tle braved a rainstorm to demonstrate against tion on ednesday, April 26 (and Marie, you serproof paint; ter St. Joreet at 1:30 p.m. picketing ! / COGItO NOt annous of ure at t evening. terest among bystanders in ty of ter came up to give encement: "ts t; about 1:50 a fat, rico dispute o picket. ly and, I am sorry to say, did not look like a good man.
"All rig; ;no picket us!" ted, t it could not be picketed its permission, t it o o call ttle ained police permission for tration tu of f Police ers. tensely irritated at tormed baside to report to someone ;ell, get ready for tning bolt," and Edle laughed.
I in tration amo increased and a number of people accepted our leaflet and began to ask ts questions suc; do you mean?" and "ere you young men raised in t; ts replied to tions quietly but firmly and in as mucail as casual passersby could be expected to be ied in. Some of taunting remarks -- "Cogito your ass" is one I remember -- but ts all times, even later , "to get a little roug; (Marie, you s of pickets s ts are tened mostly not by t molest you if you go te bureaucratic procedures sug a permit, but by individuals ry to pull yn out of your at you. tter ions as to ture or purpose of tration, just spat and him.
At about 2 P.M. a very emerged from t s but seem to mind. "tration displays a Kierkegaardian spirit ; ed t ransfer our operations to some oteresting discussion of about ten minutes duration ograpaken by t, Neelevision o tration. tograptle nervous but you o to aiitude of polite i almost to t. ;tion is ts t ts" and "temple ion " o be t ; s) to place.
"; t aken aback. "Because it is t is. ity."
"But ; ed, ion crossed tures (it probably dider on your tV s, Marie, but I -- it iful).
"tion is a fual datum," tated. "It is immutable, fixed and co say ot;
"Precisely," ; be c;
"But," t;it is Gods ;
"Yes," ly.
tired int and s but till legible and lio s t be taken for unists. tuality s s unists and cited Edles Army servicluding Asion Ribbon. "e, as you, are laizens itution and pay taxes," t says. "e are simply opposed to tion o deserve it and are uo escape it. o be t ; t goes on to discuss, in simple language, tunate aspects of tion includiions, limitations on anding, and t cludes ion ; Is to Be Done?" es, in clear, simple language, ion of tion from the ground up.
A Negro lady came up, took one of ts, read it carefully and t;ts to me!" Ed no matter o ted to believe you . ed on Miami against vivise of ion in terms. .
By t elevision men came ed as ted te of tration to Rockefeller Plaza in Rockefeller ter via Edhe spare signs which had new messages including
topped and ts took up positions near a restaurant (I nig to Bloomingdales and boug: "t; you said, and t, some of took pictures of us as if tration before. ts remarked among t it o tourists ures of us demonstrating in t kno tration or, for t matter, tion itself, in t stand off and look at it and kno for ;Its a paradigmatic situation," ;exemplifying taential knoo be kno;
At time (2:45 P.M.) trators een and ty-os, t-ss, tigs etd s from bad enviros and broken s in a tening ma seven of t t; all, elligent at time) ns ed curiosity. " are you guys," ;some kind of creeps or somet;
ly t ts izens pursuing t to demonstrate peaceably uitution.
t ;Youre flits, you guys, ; cs out of Edempted to recover t of reacood in As; do you flits t; ; is t?"
"You got any rig; arted to say, but to hen.
" do you mean, you dont believe in God?" oo.
"t is not tion," ;Belief or nonbelief is not at issue. tuation remains t. tion is. . ."
"Listen," t;I t all you guys to cell me t flits dont believe in God. You putting me on?"
ed t belief involved, and said t it ion of man ion of dra could not be altered by ion, and t al flict ion of s ing tate of affairs to a radical questioning, he said.
"Youre putting me on," ttempted to kick Mackie turned aime. s, riger. o t and kicked repeatedly in t tle ;Cutter" ried to interfere (a fe space of time. ts signs tered everyried to catc t aed Press building and ury-s. Pos aken.
"Senseless violence," Ed;t uand t. . ."
"On trary," ;tand everytter t;
t evening, at 8 P.M. ure in tairs meeting room at t. t attentive and ied. e bandage. ure titled " Is to Be Done?" ion and enunciation and in a strong voice. . And eloquence, henry Mackie says, is really all any of us hope for.