

        ttle ullagomed to pray, or bend over many s, er    togettle er, Brotrick, Brottern, Brotoo young to    battle, sat about to lay in ting in a large book, and one so    t lay t ender years t fire o leap and flicker. One of t or nine years, called Olioll, lay upon , and cars appearing and disappearing in t of turned presently to te in ty o teaco ars fasteo see so mu tupidest of alline sp tened, on t Mercury, on t Venus, on t Mars, on t Jupiter, on t Saturn; tars; and on tears; but tan whe beginning.

        is beyond t? said t; there is God.

        And trayed to t ruby    of ter put a great ruby on the box?

        the love of God.

        he love of God?

        Because it is red, like fire, and fire burns up everythere is God.

        to silence, but presently sat up and said, tside.

        No, replied t is only t in time.

        t ter drives tains. to a fold last nig careful thing.

        No, it is tstep of a man, for it is    I    steps of the wolves also.

        imes, but    loudness.

        I will go and open, for    be very cold.

        Do not open, for it may be a man?wolf, and he may devour us all.

        But t, and all t of ttle pale, turohe slowly?opening door.

        be a man?ted    fell over o , and dropping from tattered cloak t but o face atic eyes. Standing some    ed at last upon t Malat, O blessed abbot, let me e to t I may not die of tains, and ayrdom.

        e to t, and    t is sad i any for w has died should be as poor as you.

        t over took a aer. o dry a little and o she cold, he spoke again.

        O blessed abbot, y on ty on a beggar o do, t t of Gods poor.

        toget    o, and at first to little purpose, for t    found its labourer in t busy unity; but at last one remembered t Brot o turn t quern in too stupid for anytting old for so    to the morrow.

        to summer, and t turned    gloom, too,    y, for Olioll, ea and told to knoer on t into a lotle boys ears, and upidity, born of a mind t en to every    day    of sc first Brot to o took it freat proof of t , o t traffig co follocold    to t, rut day,    and te s upon took t by t and said, test of saints and of t noupidity tle marks in t    imes. I self at a sloping place, and uood by tears in    upidity oo old and oo neo save error of t to t timid in t    side s,    turo told o learn, and began to cry, and t beside ed il    t do;O t beyond tars, s t kno from t t;; and t broke out of t tirred a little in my urned and sa;O Brot y moved me"; but I    stop running until I came alking toget    it     anot it ill in t t it o quarreling as mig gentle unity, for eac a saint for ive provi last t said,    you    Easter I ing from all, and eac    of to live in ts. ten years ago    trid    into t t    labour only o t t many to    a little pride g to a soul from rue t ains aing t us go to    last, after long seeking,    is God; and bid rodden.

        te s along ten pates s, udded ones, in t of t doo pray, aing t    to the unknown darkness, as his way was.