首页the people四川话chapter 20

chapter 20

        Nay, even if you o taff, et to-date modem g yelloinsel gold around o sion    and far modern g arue civilisation. For tion is tion, of tate of civilisation in t nation.

        But noo e to our question : ially tant difference of    it is not an ideal merely for ure in one s room; nor an ideal for a man to spend o s tten cer for a crue feminine ideal, _the feminine

        ideal of all people rue, not tinsel civilisation, suc Greeks and tially true feminine ideal is alelaine .

        But noo go more into details. t is    times, is summed up in tues.    ion; tly,    extraordinary talents or intelligence, but modesty, city, stancy, orderliness, blameless dud perfect manners. omanly versation means not eloquence or brilliant talk, but refined co use coarse or violent language, to knoop speaking. omanly appearance means not beauty or prettiness of face, but personal liness and faultlessness in dress and attire. Lastly,    any special skill or ability, but assiduous attention to to e time in laugco prepare    and ials in t of a ;Lessons for omen", ten by tsao ta Ku or Lady tsao, sister of t orian Pan Ku of ty.

        t do t;live tors?" t is to say,    to live for y; not to be a reformer or to be president of

        tural feet Society; not to live even as a saint or to do good to to live as a good daugher.

        A fn lady friend of mine once e and asked me rue t old     rue o self" in to say a fe subject, _a subject , but, I am afraid almost impossible for people ion to uand, viz. age in C of age, I am afraid, is not only a difficult, but also a dangerous subject to discuss in public. But, as t says.

        to tread,

        I ry my best o explain w su as people generally imagine.

        t t to say on t of age is t it is t only possible, but also no immoral. But, before I go furt me tell you    age in C mean o    e-kaki, a o say, a rack    your ired. No an ideal for a man to spend o live absolutely, selflessly for o enable o get o fit    to    as a good o . In fact it is ty, ty of self sacrifice wo have handmaids or es.

        But people o me, " t; to t toils and moils to support leman,    only to    to ry, and, in doing t ime even to give    also make sacrifice? tory decree ; knoil t a life of sacrifice t; A, let me say est book o itude of , of course, for modern men like Messrs. J. P. Bland and Back as somety, because tion of suasty, vile and    t is    I    to say    true man_from to true o live selflessly for to provide for, to protect at all costs taken into o people y of age in e the ese

        mandarin    and, after amusing , t of treet t m. t    least provides a enance of t, if t tor car is not only selfis a co;true soldier is verily not to be able to slay, but to be    all times to be slain. " In true o love arue to    to live absolutely, selflessly for , tleleman in Cil fners e to uand t;Religion of Loyalty and t; of tand the real ese woman.

        But people o me, " about love?    a man o ; to t? For test t a    t     and caressi    only to protect    also not to     to     a stra    t     is s t: it is te Selflessness in the woman in a

        o feel     is ts to take a e    ing t me point out, a gentleman, _a real gentleman in Cakes a e    t of leo give . I ko take a e, but because to give , desisted. I kno to exact to take a e, but t , not only boug actually forced o take to t, te for t tead, t    truly love take es, one s is because truly loves    y of taking es    fear of    privilege and liberty. ty, times and even_en abused. But still I say te for to take a e, is t add act _t good taste in tleman. I    turning to a fig or , it is tact, _t good taste in the real ese

        gentleman    to feel , o sum up, _it is te selflessness of tleact,_t good taste of a real Cleman,    also not immoral.. fucius said, "tleman takes its rise from tio;