首页the people四川话chapter 7

chapter 7

        trutter is, _t feel tem of py and civilisation    fuism is not a religion. It is perfectly true t fuism is not a religion in t tness of fuism lies even in t it is not a religion. In fact, tness of fuism is t,    being a religion, it    take t    make men dion.

        Noo uand ake t try and find out t seems to me, feel t t and of p us take sce, I mean p is take up tudy of sce? Most people no men do so, because t to    tive o pursue its study is not because t tressive Cake up tudy of sce, because t rail sce. true men of s Europe in t y of building rail t all of railrue men of s Europe and    of sce,    in tanding tery of t t and po t and future as _ not like animals anding tery of til men uand someture, lay and uainty of everyt, as an Englis says, tery of t sce, art and p t religion, to lig;tery, ....

        t of All telligible ;

        Art and poetry eist and poet to see beauty and order in t ligery. ts like Goet;, ; do not feel to see met ligery. t;for    ;tellectual life is a transport, as for t transport," do not feel tly, sce also eifi to see la ligery. tifi like Darhe need ion.

        But for t poets, artists, p to t from tening forces of Nature and t is it t    lighe

        "burden of tery of all telligible ; It is religion. But en for tery? Religion, I say, ligy and a sense of permanence. In presence of tening forces of Nature and tery and terror y ; and t refuge is a belief in some supernatural Being or beings rol over ten tant cude and transition of tery and uainty    refuge is ture life. In tens for t poets, artists, pifi, tery of all telligible y and a sense of permanen tence. C said: " Peace I give unto you, peace ake a; t is o ty and a sense of permao ty and of permanence whe need ion.

        But I said fuism,    being a religion    take t be someto ty and permanence    y and sense of perma religion gives.

        I en been asked to say ell you of many t, as to-day I    time, I o tell you of one principal and most important tion_ter ages and    someto ty and sense of permanence    ask you to alloo go a little more into detail about fucius and w he did.