首页xx of the dead结局17-1


        An outpost of civilization or ation. D roo back to back to back. C play on roofs.

        reets? asked ther.

        to be none, said Julie.

        Perunnels in th?

        Or maybe teensy- fetting to gaze into they pass.

        It is Planning, said to aco be killed by auto.

        Circulation is not a big tander-by.    man, t one of you, tinguis ted? een puffing and sing a puffing and sing a uand your table anization.


        terrible ne bring him in here.

        igued. e are fatigued. e    pay.

        Youll o deballock    on t, said tained beardescules at odd points, sucer of tter? Ster opener? Fingernail clippers?

        , in a sehe flophouse?

        tizen said. t girls. t paté. t beds. t cellar. t periodicals. t security. t band. t roac martinis. t credit cards. t table silver. t vie room service. t reputation. t fa?ade. t c carpet. t bat bar. t Dun & Bradstreet. t portraits. t bellmen. t potted plants. t as snails. t postcards. t breakfast. the good one --

        Beto be little choice.

        te    none large enougo attempt to aodate your party, said t t of t but a glimpse of it.

        alking about you, Emma said to ther.

        ther beamed.

        en the children.


        izen said,    be broug the fixing. I    lend you a Skilsaw. ;

        I    to, said ther.

        to, told tizen.

        ell damn and blast, said tizen, w a rule is a rule.

        Edmund, thomas called.

        Edmund presented himself.

        o buy a drink or so for tizen of ty? t to me.

        tremble of op to bottom (visible).

        Edmund and tizen off to the alehouse arm-in-arm.

        Nos iions.

        After looking at the bad one.

        Julie and tting on ture on th of Sigismur.

        Amazing o    is a curious t uand it.

        I uand it, said thomas.

        Doesnt ko    up, shink he is?

        retc. . I dont know.



        the limp.

        the bed.

        a disgusting idea, he said.

        t you gave er you    off?

        Purely practical. aggers better . e have ends in view.

        So we do, she said, so we do.

        A kno the chamber door.

        side the door.

        Shall we answer? Julie asked.

        he voice called again.

        s to know? Julie sed.

        ter, t length.

        Do er?

        I knoer.

        do you , Peter? she called.

        I o mist t, Peter called.

        t us sat on table.

        Does one mist a cactus? Julie asked.

        Let homas said.

        Julie opehe door.

        Some people knoer said, and some dont.


        ell tall thin fellow, said Julie, why are you here?

        I rangers. e dont ofterangers. I ed to give it to you.

        ao give o us?

        o be a dolt of some kind, tto voce.

        ter said.

        is t?

        Peter attered disiing volume s falling out of it clutco .

        It is a manual,    be of some small use to you. On t not.

        Are you thor? Julie asked.

        Oer. I am translator.

        From    translated?

        It ranslated from Engliso English.

        You must udied English.

        Yes I did study English.

        Is it long? t thin book.

        It is not long, Peter said, and at time, too long.

        then, furiously:

        Do you knoranslators are paid?

        Not my fault, Julie said, as    my fault.

        Pennies! Peter proclaimed.

        Are you selling us this book?

        No, Peter said nobly, I am giving it to you as a gift. It is not h selling.


        Edition of forty, ed inally on pieces of pumperion.

        e must give you somet    it be?

        You are strangers, Peter said. Your approval would be enough.

        You , said Julie. Ser on the forehead.

        I am justified, Peter said, for time being. I    struggle on, for time being. I am reified, for time being.

        Exit of Peter.

        ask muas.

        ion is not t, Julie said. ranslator.

        tomac the book.

        titled A Manual for Sons.

        t credited.

        "translated from ter Scatterpatter" itle page.

        to read the book.



        FOR SONS


        BY PEtER SCAttERPAttER

        (1) Mad fathers

        (2) Fateachers

        (3) On c.

        (4) ther

        (5) Best o approach

        (6) Ys

        (7) Names of

        (8) Voices of

        (9) Sample voice, A B C

        (10) Fanged, etc.

        (11) hiram or Saul

        (12) Color of fathers

        (13) Dandling

        (14) A tongue-lashing

        (15) ther

        (16) Lost fathers

        (17) Rescue of fathers

        (18) Sexual ans

        (19) Names of

        (20) Yamos

        (21) "Responsibility"

        (22) Death of

        (23) Patricide a poor idea, and summation

        Mad fatalk up and doing. Avoid tell t ts -- it makes no differein s and ttle is like a string of red boiled crayfiso-tail do of tin s, serious impairment of t brain is present. If, on tin s, spittle o distra by tricacies of living o tilling tting your left s, say youre sorry. If t mean t t only means tic ts of abominable luster. Permit to enjoy trike tanned rig    get to t in pronoung ttitude t veys, in every try of tand. Gently feed ts of leftover meat you are carrying in your pockets. First    in front of t t it is, and t to t t t is for tly, t t. If t, t i does not get all to t lands upon (say) t ten causes to pop open and t stig to to fall into t in tuality, you    do not muc listen, for a omp it, emptor!" t attempt to figure out t;t; note doebook t;t; and "your" occur in irade. If ;ts in its cassod flitter-te-omp it!" remember t o "stomp it" and t t refer to sometomp it.

        Fateacrue and not-true, and no fateac is not true. In a cloud of unknoru. toug sones before it is placed on t is placed on trons are also useful for t nigy cattle, at a ful cer, one deepens t icker, t;bringing t; finally    fet to    your rifle barrel immediately. to find ie a featrao to tly after o ty liquid t, o a flame color, useful for uberculosis or attrag native    fet to ive ely. to preve from blistering, soap tog eel ly soften t. Delicate instruments (sucruments) srusted to a porter ter along most carefully. For a    to bray at nigo ail; it appears t ail ot be elevated,    t. Savages are easily satisfied e, dark blue, and vermilion red -- expensive beads are often spurned by te, bro after. Satanic operations s be ducted    first sulting tionale. an at last appears to you, try not to act surprised. t doo hen --

        Fateac is of value. Muc is not.

        Fatries are like cotton bales; in ots or jars; in ot of a film you    do not . Some fatriangular eyes. Some fatime of day, spit silver dollars. Some fatains, and make murderous noises deep in ts , on tep. Some fatilled by pora arm, in addition to t arms fingers are elaborately o ving replicas of beautiful sea animals, and some into ving replicas of people ted as cs, some are milk, some teacers, some are exceptions, some are capable of attag     yet done so, ting for one last vital piece of data. Some fatrut but most do not, except inside; some fat most do not, except iury; some fat but most do not; some fater falling off t t most do not; some fat most fear, instead, urbate because t all, but are endlessly aaring at tures, whem.

        t entered often, but exists. togets. t idea is to cy truck tires to t, one in back, so t tic small    is all t to any is good for to be able to see, in tories performed, in a sequence peres long, of ups    very far, or ac tires, transform itself into a serious t. Ambition is t may even be ambition for you, in    off t-in-diameter, bro t , I judged.    at a    supported by a steel ring but t tom, t t ain to place t. tility of    saddened me, but te emotion. t all leaping fat leaping itself. I prefer to keep my feet on tuations    out from under me, by tunneling fatter is usually piebald in color, and supremely notable for iousness.

        t o approaco    you,    of ting ing along t, ime to run, to make reservations for a fligo anotry. to Rukmini, t try virgin    gods oget of ruby c, t Rukminian er, and in some    knoo us produce offspring. tizens are greeted ificates of    into try, and tages recorded upon a great silver bos peeled a not paneling of the paneling is wounded in a hundred places.

        I kories. tories    accept angry or sulking co    and most amiable fats of calcium dy and told teresting and funny stories, a;tall sons," ;are best." Once a year tories sent a little blue van to Yss house.

        thers are named:




























        Faterribilità of its o, lime seet, or batsong. tter ylasses. Some fatetcetc is uood t fat robed in tenors, tinsmit-fig are salesmen. Many fat , or by someone elses careful design, or by simple clumsiness on someones part. ent -- is often among t tactful, ligiful of faty-seven times, it is o give    loatly y nigo remind    -- a in tlantic. Many fatouco exts to be studied, geion after geion, to determi-fathers are usually bound in blue.

        trument of t terrible pertinaciousness.

        Sample voice A:

        Son, I got bad ne uand t of it, cause youre only six, a little soft in too, t fontanelle never did close properly, I    delay it no longer, son, I got to tell you t no mali it, son, I    to go to sc socialized. ts turnin pale, son, I dont blame you. Its a terrible t t is. ed socialize you     t    stand to c, its t dreadful. And your motoucive, son. e dont    to s going to be miserable, son, but you    . And I kno do anyto make us sad, your mot run as eittle face is pitiful. Son,    just let you roam treets like some kind of crazy animal. Son, you got to get your natural impulses curbed. Youve got to get your ers knocked off, son, you got to get realistip on you at t sco tear up your ass. to learn you o t your letters tters and yures, your verbs and all t. Your mot    it oo painful for your moto meet tick, son, tick going to o you and say o learn about your try at t sciful for spacious skies. to lay just a raft of stuff on you at t s you not to resist, it aint appreciated. Just take it as it es and youll be fine, son, just fine. You got to d to be realistic. t se of em er your lunt give em your lunc it in your s you tell em t it. t ter c for todian, son,    like ed to be president of a bank. . Its made c for t sap c for teacc fue, itll cut you. S a bad mout balk . I got not t doin ts tter    do t . ere rigtin your sports ts and your blood sports and c for ted man, some say a sadist but I dont kno t. You got to develop your body, son. If t take not sc to you, do in oell you bout t sc told to do it. ts    told to do it. Me and your motold to do it. Be! Youll be fi fine. s tter    be t    to go a you an ice cream, son, and make sure you get your sprinkles. Go give ter, son. And hurry back.