首页英剧荒野CHAPTER 12


        e eo steal dles. Even in t, te and glass building asserted its prominenain Street. Bound by an iron fe in tter , tnut doors at top of a dozen steps, mosaics from tained-glass ing moonligs    teo s to tern arm of t ts left unlocked. ted ceiling created a space t, in ts emptiness    and substance. Once our eyes adjusted,    seem as smotening size diminis as if to embrace us. e split up, Smaolacy to t, I to find tive dles in an alcove on tar. A fleeting presence seemed to folloar rail, and a real dread rose inside me. In a ood like lines of soldiers in glass cups. A box rattled apped my nails against its metal face, and spent matctered ty spaces. I struck a e, and a small flame erupted like a fingersnap. At once, I regretted taring do me. I s t and crouco be invisible.

        Panid fear left as quickly as t amazes me noime. es, tomas, Easter, ers, fatity. Yet as quickly as it takes to say "Pardon me," tory. It seemed as if tatue flickered in tc. I looked upon tic face of tor, t of untold adoratioion, imagination, supplication. As I stuffed my pockets    a pang of guilt.

        Be    ter entrance groaned open as a pe or a priest entered. e zipped out tones. Despite t t bodies lay buried tery    ening as t a gravestone, ran my fingers over tters, aed to ligco read t over to catcoil    on our blas giggling like ougo make our sanctuary so a dark er and curled up like a fox,    out tness, a books,    side by side, turning pages marking time.

        Ever since sroduced me to t place, I loved going to tially, I    for t entered in my cories—Grimms Fairy tales and Moture books like Mike Mulligan, Make ay for Dugs, and o my fading identity. Rature t, tories only alienated me furt. By looking at tures and reading Aloud text, I o    ser my first fes to t tead, I embarked upon a journey mapped by Speck, o    i: books like te Fang, tales of adventure and derring-do. S    decipers, symbols, and plots t ran too ion. acks and tless novels, inspired me to believe in my oy to read and imagine. If not for er or tures of Migore. Or    reading at all.

        Cozy in our den, s volume of Sype set in a minuscule font, and I    of t spired errupted eaco s.

        "Speck, listen to tood togets pointing at telligible language of tribe."

        "Sounds like us. ;

        I o ss cover, title in gilt letters on a green cloto our stories, and an hour or so passed before she spoke again.

        "Listen to t z and Guildenstern.    greets tz says, As t    says,     over-unes cap    tton. "

        "Does ;

        S;Not t, not t. Dont go cer a better fortune."

        I did not uand t s I laugried to find my place again ened and o go, I told    so me about Fortune.

        "rite it do youd like to remember, e it dotle book; t again, memorize it, and    w;

        I took out my pencil and a card from tack I alog. " did t;

        "Rosentz and Guildenstern: t c;

        "t of t;

        "ts us." So to wake our slumbering friend Smaolach.

        e co take isfa of lying abed on a cers m under o read at leisure. Bet many o read, I could not imagine my life ot c sten ory old, but if a book ures, t i.

        y    to toen came back ion of magaziime or Life or Look—and togeto look at tograp, elbo miuck togety. Ney did not appeal to tro or Kle, no aing face; but trigued by images of cicularly in fanciful or uations, and any pograpural icularly exotiimals from a zoo or circus or in top of an elep caused a sensation, but a boy    alked about for days. Most beloved of all s and cogether.

        "Aniday," Onions ;tell us tory about t;

        A brig to stare at ed, grinning fation to t;Little bundle of joy: Senator Kennedy admires er, Caroline, in town ;

        ried to turn tuck ograp;ait. I    to see t;

        C;I    to see t;

        tensely curious about t tance pograpinued, unlike our releimelessness. ted us. Despite our ma boredom retc alloime to pass.

        Kivi and Blomma could spend a day braiding ead starting all ain. Or tolen or made from sticks and scraps of cloticular, became a little moto , tug oy baby in a cradle fasten piic basket. One baby    or broken limbs of four ot to riill it lay plastered against tic scalps.


        Kivi did not look up from ask, but I could se she was g.

        "e are practig," said Blomma, "for o be g to be mot;


        S me, tness no takes so long."

        I did. For    for decades suffered most. truly misy by creating trouble, solving imaginary problems, or by pursuing aerprise t, on t t decade in camp digging an elaborate system of tunnels and undergrouion. Béka, t in line, ant proo catg female and drag o the bushes.

        Ragno and Zanzara attempted to cultivate grapes nearly every spring in ed mased every enric, t sun, mites and spiders and is invaded, and my friends , t and meander along trellis Ragno , but never a grape in all tember, tore dos, only to begin again ed in tinued failures. opped digging and leaned against t spade.

        " o taste it again."

        "But surely you could steal a bottle or to;

        "My papa gre to be patient ;

        I passed mucime augo fell A tree and not be crusry and prap, to catc. But my favorite days     of all hdays.

        I still kept my dar ae fell on a Saturday, and Spevited me to go to to spend t quietly reading togetransformed. Dozens of small dles suffused t of t from a campfire uars.    trances, and t of bread and c ttle boiled cea in our cups.


        "today is your birto all t;

        At odd times t evening, I ext to d sray lock from in front of urbed me; I did not get to read maences more te t nigead of tled into ing t to last. Most of ter dles    our time was nearly over.

        "Speck, ;


        "e o go. Dont you feel t to begin."

        "e back to sleep."

        I gatoget;e    be able to leave unless we g;

        Sed ;e    stay. Its Sunday and tay all day and read. Nobody ;

        For a fleeting sed, I sidered    t of staying in toerror.

        "Its too risky," I w;Suppose someone c;

        So t. "trust me."

        "Are you ing?" I asked at the door.

        "Go. Sometimes you are suc;

        Squeezing t, I    ake. I did not like arguing    s many days on s bounced bad fortion, for I found myself quite lost soon after abandoning urn brougreets and strao escape, I became more ed. At an edge of torees invited me into its rail from tions, follos ts and turns. In , I sayed put until t it could serve as pass, but at time, my ts ions.    o grouck eternally in the waning sliver moon dipped and disappeared.

        A small creek, not more trickle, bisected to folloer. trag a creek at daen in my dreams as to be as familiar to me as my oself raony road, and to a solitary farm, I sao t sunrays bathe por gold.

        Some trick of lig in a dream beto e t broug into focus, took on a more s are, its door less and less like a epped out of t and onto t grass. trifying me on t. A man came doairs, pausing on t-to-bottom step to ligte. rapped in a blue robe, took oep fored , startled by ture. ly.

        ter still did not notice me, t t t. I ed to turn around and see ood frozen as a ed around us. From t a dozen steps bette fell from ook one more step toy passed as s. rembled wo speak.

        "And ;

        to me did not make sense.

        "Is a ?"

        t my ears. At t moment, I    ed me to run to    I    knoed, as fast as I could go. trous gargle from    folloo t until, as suddenly, trange opped, yet I kept running all the way home.