o look at tate man ed or extinguiss, ty clotrays, and played Buxteions made ter falling from ter. tood in profile, refusing to so us, a tall ted io ter, to crevasses in theless, he closed.
Soon tle rent bills into teen years no. to t and takes t as us out, out. If rolled. ts o team.
Bicycles out of ts out of the halls. My halls.
tands in profile i in front of our building. reet, treet-- treet ing tments Unfurn. ads of ture, in his head.
t-up, black, Korean ar-sixty-five-per-t-disability-vet drunk. ting frontation in t. tens t. A t mop t, apparently, exist. Roactyfoot into topped ting service. ts us out.
e ory t! try Alaska, hawaii! Sail away, new owner, sail away!
takes out . tanding in t, o, s single dangling bare bulb and tly busted souvenirs of all our c progress. aking a, carrying it out , a fe a time, and bringing in a time, his hired roaches.
tands in the hall.
ts our apartment, and tall t, no ic case. aiimates and floor plans and draft Apartments Unfurn. ads and dots from t and ion ible Rents and under ances a Senior Citize Increase Exemption Order may be voided.
Black s all over the building.
ting couple on t t for to-mont at t tremble.
tment above us (front) t o prove t t actually live i in t t, in any real sense, live, and are t to a Maximum Real Life Estimate Revision, wy, will award remble.
tands on tomato plants are, oo hell.