Yaes. Yaal and Democrats, says tacradicts est of all ideals. I just got to get a co e t to alloo serve, says tor. t is t;. ful one.
t is talk do not let t, so togety tion in Ma t t is not so. to my
room at time today. t like t cities. t to be rude and not attend to t . I do not uand, so I e it to you because I tand. I I ten of tter enoug. I am also.
It y-one days no time I you. t e to you soon I do not k sick. tonapoulos in er some time Singer sat up and reached for his pen.
t I ordered for you did not e in time for tmas box. I expect it sly. I believe you and be amused. I to make. At t is muc used to be. I found a cooked fly in my soup not long ago. It ables and tters. But t is not bear. Soon I ion is not due for six mont I t before then.
I to. I am not meant to be alone and you wand.
Alhe m before he was home again.
t s of stairs and did not stumble. ook from s t pen. tly over t. Almost as soon as s to his
he was asleep.
Out of terns lig of stoeps.
Antonapoulos k top of teps. it as t eps. take onapoulos and thing he held above him.
Be tae. t naked and ted crohe darkness.
ared fasated at t Antonapoulos erns so and fro in tionless. t. In teps collapsed and afraid.
Sucime somet o onapoulos did o kno at any cost—and immediately.
In t-office t m i a package mas t did not arrive in time. t on tall-ment plan to be paid for over a period of t ure mace use, Antonapoulos enjoyed.
Sio reacore t m. ten request for leave on Friday and Saturday. And alt he could go.
let anyone knorip before on
leaving acked a o for several days because of business. raveled at nigrain reaation just as ter dawn was breaking.
In ternoon, a little before time for ting out to ts of ture mac of fruit immediately to ted Antonapoulos before.
t as ood at t oonapoulos there.
Singer put do ttom of one of onapoulos? A nurse came into t uand. S out into to everyone . Nobody kne ioning last an interne in a . ternes elbo carefully and to a small room a desk before some papers. Shrough some files in a drawer.
tears of nervousness and fear sely to e on a pad of paper, and restrain ing around to see immediately ten about his friend.
Mr. Antonapoulos ransferred to tis. I will he way.
On topped to pick up t at t of fruit olen, but tact. er of t of grass to the infirmary.
Antonapoulos! t glaing propped dressing-gourquoise
ring. ouc temples ting. fingers first see his friend.
tood before surprise, and his jeweled hand.
A feeling of sraint suc doerpane. leave t startled icle of tfit, but imagined hey would look when all bined.
Antonapoulos han he had remembered.
t pulpy folds of te pillo o be a Singer h him.
Singer raised Ms imidly and began to speak. rong, skilled fingers sh loving precision.
ioned old memories, t t ore, t eaapoulos nodded graciously. s to and dark, and in ttle regled pictures of cimes. to his fad his hands quied.
lengtacer and faster. Antonapoulos nodded y.
Eagerly Singer leaned closer and tears.
tonapoulos made a sloo last omacuck out , pink tongue.
Singer lauger and his head hung
baapoulos rolled io laugously until rembled. ried to steady himself. his laughs came sloainfully like hiccoughs.
Antonapoulos to pose little feet ucked t ttom of temptuously at t. Singer eo put t, but Antonapoulos fro ture seemed one of beion rathanks.
turned gravely to his friend again.
As Sialked realize ime had passed.
Only onapoulos ray did it e. ts in turned on and outside t dark. tients rays of supper before t dos, otted) and ting listlessly.
Besides Antonapoulos they all seemed very sid colorless.
Most of t and tss slit doared at tes h wonder.
Antonapoulos lifted ted tables. to t in tion. te o point out ted to one man in t. t ed to a young boy and smiled and nodded and waved his plump hand.
Singer oo o feel embarrassment. o distraapoulos took off t t i all. urned back to his supper.
Singer e explaining about the movie.
Serne and t in a doctor. As ted t Siients and tedly. Only Antonapoulos disturbed.
Singer iced Dp t it could be ts. tor and took out trays and ts in turned off. A Mickey Mouse edy flashe s.
Singer c first Antonapoulos artled.
ter vierained ts calling out to ea. on a Popeye film. t t t tertai ed long enoug time. d ttled doer tonapoulos slyly cut o be certaihe mae was his.
Singer began to talk o leave, but ts ored in oo big to be said in a s time. alked ic e. In tat onapoulos day after day. Singer would h him joyfully.
tle brass cross t y string of told t, also, to e times became blurred and o shake his hands and
begin all over. Antonapoulos g motionless in , rics he seemed like some wise king from a legend.
terne in co stay for an ting time. t last and sts tled for sleep. Singers ered. ently into o do eaced for to fists.
During t January nigio treets of to old s e back from tain piece- e at anotate—and tales old t o disprove te as o be.
tion floiced, like t of people and of objects and of ideas and tion ler and tax on. beer. Especially ated on te. ance, did Singer go arain and, uand tion? And e ly as ted o be — ake? Singer sat at table times a day. e before cabbage and oysters. In ttling tumult of voices . little green soft butter beans and he
stacked t pile on ts.
Biff t also of deat occurred. One day le of Agua Florida t aking Lucile t of Alices etics. Meditatively tle of perfume in of her.
Biff uncorked ttle. ood sless before ts.
t made iffen. glanotionless. unned by t to because of ty, but because togete. Biff rubbed i oget be urned away.
tirely no acky and flossy and drab. togs and pink rayon knickers ring across to dry. ty, decked airs the slop jar.
All of traded tudio couc a beautiful cloto . it laid el tle boy i ed—spes of butterflies, a rare arrowudio ake deep
red curtains for t e. On table ttle Japanese pagoda s t tinkled range musical tones in a draught.
In t often tle of Agua Florida and toucopper to to s. tions. t grew in him.
Memories built t arcectural order. In a box aken before tting in a field of daisies.
Alice o tle boy o c t o copy times play t time iful clot cable. But all, strong y like a man. S. Even now imes dreamed of ayed on his finger always.
Along a bottle of lemon rinse Alice ried it oreaked . o guard against baldness and rinsed iularly. Certainw he had ridiculed in Alice were now his own. hy?
Every m Louis, tairs, brougo drink in bed. Often propped on t up and dressed. s t made on tation ween oes. he remembered.
til five in the m he worked
doairs. And all day Sunday. till at meal-times tances every day as ood guard beer.
do you stand and t all time? Jake Blount asked him. You look like a Jew in Germany.’
I am an eig Jeerdam. But all t of my folks t I kno ch-Irish.’
It omers lolled at tables and tobacd tle of neer.
Some men in a er boot dice, but t one.
you be going up to his m?’
Blounts face turned dark and sullen. imes and acted as t pretty sooalking.
You live a fine life. Just standing beer. Just standing h your hand open.’
Biff did not take offense. on s me and you alk.
is it you anyway?’
Blount smacked er. ty and rougtle packages of c butter in ts not , Biff said. But o it later.’
till drank like a crazy fis liquor did n did some men. ten red, and rick of looking back startled over of fello kids laug and dogs ed to bite. Yet when
it cut of ebody was laughing.
Biff sfully. e, ; makes you stick ster t. I could give you a part-time job here.’
Camig park myself be caso give me tock, and barrel.’
t ating. along h people.
talk sense, Biff said. Be serious.’
A er h his ched he made ge.
till quiet. Blount less. Biff felt ed to er and offered Blount a smoke. arily ion after anotime in ory you could era would you choose?’
Blount licked ague. If you o ciff and never asking anotion, wake?’
Sure e over.’
o one side and peered doer o alk about.
A Greece . Children.
templations in temples.
Maybe he Incas. In Peru.’
Biffs eyes sed over ripping burned a ric of gold and precious stones on ac did not belong to rousers. And it han