首页tigaPART FIVE - THE MEMORY OF A FLAME chapter 17


        SCELtO OKE ual. S t alone, as emples of Adaon and Morian boto be seen    all rites and proprieties of temples ts and tesses    faude. In w s.

        S aless sleep and oucly, and o     dream of t slipping ao c, sensing trying to reclaim an image t    as it seemed about to fade and be lost, she remembered.

        S up slo t t s day it    t    beyond foreboding and touty.

        tle less t—s. Sea ers closing over errible, approaco draw o lighs.

        S in bed, uain of where she even was.

        And to , murmuring, rog il tic sobbing ceased. ed , s t he doorway.

        tle brotoo, she hall by her screams.

        o    t on Dianoras bed w lighe dark.

        "tell me about it," serell me the dream, love.”

        tell me t ty years after, Dianora felt an ac    a little    all.    to he dark?

        Sold ly so as not to umbling ers closing over    evil, to unbind trut it away.

        t m, before opening udio and beginning aken bot tes and souto teaco s o be afraid    ter.

        Sra Baerd, bending over in t first m,    a small darting fised er and pride.

        Every fine m t summer to to sime autumn came s c as easy in ter as if it o her.

        Once, so t tinue, Valentin strolled o to plu into ter Saevar stopped, past tering o tecaps of turned around and e back to t as a gods, s of er sparkling in his golden beard.

        ter s rig it really didnt matter. o be better at everything.

        o c.

        Not, so drater world, in his imaginary Finavir, perhaps . . .

        Sill struggling to e aually looked eac terrible day by the Deisa.

        ful t t s s begin to cry.    do. Not today. No one, not eveo—especially not Scelto,    be alloo see anyt fe pride, and a certainty of success.

        t few    few hours.

        t o ters    and t before time, and not    a certain relief beo an end.

        It    simplicity, from t sood by ter, drao, finally, of release.

        t same day, in told ing in Ygrat t Dorotea o o die for w so spare her, he would have no real choice.

        wiso spare her, Brandin said.

        t else o    m ts of tern Palm. o make t vision real, he said.

        For tself, and for the people here in his provinces. And for his own soul. And for her.

        Only to bee people of o stay, o sail o Girald.

        just for Stevan and t to    ant; but to build a united realm ter han he had known.

        t ant.

        Dianora eo    ears beginning to fall, and o lay hrough her dark hair.

        he would need a Queen, he had said.

        In a voice s of for so loo have sons and

        daugo start again and build upon tevans loss, t somet and fair mighe years of sorrow.

        And tly t truto . Once, s it far more likely t s grasp and o her.

        S, uo stop, for in     ogety and presucal soul. For al soul. triads oo mucter sorro ttom of t s, s ead of leaving    t    as mug ever had in all her life.

        Let it go! sed to say, ed so muco say t s    t tigana e bad all tness urn.

        S    do so, and kno be e by so easily. Not after all t igana and Stevan toget    o    in they lived.

        Besides o be said, everyt    as a kind of sohe sea.

        Almost a tayed. It ed, Brandin told anding on ter, c of illa sail ao to han he had ever been before.

        old er t same day t Dorotea    ever    to face.

        Sly after t came bad tidings to move norto, all tly    expected t, s nearly so soon. It oo unlike careful Alberiove h such decisiveness.

        "Somet; Brandin said. "And I    was.”

        ime and t. itly gone Brandin needed a co sructure of order in tern provio turn t giddy eup into t ruly fe a kingdom. t    o figely so hard-oppressed.

        ime, desperately, and Alberico    giving it to him.

        "You could send us," dEymon to take s;Send t and position t of Senzio. See if t will ime.”

        tayed    t rauma—er Brandins annou—Dianora kne dEymons deepest loyalty,    o t to tion. Moving t numbed by t s simplicity.

        But Brandin flatly refused to follow ion. She remembered his face as he explained,

        looking up from a map and streogetable in tting-room off t tern Palm still h was named Girald now.

        "I ake t alone," Brandin said quietly. "Not to carry t made to. t be an Ygrat enoug it is more t. If    it must be made up of all of us art.”

        DEymon able, agitated, visibly disturbed. "t say again o go    here.”

        "Not really, dEymon. I    flatter myself. Girald y years.”

        "Girald is a traitor and sed as sucher!”

        Brandin looked up at he grey eyes suddenly chilly.

        "Must    t reason. I ot go ba t: it    against t I am." ;No maay    I am bound myself to ture, and things will hold me here.”

        "tea dead you h and she would be—”

        "DEymonl ; tone he discussion.

        But t;My lord," ense, "if I ot speak of t send our fleet to face Barbadior I kno o advise you.

        t go to , . It is too soon. time to see and to believe t you are one of them.”

        "And I ime," Brandin replied    ural calm after tension of t;So I o do it immediately. Advise me on t, oo the Palm?”

        So t    t o    last.

        I ot go ba t; it    against t I am. Sasies of oo he defining shape of his pride.

        Sood up. taicraig on t before urn back.

        tigana floo the sea.

        S . t seemed, eacime siced it, but    in t    seemed to o    seemed to ed for t to arrive.

        "I    for you," s;I he Grand

        Dukes of C used to be done on to to good fortune in the sea.”

        S eady on    last, after so many years, t set    set    t, on t pat, she lied.

        So ains bad s beginning to lig be seen, moving lazily in to start. A great many people    t in to be sure of a plaear to see    siny figure at suce, lift a o point to epped quickly back.

        Scelto    ts of ritual. Dark green for ter robe and sandals, t t er se, rico represent, to be the King.

        After she came back. If she came back.

        S astonis    ually because s seen Brandin since early te. Easier too, because of ly clear all to be,    down somewhere else and long ago.

        Easier, finally, because so uand and accept, deeply, and itude, t so a     let her be whole.

        Not ever. t Finavir, or any suco be allo life Brandin of Ygrato to sin di tigana evan, Prince of Ygrat be unmade.

        And because of t deatigana and orn t of t and till unfolding pages of taying o seal t trute—in vengeance for o be unmade.

        So so kill    and ruined people of    on C islands ruly a    t so uand t ried to u, and had failed.

        a life meant to be made    clarity, t final uanding, Dianora found the wellspring of her calm.

        Some lives    botrue of her.

        Of Dianora di tigana bren Saevar, a sculptors daug and tenderness, beauty ing to e, aoo mucer. ing only now.

        Sook no food, t cession to years of . S t doing so e any rituals. S didnt really matter. Scelto    in t t

        would    back from her eyes when she dived.

        ted    into to iny. ts ligains. In ta be very large by noo to look. Sy of anticipation to teady murmur of sound t gave evidence, more clearly takes being played for this m.

        A peninsula. t dominions    came to t. Per tigana. t    lying on table, he name of love.

        "ill I do?" so, erminedly casual.

        follo lead. "Y; ly. "You look as tirely of t us all behind.”

        It o o deceive    to    t to give he doing so.

        "Im not at all sure ts flattering," sill lig;but I tempt to t t way.”

        o smile. "I ttle I like t; he said.

        "Scelto, Albericos entire army    stop t co link o time. You kno; So sound a little angry.

        It rue, it rue. But none of it rutrut and t alone he years.

        "I kno; Scelto said, clearly un;Of course I knoters at all. It is just . . .”

        "Please!" so stop ;I doo. S; Oo, you .

        opped, flinc er a moment he looked up again.

        "Five me, my lady," epped foredly, took o ;It is only for you t I speak. I am afraid. Please five.”

        "Of course," s;Of course. tive, Scelto." Sightly.

        But in    s not cry. So , g face, truest friend sually, since     in to e,    the casual, careless sound of her words.

        "Lets go," surned o begin t into to the sea.

        t dramatigle ritual of temporal po ted by and subject to ters t surrouhem.

        t gave t armada in to trade and plunder, and it    and enclosed tale-tellers said, no     Eanna and Adaoher

        to engender Morian and make triad plete.

        A he sea.

        It o    of t became t    in t actually a dive, for o into tiation and token of ao, in turs face to.

        time after t, a o ter t time cast it in. Some said later s sious.

        Iers of t in her hand.

        And as t o ced and babbled in    of Morian in C o be lost: "Look and see! See    to to a lover!”

        And t moved to t to    in motio folloe t neo    unizia, y from a farm in trada aogeter by Mellidar, t    of Morian, and Saronte placed tizias finger.

        t Midsummer. t autumn against Asoli and Astibar, and young Saronte di Criumply in a naval battle in te, soutory    time onual of time of Chiaras need.

        ty years later, es ln, in one of triads clergy, a need    of Eanna revealed t Letizia o Mellidar, t of Morian    io dra triving for preeminend power.

        A number of events, none of t, riads servants in t revelation, but none of turbances o toueity of tual itself. taken ion of t seemed to speak to sometrue binding to ters of the sea.

        So ter all triad o t, t in tory of the Dive.

        ao t times, ra, o Grand Duke Cazal, two y years ago.

        It , by any means, t suceered to dive for t made absolutely clear to t tely less t to reclaim from to e back    t one an exile from t ted il one of thrs was found and claimed.

        By trast, to tune o nobility. More to o ts throne. Girls from

        families of little prospect    c risking ttering, ory future.

        Ora di d because of er hing had ged.

        Beautiful as a legend and as proud, Grand Duke Cazals young bride ed on doing to allocate suctering ceremony to some ill-bred creature from trada on t beautiful vision any of to tual.

        ed, lifeless, to ter some distance from t of tced dead away.

        After errified pandemonium unmatced temple of Adaon on tesses    back t    ents rangled on its fear.

        Duke Cazal, fooltle t summer against te and Ferraut, after ions of eclipse, rising to poer tter, destructive . Suce .

        But no woman ra died.

        All takes oo o die in t legacy of c . . .

        It oo dangerous, successive Grand Dukes declared, ter to keep ts sea-girt po tion of t most potent ceremony.

        ed een years ago t Grand Duke of Ceps of Eannas temple, and so to cast a ring into t year, even o dive for it, in searcercession and the gods.

        It    in to left    tir and bustle of trates, fragrant and colorful ed presence of o to today . ty and still save for tsteps. Dianora suppressed a srange did ted, eg saishan seem.

        to trao ty and silent. turned a er toair led do of t one person at least ing for them.

        "Let me look at you," Vencel said, t;I must approve you before you go down.”


        Dianora almost smiled to see    bulk, and to he familiar words spoken.

        "Of course," surned full circle before iny.

        "Acceptable,"    lengtomary judgment, tinctive voice sounded more subdued t. "But pero    vairstone from K your t? For luck? I broug reasures.”

        Almost diffidently Vencel extended a large soft    ried to kill the King.

        S to demur o    t day, just before so go do, and moved by VencePs gesture, s;to ." Sated. "ould you put it on for me?”

        s before    and delicate fis c    of tainflo he always wore.

        Vencel o look at edly soft. "In Ko say to someone going on a journey Fortune find you today." e robe and looked ay corridor.

        "t; so say more. S Scelto; tears in ily ao lead airs.    Vencel, an almost in figure, draped in billoly colored panoply of ic creature from anotirely, someranded he saishan of Chiara.

        At ttom of tairs s to    o knoot today. o let her pass.

        In tside ts of Morian and tesses of Adaon ing for her.

        Sriumpive glittering of expectation.

        te t    been performed in the sea.

        traio trol, being . And in sileo follow behind in orderly rows of crimson and smoke-grey.

        So trail be be part of tes. S properly said fareo    a life meant to be made whole.

        t    doo taircase. At top of tairs Dianora paused and looked dorates , permitted to e to see    n    on t stair and started do only Dianora.

        So legend ep sook.

        And t ttom of taircase, as sepped onto tiles of ting by to escort    and    almost stopped.

        ter of men tayed in t Lord of t. Beside t, representing ted     ticipation of one Island poet could erbalao Doarde    from Corte, and a successful one clearly enougune preying on tigana t them.

        S of ting for e and sernal legends, from t ained    froze the blood in her veins.

        In ic as saff t ure, and toood Da of Eanna in tigana.

        taken Prince Alessan ao told    he saw his

        o ao follohem.

        Sriding, broad-srument t    of ernly trolling here was no way he could reize her.

        daugist loosely attaco t? And sely .

        S take o be te, but ed Danoleon eva    Eannas    o tuary in thern hills.

        No an absurd, an almost overe, merely by here.

        It    so do    it    Dianora dre yet been opened, so see ter all time.

        Sopped and to ting a straige not used for turies. But tion of many kinds of po s noo tic figure out of tapestry scrolls of tant past.

        "My lady," said dEymon gravely, "if it pleases you and you are mio allotend upon you noo tern Palm.”

        Carefully said, and clearly, for all to be remembered aed. Everyto be remembered. One reason ts were .

        "It pleases me," s;Let us go." S say more; ter less.

        It     o be remembered.

        Sill could not take    man from tigana, s so t    eased    t Eanna,    into the sea.

        DEymon nodded a and. Slo croo t ends of t anceady murmur of sound t    all m so a cresdo as t abruptly stopped and fell a sigraining silence seemed to claim to t stillness Dianora .

        And it o t suns    sing by t extravagance, bare of spring.

        Someted    t of    tle longer no will all be over soon enough.

        S to . And s s if    driven a er born to those years ago.

        For someone as small as    ry to see anytself

        and even t    te ain for a co vieage point. Devin o t and scrambled up to join anoto the sea.

        tions in in agility.

        Erlein errified, after ty to t o elude trackers in to o a sorcerer.

        Alessan ed    one point    couldnt see self, representing Loe in t    over it. ried not to because it made hem.

        But Alessan eously p    to travel norto the Ring Dive.

        "You ; t    natural t;And ake this ge.”

        "Are you absolutely mad?" Erlein    boto hide his disbelief.

        Alessan , Devin t, . ually impossible to read since    quite ie to task ing t space or breaking times in tely hem.

        " about Savandi?" Erlein ;Couldnt trap for Danoleon. Or for you, even?”

        Alessan s;. And it is entirely plausible t ryside as torre made it seem. tern Palm ty spies. Im not ed about t, Erlein, but I do tude." ry smile. Erlein alked away.

        " are you ed about?" Devin he Prince.

        But Alessan    ans.

        ed o open, and tried to trol t. It    tement and anticipation t arted to bee over palpable so tinue, including oooped, balding old man dressed exactly like the King.

        "Brandins Fool," tean in t to ing.

        "Someto do ; ed. "ere better off not knowing.”

        Devin    time at troyed tigana and tried to imagine    o    no arot an impossible s, doer to strike a single soberly clad, bearded man standing by the sea.

        Imagining t of t arroion    t they reached Chiara.

        " do    to ; Devin had asked.

        ord e just before t most of the Sed pany of

        Albericos Barbadian meraries s and cities in Ferraut and er in his gray eyes.

        Muc, but    dream of saying.

        On turo    tion and t to sea. It e, nearer da. o sleep. Bleamed and sparkled .

        " do    to ; Alessaed. "Im not pletely sure. I t I t be certais chis Dive.”

        teo t sea. Devin cleared .

        "If s; he asked.

        Alessan    for so long Devin didnt to ansly, ;If tandan    I t sure.”

        Devin looked quickly over at ;ell t means . . .”

        "t means a number of t, almost certainly.”

        Devin tried to absorb t. If ake t take t above.

        "And if s; he asked.

        Alessan s ;You tell me.    against to this peninsula?”

        Devin t about it.

        "A lot,"    lengt;I t of people .”

        "So do I," said Alessan. "t question bees,    is: Is t it?”

        "Is there?”

        Alessan looked over at ;I    put to test very soon.”

        Devin stopped ions t ouced ance.

        "C; said Alessan.

        And so Devin sa time.

        "; ly.

        Alessan saking    dark, mountainous she horizon.

        "Only in my dreams," he said.

        "S; someone sed from topming of t to tely picked up and strung from so sicipation.

        And to an eerie, co reveal thin.

        Even    oblivious of too far ao see her face clearly

        yet, but errible beauty and grace. It is told    is only because of ohem.

        And tinct, urned from to Brandin of Ygrato    angle. che proach.

        terly expressionless. Icy cold.

        ing tuation. Devin t. tual, everyoical end.    , over and above everyted ionless gaze co risk riad, o be in love h her!

        Even t old man beside ly like Brandin, was wringing    ead    vivid in his face.

        By trast, tern Palm    even    to look at urned back to the woman, who had uearer now.

        And because s at ters edge,     sense    and ion ando clad in t beautiful woman he had ever seen in all his life.

        do    to s ago, sailing to this Island.

        ill didnt kno looking do tirely ued pity. ig o ch from high, high above.

        Ster t o survive, especially in to say and do t tally dangerous place. ty o someto love, actually, bitterly    o aoead, sandiered half so much.

        And so o breaking    multitude of people tling not to s raining to escape to po necessary to    in, here among so many people.

        But     from    even o look at Ro read Brandin noo any kind of future here, or anywhere.

        But tiganas ruin lay bet,    love    enougever troubadours migever    migo offer, love    enouge the chasm in her world.

        to terrible, bottomless divisions in . At a price,     iable. One did not bargain he gods.

        So Brandin at topped and topped berick of to detacself from , to look do appear to therworldly.

        As Ora must    Dive. Ora    e back, aation . ory offered to release, and to tion of he saishan.

        t o look at Brandin. It o, infinitely easier, but s t meeting    the man she loved.

        Last nigsit of tried to t so ual, to carry layers of meaning dohe years.

        But too, lay danger, a risk of undoing everyt o bee. And    to say,    anot to to ,    it? there was ne across for her.

        Not in this life.

        "My lord," s;I knoo presume, but if it is pleasing to you and to try t you the sea.”

        Brandins eyes ;tion, love, and infinite h your presence here.”

        t turning a.

        "People of tern Palm!&qu, a Kings, a leader of men, carrying resonantly across t among tall ss. "e are asked by to dive for us. If riads blessing in t is your reply? Ss to hear!”

        And amid t t follo er so muc-up anticipation, Dianora felt tal irony of it, tter jest, seize hold of her.

        Our une. In riads blessing. through her?

        In t moment, for t time,    t fear e in to lay a finger on . For truly ual of t age and numinous power and s for al . Could suche cause?

        S tains t     summit t Eanna o ars.

        And     . So t    and back time to take strengtude.

        . It atues and t    t sriad and t o ing for the Names would be merciful?

        Slo, tess of the dark-green robe.

        tanding by ter, clad only in tunic t barely reached her knees, and Brandin was holding a ring in his hand.

        "In t; ual, re;and als, ure er. ill t as a mot a ring of    in my name and in t back to us in token of our fates bound togetern Palm, and I seek your blessing now.”

        turo onis began at     , hing else, words only she could hear.

        turooness of the dazzling sun.

        S reacs apex and begin to fall. S strike the sea and she dived.

        ter        simply toss it o too many people . Srokes, raining aered light.

        S as o Morian.

        irely gone. Or per    so amazing after all.     did its vision offer if not tainty, a sureo carry    terror of dark ers, to t portal of Morian? It    should have ended long ago.

        S, towards whe ring had fallen.

        t clarity, an a. A moment . Sory of Ora and Cazal; every person in t disasters ras death.

        Brandin tle brougo oo soon. But Alberico ake . Sly    of triad upon tly self-styled King of tern Palm. t to oppose to    like a vineyard, rind like graiones of ion.

        y, s redressing t particular sorroask. t of anotion. ask s s pride, sitting by a dead fire in    tiganas name bato the world.

        Brandin o go far from t    someo kno ,    gift of her love.

        matter. t raitors and t ways. Drowning would do.

        Sure of t of destiny, guardian of t vision before the end. If Adaon would

        e for ern and glorious god, appearing as o Micaela on t Micaela t brig in    t she god.

        Instead, she ring.

        It o    and just above, drifting like a promise or an ansers so far belo. S, in tion in t and put it on    s die as a sea-bride h sea-gold upon her hand.

        Sered lig disappeared t gative, reflexive. S t and only    it to , and turned , a, and love.

        Do t to e.

        S,    covered yard, Valentins arm familiarly t o war.

        t-natured, seemingly al t ly in t    a as if so ime le toucill soothe dark.

        It    t agitation of e need for air. to tes of er s ando. Smoke over Avalle seen from tant fields. t even remember ed to marry    small room upstairs. tevanien. Arduini. Raking o.


        And so, at t    ing to ried not to even and, for fear of    do to     do.

        My love, o me. Stevan is gone. I ot lose you both or I will die.

        S ed to ; anyt. ords ried to co s no one could ever really cross.

        Or I will die, he had said.

        And s even try to deny    it rue. t     vision of Brandin living someo kno to t    in him.

        er so far belo as if to burst. So one side, y.

        to be someting figure furt to sea. A glimmer, glimpse of a form, of a man od s say. But it could not be a man down here.

        Not so far belo and t glohis form was.

        Anotold    oo be sed to follo gentle, impossible ligo rest, to be ed,    desire.

        And tood, or t s figure o be Adaon. It o be t urned owards blaess he sea.

        S belong to    yet.

        S     invisible, so faint . But s t was. She knew.

        Far doerribly far beloal men and urned. Soucogeted ter up and love.

        . Even before ed in    t see the ring.

        iping at reaming eyes, hing else.

        Brandin of Ygrato ood t t, after all, a man ratagem had worked.

        ito t and priestess ed e and gold. Sand. But Devin, still o Brandin and offered rembling hand.

        tyrant, tter, anniing poo ly, enderness, but akable urgency of a man deprived and oo long.

        Alessaing it carefully dos mot    found urning ao t pe substantial level of jubilant g all around in tomag nausea and dizziness, tumultuous overflow.

        o gaze at t tling to see c grip of transparent e, seemed suddey and ed sado s distinuity amid tation all around. Rill, silent point of numbness amid a umult and er.

        Alessan looked at t, balding figure    a blurred, disorienting kinso ty to kno to all of this.

        o ed iime, tieth.

        o.    Brandin again, and ting h fusion and grief.

        For    plots of making tyrant and killing iganas name ringing in tling bato the world.

        And tee aed, unkno    and only one roured and killed her.

        o    a blade.

        But t    Alessan couldnt kno.    tested it;    tried. ood and c s, steering tora.

        ; t moved a o uand.    kno    t greatly care just ing, ,    perverse, detac o see hs from now.

        arted back aloing, uproarious croo t    now, .

        Very often music     ill rag    arted to do er so long undersea.

        So long a time ually begun to calculate if to make use of t o follow upon h.

        And ter and, in tionless from t so ruck from be rength.

        And Alessan riumpasy began to she ships.

        told    a , it    be made to fit. It is ing together. In Senzio. As I planned.

        ee a.

        It oo loud. Someone grabbed    by and tried to dra, trying numbly to steer orialla, where his room was, and a drink, and music.

        Devin    t back. Erlein . Probably still on taying afloat, as far from Brandin as est stilla of i in pursuing    now.

        Devin, mercifully, said not all. Only pusasted a touc p ten hird glass.

        he flagon away and buried his head in his hands.

        Someone eaking beside wo men arguing.

        "Youre actually going to do it? Youre a goat-begotten fool!" t one snarled.

        "Im joining up," t ats of Asoli. "After    ter t butc are you, friend, afraid of fighting?”

        ter. "You simple-minded dolt," tened ;After    er nig yrants o a Queen over you.”

        Alessan pused , pivoting for leverage. t a rengtormented fusion of    into t bones crader o t, scattering glasses and bottles ering crash.

        Alessan looked do . It o s of tupidity.

        It didnt rialla—t—grinned broadly, pletely ign the bar.

        "I    in t amazingly. ting insistent demands to buy ing    on ttered face as he was carried by.

        Alessan turned a, back to tibar blue    of    Devin w all.

        tigana, ean sailor beo pound igana, let my memory of you be like a blade in my soul.

        Devin—immediately reaco pick it up and smas on tarted a predictable sequence of otly could    of t upstairs. o tou t the wizard glanced over as Alessan came in, and his eyes quickly narrowed and grew frankly curious.

        Alessan said noto    and closed ill ing. turally     stop t t sural creature from t force out of yrant falling to his knees and burying his fa his hands.

        not before Alessan, fiftee a, tering relief and t e ligar.

        terribly, but    gingerly and didnt tly couldnt    man. Everyt tando rue. All of it rue, yet none of it rut today ally fusing.

        Erlein, uedly tactful, cleared    in a    offered a question.

        "Yes?" Alessan said    opening his eyes.

        "t you ed to    it?" tedly ant.

        it Alessan opened    ful and subdued. "Yes,"    lengt;t I ed.”

        Erlein nodded slo;It means hen. In my province.”

        ill t less t er up ill peed, a dull, steady background of celebration.

        "In Senzio, yes," he said.

        a terrible sadness. So many years of planning, and no they?

        ake    did t mean? Could it be made to mean o?

        iful ted o be.

        Devin o give    believe t.    a    man so brutally just    look truly terrible, , for even Erlein to be so gentle o    I ed, ed to himself.

        "Erlein, Im sorry," , trying tle uphis sorrow.

        inging reply,    ed one, but Erlein said not all at first. And ;I t is time," was w ;S help?”

        ould t o mio him so much?

        t back doairs. Devin ing for t stage at trialla. Alessan took up regean pipes.    ing and s it    going to keep o play.

        t for ed, ionless on to reaco e le while.