首页two hours 还是hour schapter xxiii

chapter xxiii

        toue could see ty ing and clapping, decayed ing togeteady, slo all the back of his head on edge.

        A gly noise, ing ioning mouths.

        toue    once, in a quiet sea.

        t close to ood, f a great mass of sing soue couldn’t make out ill Mogget, -sight, explained.

        “to to make a corridor,” ttle cat o us.”

        “ you see tair?”

        toue asked. rest, stinking corpses lined up in mockery of a parade. I s.

        t been a delay of two hundred years . . .

        “Yes, I ,” tinued Mogget, all beast s flesy flames. A Mordit. It’s croucer, looking bad up like a dog to its master. Fog is rolling doairs be—a Free Magic trick, t one. I wonder wo impress?”

        “Rogir al,” toue stated, as if    be enting on someo a dinner party. “o be looking at    as Kerrigor, no different Dead.”

        “O . “Very different.


        erribly rus like t.”

        toue srying not to t t.    of to t fog, a mad attack—but even if    ter-spelled t on ter, at ts of empo of ting rising in volume.

        toue squinted, firming ing across ter beto they’d made.

        “oue, surprised by    like ed a mile,    going thump . . .

        A terrible oue leapt baearly    dislodging Mogget. t of tampeding to s as it ran.

        toue sed, or screamed— sure—t s bot, crouco receive t deep in ter.

        “t!” yelled Mogget, toue to till-frosted Sabriel.

        toue barely ime to absorb tion, and a split-sed image of somet collided e, and toue’s out-t swords.

        Silver sparks exploded    drooue and t back several yards. toue lost ing, and    under, er bubbling into ill-screaming mouth.

        would be on omach muscles.

        fle of ter, s guard again, but tact, and t retreating, bag aopped t toue didn’t reize, till ter drained out of his ears.

        It er, ing closer and closer, till treating Mordit , and lost to sight.

        “Did my tle brothe fog.

        “O’s claws on    ioningly.

        “Sometouc, I t’s happening?”

        tood at tried to stop t Gate.

        Per of two Abhorsens . . .

        Noed. Sabriel didn’t know why.

        Someo be able to see into Life, or to    o a ent door.

        Sabriel, on tood like a soldier, keeping es made t of Deattractive o Life, ao find many Dead rying to take advantage of t it    so. to be alone in tureless river, ter.

        Abrating even o a are and toucly on the arm.

        “It is almost time,” ly. “ you to take . . . toue . . .

        and run for tairs. Do not stop for anyt all. Oside, climb up to top of to t Yard.

        It’s just ay field nooue    tc got there—”

        “A Papererrupted Sabriel. “But I cras.”

        “there are several around,” replied Abhorsen.

        “t—ty-sixtaugo struct t so tell you ierre. Fly as close to troy it!”

        “ will you be doing?” whispered Sabriel.

        “ meeting her gaze. “Give me your sword, and . . .


        tarael the Sorrowful.


        Sabriel didn’t move, made no motion to o its poucrap. arted to undo trap t arael, but Sabriel’s    tightly.

        “t be anotogether—”

        “No,” said Ably pus go, and ook Astarael carefully from t couldn’t sound. “Does the walker?”

        Numbly, Sabriel y hands hung open by her sides.

        “I o te,” Ably. “I knos and s. I do not kno everyt lives must go time. t is t governs our    it also governs us. You are ty-t taug time to die.”

        for. For a moment, sood like a stringed puppet at rest, t , feeling t fabric of . So diminisill once again stle girl, running to    tes. As sing of . Only noime-    piece, ting ing till it ime for o die.

        Siging around stretc go.

        turoget into Life.

        Kerrigor laug rose to a manic cresdo, before suddenly cutting to an ominous sileer noed forainty. toue, drencly droc aut nerves of a mouse captivated by a gliding snake. Some it o see teness of t by filtered sunlig ty paore from the edge . . .

        A crag noise beart, and turn, a jolt of fear suddenly overlaid urning    to Life! Ice flakes fell from ture flurries, and to several small floes and drifted away.

        toue blinked as t fell ayhe sword and bell.

        “ter!” exclaimed toue, as their eyes and moved.

        But no one    instant a terrible scream e and fury burst out of t out across ter.

        toue turned again, and t croucs eyes and long mouter.

        Be, ed s bogclay ood somet mig of as a man.

        Staring, toue sa Kerrigor ried to make tly ined look like t eitaste ood at least seveall, ed and narroed. oo too long, and o ear.    bear looking at, for ts burning    eyes at all.

        But sometle of take a man, make retc . . .

        t lauguated by the snap of his closing jaws.

        ted as his body.

        “I am fortuhree!”

        toue kept staring, ill someten,    like . ed Kerrigor and tterfas, t, the golden cup . . .

        A urned ook    sword from his grasp. he suddenly refocused, gasping for air again, and saw Sabriel.

        S s o close in then, his vision narrowing, like a halfremembered dream.

        time devoid of frost. ermined, but ion as toue oc    , going into danger . . . t Mogget too . . . yes, urn and go back, put Mogget’s collar ba, try and fight Kerrigor . . .

        “Run! Damn you! Run!” screamed Sabriel, as urned.    of rance , for t te. Unurning o run faster, t dead, numbed by savage pins and needles. ing, and drumming, drumming fast. too, raised loud, ec cavern. t, and a strange buzzing, crag sound t    rathan heard.

        tair, but Sabriel didn’t sla    of total darkness.

        toue lost    again, and tumbled up teps togetriking sparks from toill tumult from being, all magnified by ter and tness of tting ty of perfe.

        It started softly, like a tuning fork ligruck, but gree, blorumpeter of inexible breatill t tarael.

        Sabriel and toue botopped, almost in mid-stride. t a terrible urge to leave to s baggage. ts—tial selves—ed to go, to go into Deatest current, to be carried to the very end.

        “t audible te. Soue dying,    to    to expect to Death.

        “Fig!” so slap he face. “Live!”

        Still e, sing y blood filling bot rate again, trate on Life, on living.

        urned    igill te of Astarael slowly died.

        Silence came at last. Gingerly, t eacoue s Sabriel lit a dle before     eac. Sabriel’s eyes , toue’s mouth bloody.

        “ ?” toue asked huskily.

        “Astarael,” replied Sabriel. “t calls everyone o Death.”

        “Kerrigor . . .”

        “ill royed.”

        “Your fatouumbled. “Mogget?”

        “Dad’s dead,” said Sabriel.    o tears. “e. Mogget—I don’t know.”

        S to pick up taken from toue.

        “e on,” so get up to t Yard. Quickly.”

        “t Yard?” asked toue, retrieving    he Palace?”

        “Yes,” replied Sabriel. “Let’s go.”