

        It AS IABLE: t of bitter almonds aled love. Dr. Juvenal Urbino noticed it as soon as ered till darkened    call to attend a case t for    all urgency many years before. tillean refugee Jeremia-Amour, disabled eran, pograp sympatic oppo in ents of memory ic fumes of gold ide.

        on t    ool ray o vaporize tied to a leg of t, lay t Dane e d o e    beginning to illumiifling, cro served as botory, but t for    oy of deathe oppressive heavi-ness.

        A ter tles    labels arays under an ordinary ligray, tive solution,    to tives on glass plates, broken furniture, but everyt free of dust by a diligent mospill remained for tify it tter almonds. Dr. Juvenal Urbi, ory iion, t t be a propitious place for dying in a state of grace. But in time o suppose t pers disorder obeyed an obscure determination of Divine Providence.

        A polispector udent    t ilated ting for Dr. Urbino to arrive. ted y t on tion, for no one -Amour.

        t teac ips of al circumspe. Jeremia-Amour ely naked, stiff and ted, eyes open, body blue, looking fifty years older t before. s across omaccorso and arms as broad as a galley slave’s, but udied ,    ac rarely ile struggle against death.

        “Damn fool,”    was over.”

        and regained y. ieted ted temptation to retire. y of time to rest uality is not yet part of my plans.” Alt ear, and leaned on a silver-o ceal ering steps, io , c, as smartly as he had in his younger years.

        eur beard, t part in ter. ed as mucurbing erosion of memory by scribbling es on scraps of paper t ended in fusion in eacs, as did truments, ttles of medie, and all toget only ty’s oldest and most illustrious ps most fastidious man. Still, oo obvious display of learning and tion than he deserved.

        rus to tor and tern opsy; t proof t tivated in tray by some pograp-Amour kneoo muc tters for it to . or sation,     ypical of    fet t I am tificate.”

        tor ed: unity to study ts of gold ide on a cadaver. Dr. Juvenal Urbino     seen    t ood in an instant from t t    arrival to ty. o be someone driven mad by love less suicides        been caused by tone of his voice.

        “And ern: “t al.”

        to tor as o a subordinate. o circumvent all t take place t same afternoon a discretion. o ter.”    Jeremia-Amour lived in primitive austerity and t    t in one of to be more the funeral expenses.

        “But if you do not find it, it does not matter,” ake care of everything.”

        o tell t tograpural causes, alt terest t is necessary, I o tor, a serious and , kor’s sense of civic duty exasperated even    friends, and    ties in order to expedite t o do o t Jeremia-Amour could be buried in or, astonis itempted to make excuses for him.

        “I uood t,” he said.

        “Sometic saint. But tters fod to decide.”

        In tance, on ty, t ocs c,    ope a touiss Pe Mass.

        In ts, and tures of c memorable moments: t union, tume, ter year, during plative pauses on afternoons of    t    in traits lay ture city, gov-erned and corrupted by t even the ashes of his glory would remain.

        On t to a jar t e e and    resist temptation to study it.    ’s game, for Jeremia-Amour played at dusk every day of t least t oppos, but ored tor kime it    o be defeated    mer four moves. “If to erful trap.” If , o find out later able soldier, aced to figo t drop of blood,    ttle of his life unfinished.

        At six t m, as    rounds, t ailed to treet door: e in    knog and inform t or arrived ern, and t migradict takable breatter almonds. But ior o study tor discovered an envelope among to Dr. Juvenal Urbino and sealed    it o be ripped to pieces to get tter out. tor opeaio , gave a quick gla ts covered on bot ing, and    union. ated breaturning ba several pages to find t, and urn from very far ao trol it:    stop trembling of ter and placed it in    pocket. tor and tor, and    ts of grief.

        “Noticular,” rus.”

        It    t it plete because o lift a loose tile from t book t taiion tbox. t as muced, but it o meet otions. t    get to the Gospel reading.

        “It’s time I’ve missed Sunday Mass since I’ve    God uands.”

        So o spend a fees more and attend to all tails, altense longing to ss of tter o notify ty in case ted to pay t respects to ted    respectable of t active and t radical, even after it oo clear t ners, imate acquaintaend tter o be first among t afterain of anyto send a    t Jeremia-Amour ed at t moment. t five, able test mont try ing    day.

        Oormy years les ine and acability and prestige t    to take    medies: potassium bromide to raise s, salicylates for t rained, ergosterol drops for vertigo, belladonna for sound sleep. ook somet, because in or and teacives for old age: it    tle pad of camp co calm ogether.

        udy preparing for t aug turday, at eigil test books t o     folloure as closely as Frenly for an er a and at nig to sleep. udy een minutes of respiratory exercises in front of toers were crowing, whe air was new.

        tacmospurated e linen,    and a soft    and cordovan boots. At eigive spirit t urn from Paris soon after t c for tallic color, er part    ed en famille but follo a time, co prevent    failure. After class it o meed to iatives, or istid social innovations.

        ale lun-minute siesta on terra tio,    girls urees, treet, tors from t fumes fluttered t afternoons like an angel o putrefa. tory, and gave lessons in Frene parrot ion for years. At four o’clock, after drinking a large glass of lemoo call os. In spite of    see patients in io care for ty icated t one could go anywy.

        After urned from Europe t time, s, but oria and a single io use it, ain disdain for faso disappear from t in ty o tourists and carrying    funerals. Alto retire,     ion too. ell ient just by looking at rustful of patent medi-es, and ion of surgery.

        est proof of t t, in a strict sense, all medicatioy pert of on foods ened deattle medie ors.” From youto a posi-tion t alistic er of    o    fear of pain.” But despite treme ideas, o sult er tablis , or, as rated in tral rict of the Viceroys.

        o send ernoon. op in ted     returo tury, aed taional tours u    time t Jeremia-Amour arrived,    yet a pog-rap io move a biso defeat    ing, at t .

        to -Amour could bee ector, or i even taking trouble to learn e. ually lent o set up ograpudio, and from time ook    picture of a cartled by t-Amour paid back every last penny y.

        It    ter supper at seven o’clock, -Amour because of able superiority, but til at last ter,    outdoor ema, Jeremia-Amour omers, ao ts o see toget never or’s    because s ieo folloed plot lines, and in part because it alo uition, t Jeremia-Amour    a good panion for anyone.

        . tend    turn o rest and read on terra tio. ed a patient on a ion unless it reme urgency, and for many years    accepted a social e t    obligatory. On te-cost, in a rare ce, traordinary events    pupil. Yet instead of going straigended after certifying t-Amour, o be car-ried along by curiosity.

        As soon as ed tter and told to take o an obscure location i decision o s t ted to make certain take. No, no mistake: tten it o kno very uro t page of tter and plunged once again into tions t mig    t the ravings of a dying man.

        to ten very early in t t to find a ser route, tones of ty and o stop often to keep tened by ties and fraternities ing back from tecost liturgy. treets    from tatue of tor    rees and treetligraffic ed because Mass    a seat y in the venerable and noisy Parish Café.

        Dr. Urbino’s    inguis in ty because te polis tings of bro    be corroded by salt, and    trimming like gala nig t demanding families isfied if t, ill required o    and a top    like a circus ringmaster’s, o she Caribbean summer.

        Despite    maniacal love for ty and a kno superior to anyone’s, Dr. Juvenal Urbino    often    Sunday to venture boldly into tumult of ter. to make many turns and stop to ask dires several times in order to find t, ting gases, erday t o do    t pestilence so frequently idealized by nostalgia became an unbearable reality s er    along by tide.

        Uy of t of    of ted on pilings to protect t ed from tce, but out of taverns came tous music, tion of Pe by time trical finery of to drive tial visit, realized too late t the innoce of age.

        terior of tinguiss less fortunate neig for tains and an imposing front door taken from some old    t it    or out of t a sound, and in terior stood a mature e y, sill a y mulatta igo    of steel    reize imes in tograpudio, and ten ion for tertian fever.    ook it beto o te and invisible murmur of a forest glade and ure and exquisite objects, eaatural place. Dr. Urbino re-called    bitterness an antiquarian’s smartre in Paris, on an autumn Monday in t tury. t down across from ed Spanish.

        “tor,” s expect you so soon.”

        Dr. Urbi betrayed. ared at    ense m, at ty of ood t t because s every-tated and explained in Jeremia-Amour’s postter. true. Sil a very feender bore too close a resem-blao love, and    anyone kno it in tal e secrets were on knowledge.

        t in a valest -au-Prince, , alt agreeing to anyt so stay forever. Sraigory once a    not even t evil-minded neigy because t Jeremia-Amour’s disability affected more ty to    in tter. In a, it    for o pre ts    a past and living on ty’s prejudices    love. S    seem to ion to be despised. On trary: life    per was exemplary.

        On t to tely, and    apart as t least talian immigrant, Don Galileo Date, alled er iury vent. t on tern Front, a film based on a book t    Dr. Urbino    devastated by t afterory, salgid t it al ses of tempt to distract ed o play ced to please    tentively, e pieces, of course, until    o be defeated in four moves and surrendered    or realized t s in t General Jerónimote, as onis:

        “It erful!”

        Sed t s rat Jeremia-Amour, already lost in ts of deat love. opped t about a quarter past eleven, for to leave ed to e a letter to Dr. Juvenal Urbi ty betion to cood as a dialogue of reason and not as a sce. And t Jeremia-Amour o t    to e tter. tor could not believe it.

        “So then you knew!” he exclaimed.

        S only kneo discover    hs had been: cruel suffering.

        “Your duty o report or.

        “I could not do t,” soo much.”

        Dr. Urbino, y. raig ried o fix    t moment: sed in ’s eyes and time ago, on a deserted beaci er love, Jeremia-Amour erpreted termination tle    quarter against time, but o take y years old.

        urned seventy, in fact, on ty-t year, and t te as t before Pe, t important y secrated to t of t. t a siail of t t s kno aime, and t often, suffering toget op noe approaco despair as if     an inexorable destiny.

        “Last nig his world,” she said.

        Sed to take t    tcips of    Mister oodroo tie o t        of disloyalty, and it ified by o remem-ber ter in try eyes of    Dr. Urbino inter-rupted o say t t freed     to.” And so evoke o t before, ing tter     time.

        “Remember me o her.

        Surle after midnigo smoke one cigarette after anotime to finis s letter, and a little before to    ter for coffee on tove, dressed in full m, and cut t rose of daio. Dr. Urbino already realized ely e t irredeemable    trief.

        And for t si-fication. S go to t is e in one of tter. S sear, s e t of    brot bury o seed to do. Seo sell Jeremia-Amour’s s tents, ter, noo    plaining, in trap of the poor where she had been happy.

        trap of t    a gratuitous description. For ty, y, stood uy of urnal terrors and tary pleasures of puberty,    corroded,    a slorefying ser suddeating dorines and turreets into siing bogs.

        In summer an invisible dust as    co even t-protected ers of tion by mad    took tur-days ttoes, along iimals and kitsils, tumultuously abain on t assault took over trict. Until a feill bore t o ts    mercy, drank ts, and on Sunday at midnigy    of tuous mob so tores of everyt could be bougy he frenzy of a human fair reeking of fried fish: a new life.

        Independence from Spain and tion of slavery pre-cipitated tions of    old families sank into treets t tacks and bueer landings,    mansions, and t ternoon    of siesta. Indoors, in turated ected t    early Mass tillas. t and en disturbed by sinister omens, and life seemed intermi nig t of transition, a storm of ivo-rous mosquitoes rose out of tender breat, irred tainty of deaths of one’s soul.

        And so ty, o idealize iury, ty    prosperous in to ts being t Afri slave market in t    residence of to govern ant freezing capital under a turies-old drizzle t disturbed ty. Sev-eral times a year, fleets of galleons carrying treasures of Potosí, Quito, and Veracruz gaty lived its years of glory. On Friday, June 8, 1708, at four o’clo ternoon, t sail for Cádiz ones aals valued at five    rao t, and turies later it    yet been salvaged. t trea-sure lying in its bed of coral, and ting sideorians as an emblem of ty drowned in memories.

        Across tial district of La Manga, Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s ood in anotime. Oory, spacious and cool, it ico side terrace, er and trance door to tce ciles, a fact often attrib-uted to Dr. Urbino’s ruling passion    taking into at t to talonian craftsmen rict for t tury. t t of treet, and it ed from te glass door covered he pipes of fauns in a bronze grove.

        tion rooms, including t stood like a liviinel in te eentury, and t eardrop crystal, and ttle alabaster statues of pagan idylls. But t European co of togetstools made by local craftsmen. Splendid o, icolored fringe along tters    to t imate certs y. In order to eniles urkis t model of a victrola stood o a stand t    Dr. Urbino    played for many years. t tect t ed firmly on the ground.

        But no oticulous solemnity of tuary of Dr. Urbino until old age carried    desk and tufted leat demented order tical calfskin ials in gold on t t, tranquillity and fragrance of an abbey. Born and raised in tition t one opened doors and o sum-mon a ess t in fact did , Dr. Urbino and    first felt ts oppressed by enclosure.

        But in ts y against , o keep out treet, ao t breezes. And from t time on t    ake a siesta in to sit on ti ternoon to cers from Ne dusk to see ts s, purifying tagnant garbage     protected from December tore a t cirg like    t a marriage rooted in sus could    to be happy.

        In any case, Dr. Urbino    en o’clock, ss t not only o miss Pe Mass but also teo    age a until it ime for Dr. Lácides Olivella’s gala lunc s in an uproar as ttempted to catc,    brancree    only    expected, but ty and rationality t ored by Dr. Urbino    no one else in t even they were young.

        y years, and no one kneer a, Dr. Urbino sat erra tio, t spot in t diligent reserves of il t learo speak Frenc for love of taugin apao ted passages from to St. Mattried    success to inculcate in ion of tis.

        On one of    trips to Europe    back t prumpet speaker, alo popular records as e classical posers. Day after day, over and ain for several montte Guilbert and Aristide Bruant, ury, until t lear. enor’s voice if t laug er-ful imitation of t girls    on occasion distinguisors erior on ts o see ourists, ws from New Orleans, would     any price.

        But test glory e of et ministers, visited to firm trutation. t about ternoon, suffog in top s and frock coats ts u sky, and to leave as curious as e    refused to say a single syllable, ign ts and publi of Dr. Urbino,    foolatioe the sage warnings of his wife.

        t t t could maintai oric act of defiance imate proof of s. No otted in tion of turtle     forever.    sidered a living being but ration one could never be certain of. Dr. Urbino ant to fess red of animals, ions as t -vinced many, but not    people    cruelties to loyal but servile, t cats un-ists and traitors, t peacocks ive annoya rabbits fomented greed, t monkeys carried t, and t roosters    in t.

        On t t time y-t of ional idolater of tropical floiimals, and early in aken advantage of ty of love to keep many more of t ians named after Roman emperors, o    took o give birto nine pups to ceive as oms and stered t c to tree in tio, elicited a certain passion because    ,    t rid of    because    of pleasuring he ladies.

        temalan birds in cages along tory curle ts. Sly before t civil    time of a possible visit by t a bird of paradise from Guatemala, but it took loo arrive to return to its     t of tifical visit    to alarm torial Liberals.

        Anotime, on t a ical to t Fermina Daza    as a girl in    sill ed to    no one could bear tinual flapping of t filled t in an anada, four meters long,    aplis ted, al breats and salamanders and tless species of s t i t time ions and so absorbed in ural enterprises, ent to assume t in t of so many abominable creatures    only t beautiful    also t. But one rainy afternoon, at ting day, ered a disaster in t brougo    of tream of dead animals floated in a mars girls    knoo do, and t yet recovered from ter.

        One of tiffs, maddened by a sudden attack of rabies, orn to pieces every animal of any kind t crossed its patil t door found to face o pieces e. No one kneen or inated ed field, aal for a ting of to escape, because nobody remembered    lucky cortoise.

        Fermina Daza admitted for t time t    in a domestic matter, and for a long    animals. Srations from Linnaeus’s Natural ory,    ions. Dr. Urbino put double padlocks on t valuable possessions in trongbox, aedly acquired time    of sleeping    ed or unvaated, running loose or co steal everything he owned.

        “Not does not speak o this house,” he said.

        to put ao ts of ermio buy a dog, and    y generalization o cer le er turo t a royal Paramaribo parrot,    ravagant price of tavos.

        , ligoo distinguiss o speak even urpentine supposi-tories. Dr. Urbino, a good loser, boo ty of     made    girls. On rainy afternoons, ongue loosened by ttered pime,    han he appeared.

        tor’s final doubts collapsed one nigried to get in again t in ttid t frigiff’s barking t could not ic if it s of stop top top t    Dr. Urbino took cru of a percree ainer for er, anotrapeze for acrobatics. From December ts doors unbearable, aken io sleep in t, alted t    be a t to tion of    o .

        But one day o do acrobatic tricks on tco t of ste of every man for    to scoop     still alive. From t in time, in defiance of t caged parrots fet everyt out only in terra tio. No one realized in time t oo long, and t to clip t m op of tree.

        And for t been able to catc girls, ricks to lure    ed on staying y, long live ty damn it, a reckless cry t    many a carefree drunk ried to cajole in, and t responded in timbre in     move from reetop. vi no one o make arily, Dr. Urbi,    ret civic pastime.

        Until just a s time before, in fact, fires    out by volunteers using brickmasons’ ladders and buckets of er carried in from    times caused more damage t for t year, to a fund- anized by ty for Public Improve-ment, of er truck wo high-pressure hoses.

        t classes    first t    Dr. Urbino told ties t in    after a torm. an alley loairs and turns t t get o treet. t    aid for minor acts.

        So it o ask to please get a distinguis, ies of a gentleman, out of a tree. Dr. Urbino said: “tell t’s for me.” And    to o dress for trut at t moment, devastated by tter from Jeremia-Amour,    really care about te of t.

        Fermina Daza    on a loose-fitting silk dress belted at tin s soo old for sucylistire did not seem appropriate for a venerable grandmot it suited ill slender a,     a single age spot, eel-blue    at iness     to rait, but ime of iron corsets, bound s, and bustles t exaggerated buttocks o t. Liberated bodies, breat t ty-two.

        Dr. Urbino found ting at able uri, putting on    decorated    violets. t, ected by mosquito ing embroidered in pink, and to trees in tio, urn from to t for    before so t of throom.

        S remember    first s for love, but for t five years or so so do it regardless of t dress    celebrated t capable of living for even an instant    t t t capacity diminisual dependeion s because bot to knotle by little sainty of ep,     of sobbing    s identify t raturn to c reat    old man but as a senile baby, and t deception ial for t put ty.

        Life ter for time t it o avoid great matrimonial catastroprivial everyday miseries. But if toget    o us ter . So t to avoid fag tality of anoter premonitions, whe innoce of a newborn: eaew day was one more day he had won.

        Sers, and    sign of life eo ao annoy    around for t o be o to ter an udy, ill    turning on t. Once, during a party game,    not one of t ended not to, just as sended not to be. ives were clear: s.

        t t turbed ty of ill asleep    sound, t seful for it, just so s five o’clo t on to feel around in t find omary place, s t nig after t,    mis-fortune in t nobody lets you sleep.”

        turn on t    t mercy for ent    victory of trut for all t f: it ic love. But one of trivial games almost e ty years of togethroom.

        It began ine simplicity. Dr. Juvenal Urbino uro till bat o dress    turning on t. As usual sal state,    arm from a sacred dance above    s. After a prolonged sound of starself:

        “I’ve been bat a    any soap.”

        tossed and turned in fury    sten to replace ticed its abseo replace it after t until t day, and on trut a    t being found out in a mistake maddeag.

        “ell I’ve bated, beside here’s always been soap.”

        Alttle tactics by , time    abide text or ot to live in terns’ quarters at Misericordia al, returning o ding t so do, and stayed til sreet. For t time tried to resolve t t ready to e back as long as so admit t prepared to il    o torment her.

        t, of course, gave tunity to evoke many otrivial quarrels from many oturbulent daments stirred up otments, reopened old scars, turo fres ting proof t in so many years of jugal battling ttle more ture t last    t to an open fession,    God could decide ond for all e all rol, s emper oric cry:

        “to he Archbishop!”

        ty sions of ty, gave rise to sla    easy to disprove, and radition as if it ta: “to oo far, sicipated able response and teo move back to ill beloo    ed out for public offices, and live t    an idle t: s to leave and did not care about time.    o defy ulated. Not in t ted t insofar as io live in t in separate rooms, and    say a o e in silence, sparring    t eacable t t speaking to eacher.

        Siudy    solved to bater preparing    not to a t time, and took turns bruseeto sleep. After four mont to read until s of ten did, and     ir, but instead of getting up urned out t aled o remind    o go to tudy, but it felt so fortable to be ba -grandparents’ feat o capitulate.

        “Let me stay here was soap.”

        onisrut t serious argument in fifty years of living toget    to abandon ties and begin a ne up, for to bleed again as if ted only yesterday.

        man t Fermina Daza e. S, e ateroom on t o France, and tallion’s stream seemed so potent, so replete y, t it increased error of tation to e. t memory ofteuro ream, for so ting toilet boried to vince s readily uandable to anyone and t t repeated every day t, as sed, but because anic reasons: as a young man ream    t s for marksmanstles, but     only decreasing, it tered, and    last turned into a .fan-tastic fountain, impossible to trol despite s to direct it.

        oilet must ed by someoo domestic peace idian act t oilet paper eacime . S never said anyt to in tinks like a rabbit spired Dr. Urbino imate solution: ed sitting doate of grace.

        By time tle for y of a fatal slip in tub put    t er tub    on in ty.    removed for ed by Europeans er made filt tried to remove from tsized o t lasted over an    o imes fell asleep in ter bato dress: salcum poer on    on s inued dressing em by item, from o t in ie opaz pin. turo taken a last accepted tic scoo; s less and less, and by time sy she was awake before her husband.

        Oecost Sunday,    to look at Jeremia-Amour’s body, Dr. Urbino experieion of somet il t lucid peregrinations as a per so many years of familiarity er battling it for so long, after so muing it i and upside do    time, and it        t fear        over     deat only a perma probability, as    an immediate reality.     day,    until t moment ainty.    trument used by Divine Providence for t overe of grace. But ity, er past, ion,    t sometive and irrevocable had occurred in his life.

        allo ried, of course, tons on . But    easy to impress, least of all by t care for. All s    Jeremia-Amour s on one of many islands in tilles, t ograp of y and    successful one in t orremolinos but iy was named Capablanca.

        “But ive from ne, -demo life impriso for an atrocious crime,” said Dr. Urbino. “Imagine, en human flesh.”

        ter o carry o t s ts in able    reading tomed to y for astonis, ed opinions t became more inpre by,     of tuime done    -Amour ieem not for er    uand rue identity at te date. S pre it an abomination t , si avistic    of a certain kind of man,    of ingratitude, and besides, it seemed to breaking proof of love t s o die. So do t for reasons as serious as y o do    ed ury.

        “You don’t uand anyt infuriates me is not ion iced on all of us for so many years.”

        o fill ears, but sended not to see.

        “ told trut you or t poor own would hey did.”

        S. S touco t in ie and pinned on opaz tiepin. teary beard er and put t in    pocket, its ers spread open like a magnolia. trokes of the house.

        “aking e.”

        Aminta Dec daugail so t t of ter of toric district, , denatured by a Florentine arcect ed maeentury relito Veian basilicas. It ilated dining aion rooms, but t    enougs from ty, not to mention t fe of town.

        tio er, one fountain murmuring in ter and pots of rope t perfumed t dusk, but te for so many grand family names. So it o ry    en minutes aomobile along tio, and enormous Indian laurels, and local er lilies in a gently floform uables for os, ableclots of table of    a o tradances and national zes, and for a string quartet from ts,    correspoly to tio Sunday in order to magnify tion.

        tions    somet undone for lack of time. t in live ot only for t because in ial times td little s of pure gold ers and ic staff, boarded ted t from everyed everyt t tion ake pla a Sunday in June in a year o y and sa t one could not see to te tor of tronomical Observatory,    Mass, reminded    in all troubled ory of ty, even during t ers, it ecost. Still, s doors, a single crasremble, and a turbulent ables and bleastrophic downpour.

        In torm Dr. Juvenal Urbino, along e guests    difficulty reaced to move from to too stone across tio, but at last o accept tion of being carried by Don Sanc to set up te tables again is made no effort to disguise t o keep out tio eac tables , one side reserved for men and to .

        But i y t defied our social super-stitions on at least t of taclysm Aminta de Olivella seemed to be everyered    bearing up uuo adversity. iters, o keep t table of er and Arc.

        Fermina Daza sat o    Dr. Lácides Olivella, a    fifty e air,    seemed in o e diag of table    year’s beauty queen, o t o     ary for invitations to request special attire, least of all for a luncry, t of ts ies, and some even s. Only t sopicated, Dr. Urbino among t eaced ies.

        Se?ora de Olivella, ruck by tating ,    to take off ts during t no one dared to be t. ted to Dr. Urbino t in a seoricoget time at table, ted, sat t ry ever sindepen-de accorded ing a presi-dent from ty after forty-five years of servative    agree: in    ly tive president, but not as        to tradict to point out to    guests    t lunc because of    but because of ts of t ood over and above tid t of vie, not a single person was missing.

        t o s torm    t several trees ed and tream urio into a sest disaster c outdoors on bricks beime to rescue ts from t precious time reanizing tc by one o’clock t ers of St. Clare o send it before eleven. It    tc did even in less severe ers, and in t case it    least t orm. told to play its program of zes on terrace of tico, and t only eo s to be s iired of ing, smiling even on tears, Aminta de Olivella ordered lunco be served.

        ts began t in t’s “La Ce t grerusions of Don Sancs, ables eaming serving diso keep a co til tration    o e doion and follo at time, alterful extremes of a German orcra -ductor, a great friend of ime in Austria, o tannh?user.

        t t’s “Deatricality. raio listen tter of covered disared at a bluso ing.    about t, but    remember    caused    one nigo die rat until daate nos last year. o see , but Dr. Olivella reminded    er of ed or stood up and responded    not t ever, did    tern -Amour.

        forted by yet anotory over old age, o t identify. Later t, urned from Fraold    et for strings by Gabriel Fauré, o test trends in Europe. Fermina Daza,    of all ive in public, stopped eating and put    t it anymore.”

        Dr. Urbino smiled at asy, and it    o t    t ary uniform ions, uraits. uro to tell    t alk after    from General Jerónimote, oself, it seemed to me, s.” tone, op    ied it. Dr. Olivella, atteo ts    to opped listening to t to take part in ea.    is a pity to still find a suicide t is not for love.” Dr. Urbino    surprised tnize s in te disciple.

        “And ,” h gold ide.”

        ,    passion prevailing over tterness caused by tter, for o t o tion in all tan s, and y of soul -Amour ed . to t tages of purcograpes in order to preserve tion raits and in y.

        t a militant and educated Cato t a suicide ly, but o create an arcives. ted to kno. “I ake care of it.” And    redeemed by y to ted five iced it and in a loend t of course        saying.

        tu    been announced on ts strolled along terraces, ing for to finisio in case anyo ined to das    table of ing t t Dr. Urbino oast. No one recalled t    to a very special dis     of    afternoon, and er so many long years,    like singing. And , on t io, splass horn.

        It stopped in front of tid Dr. Marco Aurelio Urbino Daza and ray covered rays just like ts and even on t to t ed dessert. ed cordial jokes    before torm broke, ters of St. Clare o please bring t, but    t s’    before ory, but ime t o rescue t. Aminta de Olivella    as so serve t on terraces even t Dr. Juvenal Urbino and     tasting it, for time for o a before the funeral.

        And , altless be-cause ur as mucs t tripped a tree ed jet of er ter bedroom o ture and to traits of unknoruck, and if turbance     reac even ension ladders, to c tes, and only tune arrival of Dr. Urbino Daza preveilating tree all to trunk.

        t, saying turn after five o’clock if to prune, and on t terior terrad te turkisers, all of t t aken advantage of to escape tios. And in fact Dr. Urbino looked for    t even to    to sleep    t first e pleasure of smelling a secret garden in    had been puri-fied by lukewarm asparagus.

        t t m    t urate er a and ed as diviification t ernoons. Until ty    been scious of t and dition of tle by little, as er a, o feel t, erious liver, icreas, and    even t people    ion’s legendary group portraits.

        bouts of fetfulness, o a tactic    from one of eac t of paper.” But t-lived illusion, fe ten reminders in s meant, searcire urn ter log t    t or tionsers. But urbed    le by little, as in aable s .

        itific basis except    most fatal diseases    t no in t open from o toe on ting table,    in patients    success,    in tion on    been    old age    state t o be ended before it oo late. tion, even for someone like in of ite. At eigy to realize t taco t could break painlessly ion act, it    finding God in th.

        Fermina Daza raig royed by ttle before four s for     afternoon Dr. Urbino , and    ter    in t    till t    tributed to t toast. ook ime c    its starcic suspenders ripes . to cated opped reading, placed one book on top of to rock very sloemplating    ts in tio, tripped mango, ts t came after ternoon t ur    from Paramaribo    to    brancree.

        “You sdrel!” ed.

        t ansical voice:

        “You’re even more of a sdrel, Doctor.”

        io talk to    on s    care so as not t doo tio, esting tick so t    trip on teps of terrace. t did not move, and perco t Dr. Urbino    ick for     on tom, but t sidestepped and jumped to t branctle    easier to reac it even before the firemen.

        Dr. Urbino calculated t and t t if cepped onto t, singing a disarming, friendly song to distract ttention of ted t t sidled still fart on to t difficulty, o t began to repeat tire song    moving from t. o ted t of t ried to seize t . Digna Pardo, t, anding on t        been for tripes on tic suspenders.

        “Santísimo Sacramento!” she shrieked. “You’ll kill yourself!”

        Dr. Urbino caug around triump sig. But ely because t and for an instant     union,    time to repent of anyto say goodbye to a seven minutes after four oecost Sunday.

        Fermina Daza casting ting of ts and tire neigasting spoon and tried    to rue t of    kno    still resisti minute so t sime to e to e tears of uable sorro dying        and final time ri, mrateful tury of a so say to    breath:

        “Only God knows how much I loved you.”

        It     reason. Soon after ed udies in France, Dr. Juvenal Urbino became knoieo    cill in Europe, ter of tion iims ige and a sizable tribution from ance, y, t and for many years time President.

        ru of t aqueduct, t seem, and t t permitted filto be ed out of Las ánimas Bay.    of tory. For o tin Patriarc of t ferred upon ive encement to every religious and civic society in ty a in triotita, posed of politically disied iial citizens o adopt progressive ideas t o for time. t memorable of testing of aatic balloon t on its inaugural fligter to San Juan de la aga, long before anyone    of airmail as a rational possibility. ter for ts,    is still located, and for many years ron of tic Festival in April.

        Only     least a tury: toration of tic ter,    ion of a spectacular civic campaign t involved every sector of ty in a multitudinous mobilization t many t ter cause. In a, tic ter ed ill lacked seats    ting for termissions. tocol    t performances in Europe, and to ss in t it o auts to carry to eat t o survive terminable pro-grams, one of il it ime for early Mass.

        ty able glory ic talent of a turkis and    ones on oes. After t act tage could barely be seen and t t ty o delete to magnify ts. it a doubt it    tagious initiative, for opera fever ied t surprising elements in ty and gave rise to a ellos and A?das and Siegfrieds. But it never reacremes Dr. Urbino o see Italianizers and agnerians fronting eacicks and es during termissions.

        Dr. Juvenal Urbino never accepted tions t o    ditions, and iless critic of tige to attain political office. Alt of voting for t party’s didates, it ion of tradition tion, and    member of t families    i , a partisan of definitive reciliatioives for tion. But    onomous t no group claimed s lodyte, tives said    a Mason, and ted    cleri tics t    an aristocrat enraptured by ts of tic Festival o death in an endless civil war.

        Only t seem to    to t o a ney from t name or fortune,    until to admit t ssin and cer. Dr. Urbino ely a to bear a family name on its o extin. inguiser fifty years, or like born sons in every geion, e-- even produced a cer, Ofelia, o a solid bank employee from Neers and no son. But altemming to tide of ory caused     about dying ary life Fermina Daza    him.

        In a, tragedy not only caused an uproar among    spread to treets in t     in public buildings, and tolled    pause until t in ts made a deat o be used as t, but t    terror . A renoist opping o Europe painted, ivas in    tal moment c o capture t.

        t t tradicted trutory    in ting    t and tripes, but rat and black frock coat copied from a rotogravure made during t everyoiragedy in t gallery of t sold imported mercire city filed by. t e institutions t felt obliged to pay tribute to trious patron, and at last it s, er by art students y as a symbol of aid a time they despised.

        From    moment as a     Fermina Daza    as    in ermination not to alloo be used for any cause, aelegram from t of t to lie in state for public vie. ity sed, and so ter tion of    requests, Fermina Daza ion t to t t at ain coffee and fritters and everyone free to ional nine- open again except for visits from intimate friends.

        t of value lines of tures t aken do to ty spaces seemed immense and tly resonance because ture o one side, except for t piano s er under a     error petrified on ary ss of t e m, tremulous,    very mucrol of    display of feeling until eleven to ico, h a handkerchief.

        It    been easy for ain rol after sio and found t rea o give    least a moment so t    go    knos, and s an irresistible longing to begin life    t t unsaid and do everyt t t. But so give in to transigence of deato a blind rage against t    is o face ude alone. From t time on s s aure t migo betray her grief.

        t of pat ary, occurred at eleven o’clock Sunday nig in till smelling of ss copper ufted silk lining. Dr. Urbino Daza ordered it closed    delay siering , and     purplis-minded voice    age you’re ill alive.” Before took off    it on    him digressing in public.

        “e will see ea.

        Florentino Ariza, unseen in table personages, felt a pierg pain in    reized    dolences, alto serve or more useful during t’s urgent business. It ional d ra o be put in tio s,    of tion and o tiy, sitting in a circle uree.

        o react    appeared in t midnigupefied so run t seemed a sign of repentance. Florentino Ariza seized ime to s any of less stock po table in a covered cage. ion and suc it did not even occur to a it migrusion in otrary, it seemed a priceless service wimes he house.

        , acles in silver frames, and ic, old-fasacips.    tufts of    emples upered tio tion to total baldness. ural gallantry and languid manner ely c t virtues in a firmed bac a great deal of money, iy, and o disguise ty-six years ed in Marcude of    ime this world ever had.

        t of Dr. Urbino’s deat as     of June: a dark suit , a silk boie and a celluloid collar, a felt , and a s ick. But o groions from able. o a black frock coat of tist’s boead of a tie, and a bo out of    but because ain t it would rain before noon, and he funeral could be held earlier.

        tried to do so, in fact, because Florentino Ariza beloo a s of to suppose t    predig t t alter ts in time ary auties, te corporations, tary band, ts orcra, aies, ed as a oric event turned into a rout be-cause of a devastating doected by a ial ceiba tree ernoon, u in tion on t-Amour ed.

        Florentino Ariza ayed until to turned errified t cer so many years of meticulous care and excessive precautions.    lemonade    of brandy, drank it in bed ablets, and, , sed by tful until tablisuro t ality pletely restored. Fermina Daza o receive visitors, and on tar in trait in pastels of    o’clock tense a    as t before, but after ted t t everyone leave early so t t for t time since Sunday afternoon.

        Fermina Daza said goodbye to most of t tar, but s group of intimate friends to treet door so t s o do ino Ariza, dressed in m and standing in ted draime sfulness. But before s,    over , tremulous and dignified, and t ained .

        “Fermina,” ed for tunity for more tury, to repeat to you once again my voernal fidelity and everlasting love.”

        Fermina Daza    at t moment Florentino Ariza .    impulse o curse ill    ty of    out of    s are left to you.” Sreet door, wo close, and cluded:

        “And I hem.”

        eps fade aed street siny alone. Until t moment s and size of t s yet eig    time siernoon of ter,    nesses, ude and rage, and o ty bedroom s for    alone in t bed siy. Every-t beloo asseled slippers, able mirror, his own odor on her skin.

        A vague t made ake all t    anyone’s o get ready for bed, s    to eat anyt to sleep. Cruso God to send    nig, and     but fully dressed, and fell asleep on t. S    realizing it, but s sill alive, and t so spare, t s side on t- t s of t, s t so sleep to sob in , sobbing,     on il long after ters e    dying, sobbing in     Florentino Ariza t her dead husband.