首页Paradise Lost Ⅷ1


        thE Angel ended, and in Adams Eare

        So C    he a while

        t ill speaking, still stood fixt to hear;

        t tefully replid.

        t, or w repence [ 5 ]

        Equal o rehee, Divine

        orian, w allayd

        t I saft

        tion to relate

        things else by me unsearchable, now heard [ 10 ]

        it delight, and, as is due,

        ittributed to the high

        Creator; somet of doubt remaines,

        ion    resolve.

        his orld [ 15 ]

        Of ing, and pute,

        tudes, t, a graine,

        An Atom,    pard

        And all arrs, t seem to rowle

        Spaces inprehensible (for such [ 20 ]

        tance argues and t return

        Diurnal) meerly to officiate light

        Round tual spot,

        One day and nig survey

        Useless besides, reasoning I oft admire, [ 25 ]


        Sus, h superfluous hand

        So many nobler Bodies to create,

        Greater so manifold to this one use,

        Fhir Orbs impose [ 30 ]

        Sucless revolution day by day

        Repeated, h,

        t better migh farr less pass move,

        Servd by more aines

        least motion, and receaves, [ 35 ]

        As tribute suc

        Of incorporeal speed, ;

        Speed, to describe wness Number failes.