

        NOt many nigraordinary performer in Cockletop; and o my pillouck by me, in a manner as to ten sleep. In vain I tried to divest myself of it, by juring up t opposite associations. I resolved to be serious. I raised up t topics of life; private misery, public calamity. All    do.

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        ume -- all traogetine rod, s in    -- Cleopatras tear, and t of ary -- till ter, like grief in excess, relieved itself by its o insta had driven away.

        But I    to escape so easily. No sooner did I fall into slumbers, t one Munden, but five aking opium -- all trange binations,    of all strange mortals ever s eo, from to dry up tears of totten Edo ed a    see ter    fall far s of the former.

        t, one (but    is!) of Liston; but Munden    you    properly pin doery of looks, in unatable y, suddenly s out airely ne of features, like    one, but legion. Not so muciplied like e migerally makes faces: applied to any otiain modifications of tenance. Out of some invisible    used for c as easily. I s be surprised to see    out tt, or lapamorphosis.

        I ed actor in Sir    -- diffuse a gloiment    like t of one man; o t of a people. I    approaco t of excellen ot in tesque of farce, Muands out as single and unapanied as rao tell,    end h himself.

        any man ; sessa " -- as    strangely-ed ton -- ions from to to tator in as , as if some Arabian Niged before tempted to ternatural i over t daily-life objects? A table, or a joint stool, in ion, rises into a dignity equivalent to Cassiopeias c is ied ellatory importance. You could not speak of it    ed into t. A beggar in triarcy. So to of Munden antiquates and enoud s and ic vision. A tub of butter, plated by s to a Platonic idea. ands a leg of mutton in its quiddity. ands erials of life, like primeval man ars about him.