首页two guys one horseCHAPTER THREE


        At tES OF tAS;Mr name," said t once, "is Aravis tarker of Kidrasarkaan, ti tarkaan, tarkaan, tisroc, tisroc as of standing on    in isroc himself (may he    live for ever).

        My mottle against t and t came to pass t my fatep- moted me, and to promise me in marriage to Aa tarkaan. Noa is of base birtter years isroc (may tery and evil sels, and is noarkaan and ties and is likely to be c    Grand Vizier dies.

        Moreover    least sixty years old and    of an ape. a, and being persuaded by    messengers    me in marriage,    and ted and Aa sent     time of high summer.

        " to me t for a day. But on to be saddled and took ern    alone. And ain    ted my clot t o my    and I    prayed to all the

        gods t as soon as I    I s my eyes and my teeto drive to my . But    before I ers of men and said,    "O my mistress, do not by any mearoy yourself, for if you live you may yet    u all the dead are dead alike.”

        "I didnt say it ," muttered the mare.

        "; said Bree, ;Selling it in tory-teller in a tisrocs court could    do it better.

        Pray go on, tarkheena.”

        "tered by my mare," tinued Aravis, "I    said to myself, ted me to    delusions. And I became full of s to fear deating of a gnat. time to tabbing, but o me and put o me most    excellent reasons and rebuked me as a moter. And no t I fot about killing myself and about Aa and said, `O my    mare, o speak like one of ters of men? And old    me o all t in Narnia ts t talk, and    olen from ttle foal. Sold me also of ters of Narnia and tles and t sill I said, `In tas, I        try of Narnia. `O my mistress, ans land no maiden is forced to marry against ;And oget time uro me and I    rejoiced t I    killed myself. Moreover it oget in turo my fat on my gayest cloteo be deligo    of my eyes, give me your lid    permission to go o to do secret    sacrifices to Zardeena and of Maidens, as is proper and ary for    damsels o ter and O t of my eyes, so    s be.    "But    immediately to    t of ary,    and begged    o e a certaier for me. And    and implored me to    but in to o obey, and did all my ter and    in my bosom.”

        "But ter?" asked Sa.

        "Be quiet, youngster," said Bree. "Youre spoiling tory. Sell    us all about tter in t place. Go on, tarkheena.”

        "to go o tes of Zardeenaold o o drink; but I     I ko sleep I arose and put on an armour of my brot in my to my girdle all tain cc. I directed my course not to t I    nort to tashbaan.

        "No my fat seek me, being    deceived by to    ty of Azim Balda. Noands at ting of many roads and from it ts of tisroc (may    o every part of t is one of ts and privileges of ter tarkaans to send messages by    t to ts in Azim    Balda and said, `O dispatcter from my uncle Aa    tarkaan to Kidrasarkaan lord of Calavar. take nos and cause it    to be sent to o o obey.    "tter o be ten by Aa and tion of ting: `Aa tarkaan to Kidrasarkaan, salutation and peace. In tasible, t knoo you t as I made my    jouroraarriage betune and t I fell in    om of    maidens. And y and discretion,    I became inflamed    appeared to me t to me    if I did not marry    once. Accly I prepared ter t I met urned o my o c delay.

        And because t you    be    angered by te of my marriage er.

        And I it you to t;As soon as I e from Azim Balda, fearing    no pursuit and expeg t my fatter, o Aa o to    before tter ory until t    t er.”

        "And ; asked Sa.

        "Doubtless sen for sleeping late," said Aravis coolly. "But sool and spy of my stepmot her.”

        "I say, t was ; said Sa.

        "I did not do any of t; said    Aravis.

        "And t uand about t story," said    Sa. "Youre not gro believe youre any older t believe    youre as old. ting married at ye?”

        Aravis said not Bree at once said, "Sa, dont display ynora t age in t tarkaan families.”

        Sa turned very red (t    snubbed. Aravis asked Bree for ory. Bree told it, and Sa    t t    in a great deal more t t it very funny, but Aravis did not laug to sleep.

        day all four of together.

        Sa t it er arkaans    many of t Aravis kne if you    t of Zulindre; and Bree ;Oain of ts, you kno quite s or ts. ts not real cavalry. But er taking of teebet; Or else Bree ;I     t summer," and Aravis ;Oark a delig is. t; Bree    in t trying to leave Sa out of    ta sometimes nearly t    of talking about t youre out of it.

        le. And Aravis never spoke to Sa at all if s.

        Soon, ant to ttiasravelling by nig the day. And

        at every    t o do ing off ty, but no could    be put off no longer. During ttle, a very little,    less unfriendly to Sa; one usually gets oer alking about noticular.

        Bree said t to do o fix a place    on tas    separated in passing ty.    plabs of t Kings on t. "t stone bee-; ;you t    possibly miss them.

        And t of it is t none of ted by g." Aravis asked if it     really ed by g Bree said    believe in    tales. And ta said    a e care a    stra tories of g quite true. But it rat t it annoyed oo) and of course s mind    any number of g tled t tombs sas tting on very ill ed out t t as o get t.

        "ell settle t tomorro; said Bree. "time for a little sleep    now.”

        But it    easy to settle. Araviss first suggestion    ty during t and not go into tas all. But    Bree    t t    oo long a s it oo long for oo, but    t). t it    certain to be inquisitive.

        Sa t tas     Bree explai t tarkaans and tark ter parties on t it     likely pla ting someone who would reize Aravis or    even himself.

        "ell o ; said Sa.

        looked to    to gy itself from gate to gate because one o be noticed in t    s;Boto dress    in rags and look like peasants or slaves And all Araviss armour and our saddles and t be made into bundles and put on our backs, and t pretend to drive    us and people hink were on pack-horses.”

        "My dear ; said Aravis rat;As anyone could mistake    Bree for anyt a war-hors however you disguised him!”

        "I s, indeed," said Bree, sn aing tle back.

        "I knos not a very good plan," said ;But I ts our only    c been groomed fes and    looking quite ourselves (at    least, Im sure Im not). I do t ered ired and lazy -and dont lift our    all - iced.

        And our tails ougo be cut ser: not ly, you kno all    ragged.”

        "My dear Madam," said Bree. "ured to yourself    o arrive in Narnia in t dition?”

        "ell," said ;to get there.”

        t, it ed in    t roublesome one and involved a certain amount of ealing, and Bree called "raiding". One farm lost a fe evening and anot a coil of rope t: but some tattered old boys cloto urned riump    as evening ing for rees at t of    a loed because t    top tas;I do ," muttered Sa to ;Oh    I do, I do,”

        said ly.

        t nigo tters track. And    top ts in ta ion of     city    frig some    sleep. But the m.

        tars ill out and terribly cold and , but    daybreak    beginning, far to t across t a feeps ao tar and t of t into t ty and bedraggled as t remaio sen    tails. As tool for doing tar, one of to    be undone again in order to get it out. It he    horses.

        "My ; said Bree, "if I    a talking    a lovely ki    t you o cut it, not pull it out. ts    feels like.”

        But in spite of semi-darkness and cold fingers all ers (he journey began.

        "Remember," said Bree. "Keep toget, meet at    tombs of t Kings, and    must    for thers.”

        "And remember," said Sa. "Dont you tart talking, wever happens.”