首页the people四川话INTRODUCTION




        Sage, t recrugen,

        Sci, sigescrogenen ;

        Seid nur redli zum Menschli an.


        t    t moment is abs all ttention of t tself must make serious turion to t problem of civilisation. All civilisation begins by t of Nature, i.e. by subduing and trolling terrific pure so t to men. tion of Europe to-day    of Nature    must be admitted, o not attained by any otion. But terrible even terrific pure and t is t of man. ture    do to mankind, is notil terrible force,_ted and trolled, t is evident, not only no civilisation, but even no life possible for human beings.

        In t early and rude stage of society, mankind o use

        _ Arent    doing t t befool them;

        See, now, less! and look now less and wild all sons of Adam are whem;

        Be but    and true, and them all.

        po subdue and subjugate o be subjugated by s as civilisation advances, mankind discovers a force more potent and more effective for subduing and trolling    ive in subduing and trolling tion of Europe, is ity. But no preg it, seems to s ity ive as a moral force. it an effective moral force to trol arain o employ po keep civil order. As Car-lyle truly says, " Europe is Anarcable. " to maintain civil order leads to militarism. In fact militarism is necessary in Europe to-day because of t of an effective moral force. But militarism leads to ru aarism, anarcroy tion, but if tarism, tion e aru of    Englis termio put doarism and Lord Kitc o stamp out Prussian militarism    t seems to me amped out, tarism, _tisarism amped out. to be no    of this vicious circle.

        But is t;I    easily see tcy of t    ain, as God livet does need anotice alone    effect a    revolution." No to put doarism, t and t is, to use    does not need anotice, _in fact, moral force, itive moral force, militarism self. But no ity ive as a moral force to find tive moral force warism unnecessary?

        I believe tion. tion izens people o me, "t; It is true t, siime of fucius ,years ago, o-day. In C,    live in stant expectation of    tolerable in tate of Europe, it seems to me, is not so muc t every body is stantly afraid t s strong enougo be able to do it, o rob and murder o arm o protect     tant y to arm te nec-cessity to use po protect themselves.