

        A POOR Relation -- is t irrelevant ture, -- a pieperti corresponden odious approximation, -- a ing sce, -- a preposterous side of your prosperity, -- an unually recurring mortification, -- a drain on your purse, -- a more intolerable dun upon your pride, -- a drao your rising, -- a stain in your blood, -- a blot on your scut yarment, -- a deat your ba, -- Agat, -- a Mordecai in yate, -- a Lazarus at your door, -- a lion in your patment, -- a mote in your eye, -- a triumpo your enemy, an apology to your friends, -- t needful, -- t, -- t.

        tellet;t is Mr. ----." A rap, bety and respect; t demands, and, at time, seems to despair of eai. eret o you to s back again.    diime -- o stay. ers t a side table. ;My dear, pero-day." uo umbled upon one.    fisurbot being small -- yet suffereto uned into a slice against    resolution. icket -- yet y t, if a stranger press it upon o ts,    civil enougo s t;t; Every one speculatetion; and t part take o be a tide-er. ian o imply t oo familiar by    you ; aken for aketate ts a t.    try tenant, inasmuc -- yet `tis odds, from    yuests take o make o t table; refusety, and -- resents bei out. o go for a coacs t go. s yrandfat in some mean, and quite unimportant ae of -- t    quite so flouris; in seeing it no;    situations, to institute    of gratulation, ure; and insults you ion of your ains.    t s, after all, table about tea-kettle --    venien o your lady if it is not so. Inquiret; and did not knoill lately, t suc of ts perverse; alk a trouble; ay pertinacious; and ately as possible, and feel fairly rid of two nuisances.

        t -- a is female Poor Relation. You may do sometolerably    your i sive is ;," you may say, "and affects to go tances are better take to er at your table, and truly ; But in tions of female poverty trut out    s;Sed to t does s t; Sy, your imes out of ten, at least, tle tly predominates. S provokingly entatiously sensible to y. o imes -- aliquando sufflaminandus erat -- but t dinner, and so be er tlemen. Mr. ---- requests taking ates bet and Madeira, and c Sir; and insists on not troubling o e. tronizes akes upon o correct aken the piano for a harpsichord.

        Ric, Esq., in table instance of tages, to y stituting a claim to acquaintance, may subject t of a gentleman. A little foolis is bet    estate. ars are perpetually crossed by t maternity of an old    so repense ies, and float    surface, under emperament. I kne in real life, anding at Cs, a fine classid a yout oo muc its actuality     of t sort o keep inferiors at a dista only sougo ion from itself. It    carried as far as it could go,    infringing upon t respect, opic. Many a quarrel allness made us more obnoxious to observation in t too elude notice, ogetreets of tropolis. ---- , sore ions, to Oxford, ness of a sg rodu, ion to ty. too    imer must ; and in y. In tudent sion. er among books, ; and studies, t ask no questions of a yout beyond udious pursuits o abstract.    a e broke out against y. to exercised ter at N----, near Oxford. A supposed i o take up    city, alked of. From t moment I read in tenance of termination ore s for ever. to a person unacquainted ies, taorading part of tter especially -- is carried to an excess t    of ----`s fatrically ttle, busy, ging tradesman,    bore tive to trances of to ously dug. Sucate of t last. ---- must ced.    turdy moralist,    of ties as ioimate truggle. I stood    afternoon I ever sa reet to t ful, and more reciled. I veo rally ter mood -- upon a representation of tist Eva,    of frame over oken of prosperity, or badge of gratitude to . ---- looked up at tan, "kne; A letter on able t m, annou ed a ission in a regiment about to embark for Pal.    ian.

        I do not knoing al so emily painful; but tioer fic as ions, t it is difficult to keep t distinct    blending. t impressions ainly not attended ing, in t my fatable (no very splendid one) o be found, every Saturday, terious figure of an aged gentleman, clot black, of a sad yet ely appearance. ment y;    to make a noise in tle ination to o admire in silence., A particular elboo o be violated. A peculiar sort of s pudding,    of     Lin, and t . t I kneo be a place o ies and passions. A sort of melanced o go about in aernal suit of m; a captive -- a stately being, let out of tourdays. Often    temerity of my fate of an ual general respect oo stand up against , touc city of Lin are divided (as most of my readers knoin formed an obvious divisioogeternal residence    cause of ility in tiuses. My fataineer; and ill maintain ty, in skill and ion) over ty emporary ain. Many and    opic -- tleman imes almost to t (so I expected) of actual ilities. But my fato insist upon advantages, generally trived to turn tion upon some adroit by-endation of ter; in t on a ciliating level, and lay doant differences. Only I saleman really ruffled, and I remembered    t came over me: "Per; o take anote of tioned as tant of s. ance amounting tour --     simes press civility out of season -- uttered tion -- " Do take anot, for you do not get pudding every day." tleman said not time -- but ook occasion in t ervened beto utter e it -- "oman, you are superannuated." Jo did not survive long, after ting of t; but o assure me t peace ually restored! and, if I remember arigly substituted in t    (Anno 1781) able independence; and een soire after    t o bury    o any man for a sixpeion.