only in religion. All t men in literature, especially poets, ion or liviion t is in religion. tance, ed, ion or liviion. But t men in literature, unfortunately, ot rea in literature speak ted men, and. t religions in tage, t tly uneducated men, and, speaking ted men,    make tand t religions in t it    vey tion or liviion ains even to to uand ion or liviion came intion, into all t religions of t us find out o the world.

        Nions in tionally or even abnormally stroional nature. troional nature made teion of love or ion, ense feeling or emotion of love or ion eo see ice ion of te essence of justiabled to see ty of t and ionally stroional nature, tion, o tural almigy of moral laion, t tense feeling or emotion of love or ion, ion or liviion t is in religion came intion; tion t lig ion and supplies tion or motive p. But no only t it ion or liviion in its rules of moral duct    easy for men to obey t religions in t tion for aing, and kindling tion or liviion in men necessary to make t. tion in all t religions of the Church.

        to teac t is a great mistake. It is t mistake of tian Cimes e Mr.J.A. Froude feel disgusted ian y a eries of tolic successioc., but never o I    recolle on y, on tive as, t not lie and t not steal. " But to Mr. Froude, I t tian C to teacy. tablis of t is to make men moral, to make me suc; t not lie" and "t not steal." But tion, true fun of t religions of t to teacy, but to teac a dead square rule suot lie" and" t not steal," but an inspiration, a liviion to make merue fun of t to teacy, but to inspire morality, to inspire men to be moral; in fact, to inspire and fire men ion ion, as I said, for aion or liviion in men necessary to make t. But ion in men?

        Nions of t only gave an inspiration or liviion to t e disciples ion of unbounded admiration, love, aer.    teace disciples, in order to keep up tion of unbounded admiration, love, a for teac, as    religions of tion or liviion in men necessary to make t, by keeping up, exg and arousing, tion of unbounded admiration, love, aer of t teace disciples inally felt. Men rig only t trust; but a trust in ead in ity tor. If you ask a stious Mo, ly ans    because . If you ask a stious        because . t, in fact tion, as I said of unbounded admiration, love, aeac is tion of to keep up, excite and arouse in men_is tion, t religions of to make men, to make t.