In fact, to say ty of t t t. All primitive people also live a life of t. tian people of medieval Europe, as . Matt;try of medieval ity lived by t and imagination." But ty of t to say , ionality
ian people of medieval Europe or in any otive people. In oty of t for a people, ion of adult reason, t able to to live t.
Instead, t ted development, one ougo say t t ty of t t of perpetual youth.
Noion reason of a c t of a c, t of perpetual yout of national immortality. No of tional immortality in t in t o type of y_to tleness is t I called sympatic or true elligerue elligence, I said, is t of a bination of tellige is a oget and it is a elleo of t of perpetual yout of national immortality, t of tality is tellect.
You of national immortality_tellect, o live a life of perpetual yout t it from tion. No expect me to give you a lecture on e at my disposal. But I ry to tell you sometion of discussion.
Let me first of all tell you t t seems to me, one great fual differeion and tion of modern Europ. me quote an admirable saying of a famous living art critic, Mr. Bernard Berenson. paring European al art, Mr. Berenson says:_"Our European art al tendency to bee sd tlefield for divided is. " No to say of tion is t it is, as Mr. Berenson says of European art, a battlefield for divided is; a tinuous erests of sd art on t a terrible battlefield ellee into stant flict. In tion, at least for t , years, t. t, I say, is t fual differeion and t of modern Europe.
In ot I to say, is t in modern Europe, tisfies t, but not tisfies t not t. No us look at C t is certainly true t in C take seriously tion. I mean religion in temples, rites and ceremonies of taoism and Budds of recreation tion; toucise, so to speak, of t, to tion to t or soul. But instead of saying t t is per to say t t _do not feel the need ion.
Noion of traordinary fact t tion in C feel t is t K. Douglas, Professor of Cy, in udy of fuism, says:_"Upy geions of Cely subjected to ta of one man. Being a Ceaced to ture of taugly pid. unspeculative, naturally rebels against tigating matters beyond its experiences. iture life still unater-of-fact system of morality, suunciated by fucius, for all ts of t;
t l_amed Englis, feel teac ogets t t feel tid unspeculative. In t place religion is not a matter of speculatiion is a matter of feeling, of emotion; it is someto do is called tid unspeculative, t must be admitted, is a ype of man t feel take for he place ion.