

        AndI. EndI. Great endifarce teeterteeterteetert. illit urt. I reiterate. Dont be acle. stia mille testes. And    noat molem and I ed to doitemente. Ois, AndI. Patiqularly t and date to end all. Andl uand but list, list, lets go back. to tbedding. to t like t of tterpatter. I reiterate&reiterate&reiterate&reiterate, pitterpatter. Remember some old Papsday ions presenting tuscumque, Im a jollygood jollygood, pip of a pap, loved and rererespected by all. Endjoyie tlecooking t Papsday and b and bellringing and alvailing, AndI to to AndI in t rigly reiteratingaeratingaerating. tions mumbling somet maidens,    Old AndI not so ied in maidens as formerly. Quantum mutatus illo!    seriouslyno I    so maidenminded as formerly but as a gesture in tion of    and tradition and    antly accept ex abundantia one    assel nil suetudine majus and one s and one    of    cetera et cetera et cetera total of forty-four for Papsmearing t Papsday. to my couc eve all lovely and giddygay and roaratorious and tum-tig AndI paprikaed many papooses t nig I never figured out figured out    sort of animal AndI . I reguarded my decisions and dispositions but t timeto timeto timeto. Endmesas. t made t gray and    mos move bad fort and day on t made te on trees and y meant and    stop and    trapped in tapestries, t AndI dealt out 1,856,700 slaps    gonna ya. Im not gonna ya unless you force me to it. Little cocksucker. Ceaselessly    it    upon me. Feckless endangerment. Not a . Reiterateaeratettotofmykno I could like my AndI before me palmam qui meruit ferat. It could . Could . Coastered along goodguying tle stle malmsey&popsicle place. Endeav to meet ends. to tis. Eno    to uake t. Lets y. Pap in on a fe    uand! Dont    it! Fallo fallere fefelli falsum! My broad domainasteries! Pitterpatter. testgoodoftestnumber e, insofarasitobeso. Best I cud I did! Absolutely! No dubitatio about it! Dont like! Dont ! Pitterpatter oterpatter