首页the people四川话chapter 37

chapter 37

        Last of all, let us examis noo t, tas of Liberty and stitutions of Europe, ts_tual Statesmen and Ministers in d duct of public affairs in a try noo carry out to do ry tell to do. t ts, _tatesmen and Ministers in t of tries in Europe today, alking mac mere puppets as in a Marioes ss    any s,     any    be said t ts, _tatesmen and Ministers nories are responsible for this war?

        I curious t seems to me, in t of all tries today is t every one , _ruler, soldier as    or Statesman and Minister, is not alloo    alloo o do y and good of tion, but every plain man and ; Patriotic times, "

        Bobus of cime, sausage maker and jam manufacturer, but nory; in fact, to tell tual ruler, soldier and diplomat o do for ty of tion. to tter, t it is tc    to point out ed t monstrous modern Macarism in Europe, and it rous Ma this war.

        But no _s of Europe so coed in favour of t plain men and y and support to tual rulers, soldiers and diplomats of try, aken t ts. take t, because Joell t to ty of plain men and aug ture of Man is evil; t every man,    every man as soon as s strong enougo be able to do it, o    to rob and murder , I    to say o get to o force tual rulers, soldiers and diplomats of Europe to create trous modern ma terrible ry, when in a crowd, are always selfish and cowardly.

        to t of tter, you    it is not ts, not even Jo it is really t plain men and e and say: e plain men and     t ted ted t broug ook possession of tries    t monstrous modem maco create, began to move. In s, it ing itself to and seizing and paralysing ts of tries no    on terrible    , as Professor Dison says, ts, o tastrop it    t moment, ts of Europe into tastropic uation no to say , pitiful, pitiable ual rulers, soldiers and diplomats of tries no    t moment.

        It is evident t I    if to be pea Europe    to be done is not, as Professor Dison says, t or call in, but to remove and keep out to panic o be pea Europe, t to be do seems to me, is to protect ts from to protect t, not to speak of ture, if t actual situation noo be saved, to do it, it seems to me, is first to rescue ts of tries nic uation no    everybody s peace, but nobody o make peace. I say t to be done is to rescue ts from t o find some means to give to find a o make peace. t, I t is for tries no o tear up t stitutions and Magna Cas of Liberty, and make a ney_suship here in a.