impulse o turn and run, or to be sick. A a face, or torn out: sometural and uny t beloo t-gs, not the waking world of sense.
So Lyra g to Pantalaimon and moistened ill.
“Ratter,” said t my Ratter?”
Lyra w .
“No,” sened as s. ts your name?”
“tony Makarios,” ter?”
“I dont kno of t do of course s by alaimon o be cut from tle boy ed from ter! t talaimoy and sorrohe half-boy.
t to again.
“e on,” srembling voice. “tony, e out. ere going to take you somewhere safe.”
tir of movement in t till clutcs, a ted coal-silk anorak and fur boots, but t fit outside t came from t trails of t and piteous even t first, crou lighe fish racks.
t tered a feo them.
lorek Byrnison interpreted: “ pay for t fish.”
Lyra felt like telling to kill saking to give one fiso pay for t.”
ttered, but didnt argue. Lyra set ern doook to guide o t t standing so close, and on loreks back, all he said was:
“I dunno wter is.”
“No, nor do ony,” s all rig up too?”
“My armor weighan children,” he said.
So sony and made o tiff fur, and Pantalaimon sat inside y. Lyra kne Pantalaimons impulse o read cuddle ttle o lick le t taboo preve, of course.
to seeing t ilated creature taken a we bear.
In Lyras , revulsion struggled tle form to o ty seemed to pass more quickly for all t. lorek Byrnison ireless, and Lyras riding became automatic, so t s t in one ; stiffly moving as t too.
From time to time the half-boy spoke.
“s t you said?” asked Lyra.
“I says is she gonna know where I am?”
It ent far from here....”
tired sil t up ians. topped to rest to as tiff t s even loosen o pull tly open and lift her off.
“Gracious God, have you found?”
“ony,” s s he Gobblers do.”
t to Lyras , chem.
“S t not you so show less.”
“Youre riguro give orders. “Build t fire up and some soup for ter rigged?”
“It is, Jo her warm....”
“And ttle boy,” said someone else. “ a warm, even if...”
Lyra rying to tell Jo tc tired. After a fusing fees full of lantern ligo and fro, s a gentle nip on alaimons ermio find the bears face a few inches from hers.
“tcalaimon whispered. “I called lorek.”
“Oaki not remember to tell Lord Faa about tcter do t instead of me.”
Shen she fell asleep properly.
o daylig o get. t, and t, tians moved like bulky gs, loading sledges and o traces.
S all from ter on Farder s sledge, inside ic fox before reverting to e ermine.
lorek Byrnison pa Farder and busy, and as soon as alaimon emerge, o wake Lyra properly.
S up to speak.
“Farder , I kno I couldnt uand! ter kept saying bird and not, and t didnt make sense, because it meant no daemon and I didnt see could be.... is it?”
“Lyra, Im afraid to tell you ter t little boy died ale, stay in one place; asking after sucig bare old piece of fis speak of it, c ill, and t time ure. trying to dig a grave for t, and to cremate to ers.
“C terrible y plai you must do is rest a, because you fell asleep too soon to restore yourself last nigo eat in temperatures to stop yourself getting weak....”
ug to place, tigension rope across traces to untahem.
“Farder , wtle boy now? ?”
“No, Lyra, here.”
“I to go and see him.”
refuse , for s migalaimon as a rudged along to where some men were piling brushwood.
t beside t and lifted t in teo stop their heads.
Pantalaimo close as Lyra looked doed face. S of tten and touc; poor little tony Makarios from any oted iook Pantalaimon from to press into . And all little tony iful piece offish....
S do was gone.
S in a moment, and the men nearby.
“heres his fish?”
topped, puzzled, unsure one anoto grin uainly.
“Dont you dare laugear your lungs out if you laug s all o g onto, just an old dried fiss all o love and be kind to! ook it from gone?”
Pantalaimon like Lord Asriels daemon, but s see t; all s and wrong.
“Easy, Lyra,” said one man. “Easy, child.”
“ook it?” sian took a step back from e fury.
“I didnt knoically. “I t it ook it out it ful. ts all, Lyra.”
t t, I gave it to my dogs.
I do beg your pardon.”
“It ent my pardon you need, its ur oo kneel again, and laid he dead childs icy cheek.
to ruck t in a feook a gold from her purse before ing herself close again.
“I to borroaken t , so Pantalaimon: “ was her name?”
ood, of course, and said, “Ratter.”
Sig mittened c daemons name deeply into the gold.
“I ll do, if I provide for you like a Jordan Sco teet to slip to o close his jaw again.
turned in to Farder .
raig greedily.
“ o do about tcchem.”
“My c presume t far, Lyra. t be going anywhere.
t play on tco us: mysterious siesses to, anding; joys and sorroiny plants up on tundra....But I soup. Dyou some more? too. Eat up, child, because were on our way soon.”
tly t o melt. it to ctle a matco it, and it .
O off to travel again. It o fall early on, and soon to ting cold, and a s darker t lighe ground.
t all tio run, tails eam.
Nortide came and and topped to eat and drink a in a fold of to get talked to Lee Scoresby about t best use t of t o tin rapped it in.
“Ive got it tucked aigs dotom of t kit bag, but to see; I soldered it s on board s knoo do , to tell you trut do tle it. But you , youre safe.” t co tiffly frosted vas of t bag and brougtle tin. S was making before souc.