首页the twin brother did notKIDNAPPERS


        A little norto above te square in tone. No mortal ouc    . to t is t it sroop rus. All nigo and fro across to all, unless perle”

        place—Drumcliff or Drum-a-capped ors may be t from to see o trained eyes and ears tted riders, and tling, as an a Scottis from talk of t, like trologer, capped “doctors” roop do not alury-imes a ains; to be doomed to melt out at t judgment like brig live    sorrow.

        te stone, and t land ly    t peasants in these sad icles of mine.

        Some tury appeared at tern er of Market Street, Sligo, s’s Lamia, but an apotain unatable Dr. Opendon. eriously sick. tors could make not o Dr. Opendon. So t ting straig time to see t t, and to say to    must be tle bottle iurn.    time. Mean    one day a rit died, and cat, or all vanis after.    In a year t sure try” ing    and called on tor” at sfoot. As soon as ale,    betering, muttering, muttering-making spells.    ime also. But after a ime, and a so sfoot, and out    tor betering, but soon old    was no use— er when she spoke of him Mrs.

        Ormsby s    in ory eit a log of    be so bec it seemed the dead body of her husband.

        S many still living remember ime a servant or else a kind of pensioner of some relations of my own.

        Sometimes ter many years— seven usually—a final glimpse of t    ime in a o see o t mind almost over t iful son, started aime reets of Glasgo last doing, and ?    and table; but    srying to cast on    s keep o his people in Sligo.

        Some five miles soutree-bordered pond, a great gater-fos form, t Lake. It is ed by stra of te square stone in Ben Bulben, issues aroop. Once men began to drain it; suddenly one of t urned round, and every man ttage burning. to find it    faery glamour. to trenc of ty. A little iful and mournful ory of faery kidnapping. I    from a little old o th.

        A young man going at nigo t married bride, met in tolen o als.     fearful lest be s t of to t bloodless dim nation, il ely arted up, and k jolly paed into s. o to ime before eless Gaelic poet o a fotten ballad, some odd verses of ed friend remembered and sang for me.

        Sometimes one olen people ag as good genii to tale, ed pond, of Jole . t stories, and believed to be ts of a man and a spirit. ty, and I    t Lord curry ribe.

        I    it    t t Castle , ts t, and able for beauty. I imagis. It may    all tories taken together in her cauldron.

        Jo    evening, as abling    put    stable    to-nigook able    do day to ride as ime came round. At t moment ted, saying, “If I strike     if in my rig all you are old me tale, “t arm is good for not go on making t, and all t, e Cmas, and a Bans    broom.” ell, truck t .     I do for you notage on your land-tole me from to o ill follo you will never see me more.”

        it he made himself air, and vanished.

        Sometimes animals are carried off—apparently droold me, lived a poor s calf. to ts o a red-o be old o take to tcold o loer a old,    tail. A at a great pace across cill to a royalty (a name for ttle circular ditcs, t Ireland is covered imes). tting all t of ime. A ting on t to o mind old uck o t broke to turn    fet take took one, and to the widow.

        tainside ell you of some one pillaged from amongst t Lake lives an old . Se stone door in Ben Bulben olen away.

        It is far easier to be sensible in cities try places I could tell you of.    evening by ted elder-buse cottages, c mountains gatoo readily discovers, beyond tures, te square stone door to t Lake in th.