首页Paradise Lost Ⅳ1


        O For t warning voice, which he who saw

        th Apocalyps, heard cry in heaven aloud,

        t to sed rout,

        Came furious doo be revengd on men,

        o to tants o now, [ 5 ]

        ime -Parents had bin warnd

        t foe, and scapd

        al snare; for now

        Satan, no inflamd h rage, came down,

        tempter ere th Accuser of man-kind, [ 10 ]

        to    frail man his loss

        Of t first Battel, and    to hell:

        Yet not rejoyg in hough bold,

        Far off and fearless, nor o boast,

        Begi, wh [ 15 ]

        Nouous brest,

        And like a devillish Engine back recoiles

        Upon    distract

        roubld ts, and from ttom stirr

        thin him hell [ 20 ]

        him, nor from hell

        Oep no more then from himself    fly

        By ge of plaow sce wakes despair

        t slumberd, ter memorie

        Of    be [ 25 ]

        orse; of    ensue.

        Sometimes towards Eden whiow in his view

        Lay pleasant, his grievd look he fixes sad,

        Sometimes towards he full-blazing Sun,

        owre: [ 30 ]

        thus in sighs began.

        O t h surpassing Glory d,

        Lookst from the God

        Of t arrs

        o thee I call, [ 35 ]

        But hy name

        O Sun, to tell te thy beams

        t bring to my remembrance from ate

        I fell, hy Spheare;

        till Pride and ion threw me down [ 40 ]

        arring in    chless King:


        From me, as

        In t brigh his good

        Upbraided none; nor was his service hard. [ 45 ]

        could be less to afford him praise,

        t repence, and pay hanks,

        all his good provd ill in me,

        And ed up so high

        I sdeind subje, and t oep higher [ 50 ]

        ould set me , and in a moment quit

        t immense of endless gratitude,

        So burtill paying, still to ow;

        Fetful w from ill receivd,

        And uood not t a grateful mind [ 55 ]

        By o, but still pays, at once

        Ied and disc burden then?