首页Paradise Lost Ⅳ2


        O iny ordaind

        Me some inferiel, I ood

        then happie; no unbounded hope had raisd [ 60 ]

        Ambitio her Power

        As great mighough mean

        Drao ; but ot

        Fell not, but stand unshin

        Or from , to all temptations armd. [ 65 ]

        to stand?

        t:    to accuse,

        But    equally to all?

        Be t, since love or e,

        to me alike, it deals eternal woe. [ 70 ]

        Nay cursd be t hy will

        C it noly rues.

        Me miserable! which way shall I flie

        Infinite e despaire?

        hich way I flie is hell; my self am hell; [ 75 ]

        And in t deep a lower deep

        Still tning to devour me opens wide,

        to whe hell I suffer seems a heavn.

        O t last relent: is there no place

        Left for Repentanone for Pardo? [ 80 ]

        No but by submission; and t word

        Disdain forbids me, and my dread of shame

        Among ts beh, whom I seducd


        to submit, boasting I could subdue [ 85 ]

        tent. Ay me, ttle know

        boast so vaine,

        Under orments inwardly I groane:

        hrone of hell,

        itre high advancd [ 90 ]

        till I fall, onely Supream

        In miserie; su findes.

        But say I could repent and could obtaine

        By Act of Grace my former state; how soon

        ould s, how soon unsay [ 95 ]

        feignd submission s

        Vo and void.

        For never    true recilement grow

        e have peircd so deep:

        lead me to a worse relapse [ 100 ]

        And heavier fall: so should I purchase deare

        S intermission boug.