首页Paradise Lost Ⅷ2


        So spake our Sire, and by nance seemd

        Entring on studious ts abstruse, which Eve [ 40 ]

        Perceaving ird in sight,

        iti ,

        And Grace t isay,

        Rose, and    forts and Flours,

        to visit hey prosperd, bud and bloom, [ 45 ]

        her ing sprung

        And toudance gladlier grew.

        Yet    s, as not h such discourse

        Delig capable her eare

        Of w was high: such pleasure she reservd, [ 50 ]

        Adam relating, sress;

        er she preferrd

        Before to ask


        Grateful digressions, and solve e [ 55 ]

        ith jugal Caresses, from his Lip

        Not ords alone pleasd    now

        Sucual honour joynd?


        Not unattended, for on her as Queen [ 60 ]

        A pomp of ed still,

        And from about    Darts of desire

        Into all Eyes to .

        And Rapo Adams doubt proposd

        Benevolent and facil thus replid. [ 65 ]

        to ask or searc, for heavn

        Is as t,

        o read his wondrous orks, and learne

        hs, or Yeares:

        to attain, wh, [ 70 ]

        Imports not, if t, t

        From Man el t Arcect

        Did o ceal, and not divulge

        s to be sd by t

        Rat to try [ 75 ]

        jecture, he heavns

        to tes, pero move

        er at t Opinions wide

        er, wo model heavn

        And calculate tarrs, hey will weild [ 80 ]

        tie frame, rive

        to save appeerances, he Sphear

        itrid Etric scribld ore,

        Cycle and Epicycle, Orb in Orb:

        Alreadie by this I guess, [ 85 ]

        to lead t

        t bodies briger s serve

        t bright, nor heavn such journies run,

        Eartting still, when she alone receaves

        t: sider first, t Great [ 90 ]


        though, in parison of heavn, so small,

        Nlistering, may of solid good taine

        More plenty t barren shines,

        ue on it self , [ 95 ]

        But in tful Eart receavd

        ive else, thir vigour find.