e lost our back. trackers and dogs arrived first, poking about t s came to take pograpprints left in t. A er e, filming ter and rod pato ted every discarded possession and carted t ter, anotting a srees to collapse tunnels, dig turning til top ran e clay. t t summer, not asons of a ferees.
Sucru did not temper to return sleep ttern of stars and sky framed by branc-sound¡ªa s scrabbling turbed my rest, and in too, training beo relieve ts. Smaolacimes eacricate clessness lessness. Kno still, as if ore our lives. y set in. e ime and again to he bones.
op of tall oaks or scattered in pockets along tness and campsite ed si Frencraders, ribes at tral territory. ed a food.
e o early autumn. t difficult and unsafe, so s togetoo far from to danger. Ragno and Zanzara ted by a surveyor oo fast. Dump trucks brougo li road carved from to our old clearing. e ten o dra driver may be tween humb and finger.
On tru site tes resting on t seat of ay truck. Quiet as a mouse, tered over, and as o steal t trikes as to a nearby out open, and tugging up rousers, srespasser. led over to truck, searc i , Luc resist any longer and struck a matcer t drag, o duck gun again, long after my friend o t of t.
After ts, B¨¦ka clamped do alloo travel alone, nor could . ricted any forays into to of fear of dete. By day, taccato of o illness invaded. I loo run ao ts f privacy. I missed my books and papers, and my materials ion book, a dra, a ters. Numbed, I iime passed unrecorded. In a did at all.
to gatoget, and after mucrial and error, o capture a brace of grouse, ying t large fire of to roast our meal and providing fort on a cool nig, signs of anxious ired eyes, but talizing. As t dotled upon us, like a bla drahers.
iping to summon our attention. td marroopped at once. "e for a long, long time. It o lose t boy, but ill place." e imes before, but Onions, e, played to his Lear.
"But t; she asked.
"S. t; Kivi said, joining t;But ."
"t about t under asp. t stop looking for us until tes, oads and terrapins. O unusual to see a man s drying by and cake it all a;
ttered and crackled . e o our ne accept t paying attention, but dra ick.
"You tter t; B¨¦ka yelled doo ;You knoo do, and o keep us alive?"
Smaolato th.
"I am t," B¨¦ka tinued. "By rig accept anyone cy."
Speck raised ;Nobody questions t;
tinuing to make ly as to almost not be all. "I am merely sion, as I estimate it from time traveled and by calculating tars in t to be our leader, and to tell us ;
it, B¨¦ka took Onions by to t remember ever seeing a map before. Curious as to ed, I leaned for oood for er o make of tly straig crossed the sand?
"t"¡ªSmaolaced to t side of t;ts knoo t is ty. And I only guess t ty is is out. tion is: Do o t ourselves off from to; ed ick to t of squares.
"If o cross t;
"tell t," C;to Oscar Love."
Luative. "But kno anoto;
"e o be er," I volunteered, and put my finger on the wavy lines.
"But not in ter," Speck argued. "I say nort, stick to till it bends up." Sook tick from o th.
" bends?" Chavisory asked.
"Ive been t far."
e looked at Speck ared back, defying anyones c;t aember some years, but ern."
t;I vote for t from to to;
", you kno; said Lug a?d ty pouc. "e os tell B¨¦ka to stay by t;
a fio o ter time, in a menerous mood, but Speck, for one, never ience. S and roused him from his slumber.
" do you no; o leaderstempted to appear bigger trying to imply a t by rising to .
"e are tired of t; said Speck.
"Of never wo nig; said Chavisory.
Luc;I man nearly s off my ;
B¨¦ka raked o pace before us, teps to t, pivot, teps to t. opped and folded to ion, but listen to suc refusals. A breeze rattled trees.
Smaolacepped up to ;First of all, nobody respects and admires your leaders us from of darkness, but ter nearby and a o civilization. e decided¡ª"
B¨¦ka struck like a snake, c of tence. rapping , il my friend dropped to ;I decide. You decide to listen and follos all."
aolac ill standing, B¨¦ka pointed a fio t;I ; liking Onions by trode off into t. I looked to Speck for reassurance, but spot, as if so her memory.