首页two-child policyCHAPTER 17


        My long-fotten ory peeked out from beains. tions Mes posed during    ury, and fragments of tions began intruding into my life. e e imitation of Simon and Garfunkel    of my mout I ripping, and art over after a brief apology to t o t     on tep. A pograp day of sc. Id see myself superimposed over ted in t    er, but n to remember my o t German boy stole aime I drew near.

        to substitute anotant past, I o ternative fingerings and to myself, puss aed ion of being a pain even as college aspirations faded o abstract patterns, en I o Oscars after a fe of coffee, and scribble tations resonating in my o imagine an orcra iy barroom, and tifusion over entative steps back to t, to my true nature. I spent ages looking for t, and tossing it aion    time as my own name.

        tudio most ms. Oscar arrived around lunoon for reime for me to cover up my    tice o begin on an early summer afternoon in 67. Gee, Jimmy, and Oscar experimely smoking and drinking. t of screet. truck pulled up outside, and a moment later tion, Leopped in tting doalk ion oo soft to be over ts sorroo ears, and Gee and Jimmy and I oe o say or do. Oscar led o tall s, ion mark, ing on the rail, so we crowded around our friends.

        "; Oscar said. "Since last nig looking for    t found    years old, man."

        " does ; Gee asked. "s    see ;

        Leraig;er my brot t-looking kid you could find. Brohe ground.

        "; I asked.

        " and s pants, dark blue—op Caylors.    back of ter dinner last nig ill lig. And t; uro ;I tried calling you all over t;

        Oscar pursed ;Im so sorry, man. I    getting ;

        Gee began o t;No time for recriminations. eve got a missing kid to find."

        Off    to toget in t. truck bumped and rattled along a firebreak cut timberline, and o a stop in a cloud of dust. team    a mile due    from my    as far into t as to drive toment leaned against ttle of cola in enormous gulps,    arce s. Our party got out of t smell of rolled among toain, ted us. Grassfall, angle of ure of t. I follo pat tain and rutil t.

        A bloodaaking up a st. e trudged along single file for several    by ternoon. Every fes, someone    for ting in t. e were ced wop of a small rise.

        "tting us no; ?"

        t, I could not ter    seeming a coward.

        "Lets meet baine." itermined sobriety, Oscar studied tg off moments to ed and cime go by.

        "Four ty,"    last.

        "Ive got four ty-five," said Gee.

        And almost simultaneously, I said, "ty after."

        "ty-five of five," said Jimmy.

        Leo ;ts funny—my copped." ared at its face. "Seven ty. ts rig."

        Eac t of temporal fusion. Oscar resumed g.

        "Okay, okay, on my signal, set your c is noy-five."

        e fiddled ems and dials. I ime was sucer all.

        "e dire. Gee and Jimmy, you e to eac; ed by means of s of t;Mark your trail to find your    baill be getting dark by t, go back to truck."

        e    our separate ramping t dared eall trees    like a bla smelled of rot and decay. itep I took, crag t edly, not expeg a reply. tillness brougteion, t trapped, timeless, in ty minutes into my searc dorunk of a scrub pine. My s, damp ion, g to my skin, and I took out a o mop my brocree trunks, pipping taccato signals. Along one limb of ts raced bad forterious cargo in one dire as oto tter of fallen leaves, small red floers of silvery moss. I lifted a log, and a rotting ness lay be, pill bugs curled into balls and long-legged spiders madde tion of t, glistening o tom of tried to imagine    life    to me. I lost track of time. A gla my cartled me, for nearly tood up, called out t. Moving deeper into tranced by t of trunks and limbs, green leaves as plentiful as raindrops. My every step    familiar, and I expected to be startled by somet it    as a deep sleep. t, st life beyond trees and plants, tir of table tiny animals    and decay. I stumbled upon a small creek gurgling over stones, meandering noer and drank.

        t rolled over a bed dotted ones and rocks. On tones rable, but at terline and beloer e, revealing facets araordinarily rice variety. Millennia of interplay iful, and tones er as ered its flourbulent its stilled predisposition. Symbiosis made t it    t of t, ime, but I also lived in t I er and t. ion filled me tom of to me as if a line of notes, and I could tern in my s for a pencil to copy it does disappeared, I irring among trees besteps rag the brush.

        "; I asked, and    opped moving. I tried to make myself s and inspicuous by crouc cut by t    impossible to see tension of anticipation, sounds t iced became amplified. Crickets sang under rocks. A cicada cried and t silent. I    odds ay and capture tes in ter. A breeze t first, tsteps resumed, ture bolted, cras.    ed, I vinced myself t a deer artled by my presence, or per    by mistake. turbannerved me, so I quickly traced my o t oeen minutes ahead of our planned rendezvous.

        Gee arrived , face flusion, ion, ting puffs of dust.

        "No luck?" I asked.

        "Do you t see a damn t ;

        I produced ttes and lit , similarly defeated. t of o say so, but ted for anoteen minutes for Jimmy Cummings, and o y was in order.

        At 9:30, Gee asked, ";

        tarry nig t flass. "Maybe we so w;

        Oscar refused. "No, someone s s a straig, dead on."

        ", Gee, go ;

        o tanding position. "Lead on, Macduff."

        Up trail, reetops and boung into t sky. Despite , Gee atic s over talkies, sense someto a surreal se, ts, fire engines idling, dozens of people milling about. A man in a red baseball cap loaded a pair of bloodo tartled to see tess odee nurses unifloroking ed a dripping oe to trapped it doterns emerged as if time stood still, and all could be seen at once. Firemen and poli, to us, formed a he ambulance.

        ted sloing ed reality, and told us carefully, "ell ... we ;