

        alking to took tin to lorek Byrnison and explained    o al of the engine cover.

        ened, and took t tin aly folded it into a small flat der. S t bears, ill to e sense ty of metals    o lift it once or t t, and    in a circle to score it for folding.

        il tood in a raised rim and to fit it. At Lyras bidding in, and anot big enougo tain tin itself and a quantity of s of moss and liot    er.

        to lorek Byrnison as    was frozen as hard as wood.

        “lorek,” s     you get lonely?”

        “Lonely?”    knoell me t kno freeze. So I dont knoo be solitary.”

        “ about t ts w I heard.”

        ripped t in ting log.

        “Beg pardon, lorek,” s offended you. Its just t Im curious. See, Im extra curious about ther.”


        “Lord Asriel. And t ive on Svalbard, you see. I trayed o keep him in prison.”

        “I dont kno a Svalbard bear.”

        “I t you was....”

        “No. I    I am not no a out to live at t    it, or    brutal tasks and dros.”

        “her bear?”

        “Aurning a I    of my orol. So I killed ly punished.”

        “And you    like my fats just ter I ook all     kno Svalbard, except its in t Nort all covered in ice?    you get the frozen sea?”

        “Not from t. times frozen sout, sometimes not.

        You .”

        “Or a balloon, maybe.”

        “Or a balloon, yes, but t wind.”

        ion fleo Lyras mind as sc sky; but s t.

        Instead s Svalbard, and listened eagerly as old -tusked e tusks above ter, of t grim iron-bound coast, t and more s perd t migs of iron and riveted to armor...

        “If took your armor a from?”

        “I made it myself in Nova Zembla from sky metal. Until I did t, I e.”

        “So bears    make t deal in to know. “ on. “Do bears have a king?”

        “he is called lofur Raknison.”

        t le bell in Lyras mind. S before, but where?

        And not in a bears voice, eitians. t    , very mucried it again in    so : tiring Room. tening to Lord Asriel.

        It    lofur Raknison.    kno lofur Raknison     tered. t, but so mu....

        “If your fat escape. to make a boat.99lib.. Oed fairly. to live in and a servant to    on him, and food and fuel.”

        “Could ted, lorek?”


        “Or tricked, maybe?”

        opped gna ly. t t my ons.”

        and    o look at. Eac least, and as s hem wly.

        “One bloe. If you    stopped me in trollesund, I rickery. You ot trick a bear. You    to see proof? take a stid fence h me.”

        Eager to try, sick off a snos off, and so side like a rapier. lorek Byrnison sat ba ed, forepao stab at , feinting t, not intending to     all, and    move. S several times, and not once did he move so much as an inch.

        Finally so t at ly, not    just to touciatly ick aside.

        Surprised, sried again, . ried to    , ick like a fencers foil, and not once did it land on o kno tick aside ed,    move at all.

        Sed, and to a furious attack, jabbing and lasing and stabbing, and never once did s past those paws.

        time to parry, precisely at t spot to block.

        Finally sened, and stopped. Sing inside    of breated, and till sat impassive. If s, e unharmed.

        “I bet you could catcs,” sick away. “?”

        “By not being s ricks a as plain as arms and legs. e    see in a en. But you kno tand the symbol reader.”

        “t ent t?” shan when she had seen his anger.

        “It is ts t read it, as I uand. As I am to ers, so you are to adults he symbol reader.”

        “Yes, I suppose,” s mean Ill fet o do it when I grow up?”


        Per from oto all fain and    on gnariking in again and so do t ing episode.

        Sed to sult ter t it oo cold, and besides, t ime to move on. Sook tin boxes t lorek Byrnison    ty one bato Farder s kit bag, and put t togeter in t . Shey were moving again.

        t opping place, te he air.

        Naturally Lyra o fly urally it    sered ions. “Mr.

        Scoresby, o Svalbard?” “Youd need a dirigible     dare. ? t barest most inable godforsaken dead end of nowhere.”

        “I    ed to go back...” “hed be killed.

        loreks in exile. As soon as    foot tear o pieces.”

        “e your balloon, Mr. Scoresby?” “tc gives off and gradually fill t. to find a ground-gas vent near a fire mi of gas uo, and from coal as s not o make gas. But t o use ground gas. A good vent he balloon in an hour.”

        “hoeople    you carry?”

        “Six, if I o.”

        “Could you carry lorek Byrnison in his armor?”

        “I ime from tartars, arving —t unguska campaign; I fleook    o calculate t of t old boy by guess-o bank on finding ground gas u    I could see    o go do gas out of t get airborne again    more. Any, armor and all.”

        “Mr. Scoresby, you knoartars make holes in peoples heads?”

        “O for tunguska campaign ured five tartars alive, and two.”

        “t to eacher?”

        “ts rig t part up a flap and expose t a little circle of bo of t pee the scalp back over.”

        “I t t to their enemies!”

        “s a great privilege. t so talk to them.”

        “Did you ever anislaus Grumman?”

        “Grumman? Sure. I met one of eam artar tribes up t ter of fact, I t     of an initiation ceremony, but told me didnt kno.”

        “So...If artar, t have killed him?”

        “Killed hen?”

        “Yea. I sa o t Jordan College in Oxford. t, and all.”


        “ell, tartars, ts ....But maybe it .”

        “It mig    he Scholars.”

        “I suppose ,” said Lyra tfully. “hem for money.”

        “And whe money?”


        “Good trick to play. People are s; t like to look too close.”

        “Especially Scholars,” said Lyra.

        “ell, youd k if t     tartars artar by adoption.”

        Lyra tur over in s full of meaning flo around y, t, ty ictle tony Makarios; and the clockwork spy-fly; and lorek Byrnisons uny feng...

        So Bolvangar.