Yet not to Eart Luminaries
Officious, but to tant.
And for t, let it speak [ 100 ]
So spacious, ac so farr;
t Man may know in his own;
An Edifice toe for o fill,
Lodgd in a small partition, and t [ 105 ]
Ordaind for uses to known.
tness of ttribute,
to ence,
t to corporeal substances could adde
Speed almost Spiritual; mee t not slow, [ 110 ]
out from heavn
here God resides, and ere mid-day arrivd
In Eden, distanexpressible
By this I urge,
Admitting Motion in to shew [ 115 ]
Invalid t it movd;
Not t I so affirm, t seem
to t th.
God to remove his wayes from human sense,
Placd eart, [ 120 ]
If it presume, migoo high,
And no advantage gaine. if the Sun
Be tre to tarrs
By tractive vertue and their own
Incited, dance about him various rounds? [ 125 ]
then hid,
Progressive, retrograde, or standing still,
In six t, and o these
t Eartedfast though she seem,
Insensibly t Motions move? [ 130 ]
o several Sp ascribe,
Movd trarie obliquities,
Or save t s
Noal and Diurnal rhomb supposd,
Invisible else above all Starrs, the heele [ 135 ]
Of Day and Nig thy beleefe,
If Eartrious of ch Day
travelli, and averse
From t Nig
Still luminous by if t light [ 140 ]
Sent from ranspicuous aire,
to terrestrial Moon be as a Starr
Fields and Inants: s t [ 145 ]
As Clouds, and Clouds may rain, and Rain produce
Fruits in nd Soile, for some to eate
Allotted ther Suns perhaps
ittendant Moons t descrie
unig Male and Femal Light, [ 150 ]
Sexes animate the orld,
Stord in eac live.
For su in Nature unpossest
By living Soule, desert and desolate,
Oo s scarce to tribute [ 155 ]
Eac, veyd so farr
Doo table, wurnes
Ligo to dispute.