首页tiga dark翻译PROLOGUE


        BOt OF ALL BUt test stars. tretco t. Quietly flo t and t t led to o     dying and the life hed lived.

        to t, Saevar t, breater and er flo of blue moonligant singing from around too, ed, listening to t e any absolute sense of evil to to e te as blindly as being a soldier seemed to require.    really a soldier, t ing.

        actually see any figures moving in t     o judge ed for the dawn.

        Almost certainly t.    sile at t gallantry    matcwo young sons wh him.

        tiful boys, botted t o sculpt eitimes. t could not be said, Saevar t, t y life. , t and to see it praised by t ones of he whole peninsula.

        And    of een years ago. And oo young by a year to o e norto ed.    mucime, in silence; all times turned, quickly, so t see ears, and mounted edly ao    the sea.

        tread, beo , from une a syrenya played. uro the sound.

        "Be careful," ly. "Unless you    to trip over a sculptor.”

        "Saevar?" an amused voice murmured. A voice he knew well.

        "It is, my lord Prince," ; you remember a nigiful?”

        Valentin    by ly do;Not readily," ; you see? Vidomnis ches Ilarions wane.

        together would make one whole.”

        "A strange ; Saevar said.

        "tis a strange night.”

        "Is it? Is t c we do down al men in our folly?”

        "t is," Valentin said softly, ion. "ty    in part, by he m will bring.”

        "    bring, my lord?" Saevar asked, before op     to ing across to all t of all, to terrible King of Ygratred t    least omorrow.

        Valentin , looking out at tar fall, angling across t of to plunge, most likely, into tting tion; time to be putting a burden of false certitude upon the Prince.

        Just as    to apologize, Valentin spoke,    to carry beyond their small circle of dark.

        "I    and er as o ease men into sleep. t much else we    do.”

        "t; Saevar offered. "I    Ive never sculpted eithem.”

        "Im sorry for t," Valentin said. "If anyts for aime after us it    suce to; uro . "teen and een, and if I could    ther . . . and your son.”

        It    Valentin    sucime as this.

        to t and a little berialla suddenly began to sing and bot, listening to t sound. Saevars     taken for fear.

        Valentin said, "But I    ansion, old friend. trut trut almost all of t will be all of ours. Five me.”

        "tive," Saevar said quickly, and as firmly as ;t a    be a soldier but I    a fool. It ion: I    see the river.”

        "And t; Valentin added quietly. "More t, t back greater numbers, even    tle. But Brandins magic is    t be blood for t o the boy?”

        Saevar turo look at t, disbelieving. , t;I ; ion, "and o ture I ever made of you.”

        A sed later    took    to realize t Valentin    laughter like any Saevar had ever heard.

        "O; t lengt;I t. Oerrible pride. ill t most about us, do you ter we are gone?”

        "Per; Saevar said. "But tainty is t t over ts Empire. e will leave a name.”

        "And in said. "ters ory

        of t    he fall.

        Brandin of Ygratroy us tomorroake a we have been.”

        "," Saevar eced lift to . "I am sure t you are right.

        e are not t free geion. tomorro run do lie tamely uhe yoke.”

        "And if any of to," Valentin added in a different tone, "tain sculptor herwise.”

        Saevar smiled io laug it    in    t;I .”

        "No t bet t. triad guard and ser you tomorroer, and guard and ser all t you have loved,”

        Saevar s;You kno of t, my lord. A part of w I have loved.”

        Valentin did not reply. Only, after a moment, he brow.

        tor, ouco palm in farein rose and ohe fires of his army.

        to opped, on bot e. Saevar kneling doc o rise and surre beauty of t nigars, the fires.

        In to stay ter.    alone in trong    d all t of    er rialla sang for    long.