

        ter    and pressing s face to tered and sried to pull ao fall ing on trument pa turned o Lee and put out a    Lee .

        true and living ered weakly and called in a wild    she was dying.

        t t ill alive.    ttle.    not alive;    to everything.

        And Lee sat and cly into a scarp of tains t rose up before them.

        t c rear up in t     t in    noto stop it, and at t of impact ;er!"

        And woke.

        ent, safe, and er nibbled ing. tting cross-legged, but a s t t was a bad place, full of ing pasms.

        t by    ant flicker picked out tree trunks and t once     o the hillside.

        "Damn, Lee, youre tcs tter ; er grumbled, and flicked her long ears.

        "Aint you dreaming too, er?" tered.

        "You aint dreaming, Lee, youre seeing. If Ida kno out, you ;

        humb, and she shook her ears.

        And    test transition ing in tor to be in ted Lee    and strange pleasure. too urbulent updrafts above t, and Lee looked around t occasionally glared t i h silver.

        ttered a    voices too-ingale. Sayan Kotor ,    ing asleep; ttering upumbling air.

        And Lee felt ure o tever    felt tra of pleasures: t of    eager obedieo a stronger po    of ty flock, a    species all turning as one in tic    teful dark regularity of a zeppelin.

        tly    do. And treamed toest reac first, but none so sly as Sayan Kotor; tiny s,     t-e t uring it to gain a hold.

        to it and daso pieces by t of t came    seized on to til t only t (noing iny claoo, and truts and cables—every square inco it.

        t    began to sink fart of t and of course quite invisible to t random.

        At t moment Sayan Kotor screamed, and a ts droook off and fle into flames.

        Fire, , flames ... Lee woke up again,    as if    sun.

        Outside tent till t leaves on t torm or been percside.

        t from ter    birdsong. No engines in t it migo liger a struggle    it going and brewed some coffee.

        " no; he said.

        "Depends. troyed t;

        "I mean, y?"

        S;Dont remember no tract."

        "It aint a tractual ts a moral t;

        "e got one more zeppelin to t before you start fretting about morals, Lee. ty, forty men s more. Survival first, morals later."

        S, of course, and as    gradually grer,     for full daylig, and fly o s t over a wide area, so he could see when Lee and Grumman broke cover.

        tor aretg. er looked up and turned , looking at ty daemon urn, and a moment later t of tent.

        "Busy nig; Lee remarked.

        "A busy day to e. e must leave t at once, Mr. Scoresby. to burn it."

        Lee looked around incredulously at tation and said, ";

        "t t a kind of napases oucer. t to use in t is saturated, it c;

        "You    see t,    you?"

        "As clearly as you sa. Pack    to carry, and e a;

        Lee rubbed    valuable t portable—namely, truments from trieved t, sto t, tangled and ted among t no more, unless by some miracle o buy anoto move like an i along th.

        ting it inland. By time trees the fire, a deep and greedy roar.

        " t nig; said Lee. "t;

        "I guess t to catc; Grumman replied, stripping a brancs leaves so    as a ick, "and ting to see ;

        And sure enougs and rocks and fallerunks and stopping only to gator, flying o tell t    long before trees bereaming banner of flame.

        Creatures of t—squirrels, birds,    rose around travelers struggled on toree li noy feet into trees blazed like torc tc like napo blossom .

        Gasping, Lee and Grumman forced teep slope of rocks and scree.    s ed t soo far a o see through binoculars.

        tainside rose se out of trap t was a narrow defile ahe cuffs.

        Lee pointed, and Grumman said, "My ts exactly, Mr. Scoresby."

        ipped o t. t pause, climbing on as quickly as t Lee said, "Excuse me for asking ts imperti, but I never kne c youre no eto do, or did it e natural?"

        "For a urally," said Grumman. "e o learhing we do.

        Sayan Kotor is tellio a pass. If    t."

        ter preferred to find ones and moving as sly as ime for ttle gulch.

        Lee    Grumman, because thing hard.

        of ion Lee didnt    to face; but rao tually on the zeppelin.

        "t; he said.

        And it ence of deater stumbled, even surefooted, firm-ed er stumbled and faltered. Grumman leaned on tick o look back, auro look too.

        t, making for tly belo    teo capture t kill t of gunfire just tead, t brougo a    above t t point in tream of blue-uniformed men jumped doo climb.

        Lee and Grumman rao t, tion ; but they had only one rifle.

        "ter me, Mr. Scoresby," said Grumman, "not you. If you give me troops. Youll be a prisoner of ;

        Lee ig and said, "Git moving. Make t t you t going to sit bad let em catc;

        t aed. Grumman nodded.

        "I rengt t t; er of the gulch.

        "Just tell me before you go," said Lee, "because I    be easy till I knoell, and I dont greatly care. Just te Im a-going to do no going to    little girl Lyra, or ;

        "Its going to ; said Grumman.

        "And your oat fet o me?"

        "I    fet."

        "Because, Dr. Grumman, or Joever name you take up in    little cer. If Id    love    oatever remains of me    of eternity s ant t oat;

        "I uand. And you ;

        "ts all I o kno;

        t . turned and made    plaake and.

        "Not t; said er. "You t see to t from take t;

        t o do ion in t bel to rise again. It o do en    tle, in t, taking turns to be Danes and Frenco ook out t on ter en been a cougar or a tlesnake, but mostly a mogbird. No;Quit daydreaming and take a sig; s;t play, Lee."

        t and o capture t one man ime. Beo Lees surprise, till lab to rise. Maybe its buoyancy    eit    taken off yet, and it gave him an idea.

        ed ion and siger until    engine mounting plumb oer t as suddenly seized and died. to one side. Lee could    the airship was grounded now.

        ted and taken cover as    them, and he did:

        ty-five. y bullets.

        er crept up close to    shoulder.

        "Ill c; she said.

        Crouc along tle stone    for er y; s as plain and scra bro green. And no t landscape tal tumbled rocks, and beyond it a forest on fire.

        Not a blade of grass, not a speck of green to rest on.


        "talking," s;I     I t uand."

        "Russian," ;toget a run. t ."

        "Aim straig; she said.

        "I     like taking lives, er."

        "Ours or t;

        "No, its more t," ;Its t see    ed to t c."

        "t about to s," said er, and as sone fle from    s move a muscle.

        "ell, t makes me feel better about doing t; said Lee, and took careful aim.

        at, but    it. ithe man fell bad died.

        And t began. ite ting bullets, tainside and along te, and t came from ts ,    variations on t, until it seemed t the whole world was burning.

        Lees boulder ted, and    ts as t it. Once ers back ripple as t passed over it, but s budge.

        Nor did op firing.

        t first minute er it, in t came, Lee found t     were     red.

        er moved around to look.

        "Not; s;A bullet clipped your scalp."

        "Did you t er?"

        "No. too busy dug. Reload w;

        bad fort     from tiff.    on it carefully, and it loosened.

        to position, and even before    o t, ook a bullet.

        It felt like an explosion in    so    arm numb and useless. t deal of pain ing t on    it    raised t, and t t gave rengto focus ing again.

        e ago, and sigolid tration: one s... ts man.

        "; tered.

        "Good sing," so ;Dont stop. Over by t black boulder—"

        . the figure fell.

        "Damn, t; he said.

        "Makes no sense," s;Do it any;

        "Do you believe ;

        "Sure. Plumb a;

        Crack: anot out like a dle.

        t and found some more bullets. As    somet nearly failed;    ers face pressed to     ears.

        "Lee, t," she said.


        "told you to take    t rouble."

        "You t you told me? I took it because tc;

        finis found ime it smaso    leg, and before    poker laid along his skull.

        "Not long no; tered, trying to ill.


        Poor er, s crouse and c life.

        And iful gold-brown eyes were growing dull.

        "Still beautiful," ;Oer, yeac;

        "Sure s;

        "In my breast pocket. Fetc, er, I t move."

        It    sugged out ttle scarlet fl teet by     effort    in    and said, "Serafina Pekkala! ;

        A movement beloed, fired. t died.

        er was failing.

        "er, dont you go before I do," Lee whispered.

        "Lee, I couldnt abide to be anyw; she whispered back.

        "You tc;

        "Sure s;

        "e s of t;

        "Maybe so ..."

        Anotime t    deep someer of : It    find it ters my ter. And rai toil.

        "; er breathed.

        Lee found it o pull trigger. Everyto try times, and finally    it. tumbled ahe slope.

        Anots fear of    reading closer, and    leave ill ten him bare.

        "t," er muttered. ";

        And Lee sa.

        "I t s a man in t; Lee said.

        "So die    left, t;

        So ook aim    bullet at tself, still r and straining to rise s one engine, and t must , or maybe a burning brand from t beloed to t; for to an e fireball, and tal skeleton rose a little umbled doly, but full of a fiery death.

        And t of t dared e closer to t fell on them.

        Lee saer saying, "ts all of em, Lee."

        , "t o e to t;

        S;e . ere a-;

        ttle proud broken self against , and they died.