So tc er-stoged legs and ed doood for a moment listening to tudio. A soft procession of piano g of a violin. ter Bilderbac to tural tones:
"t you, Bienc;
As stens s co tions of ticed t m. "Yes," s;Its me;"
"I," ted. "Just a moment."
Ser Lafkoz talking -- in a silky, unintelligible like a o Mister Bilderbaclessness scattered tention. Sry book and Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrig table. S doo take dons t stretcip capped ape. t s o torment fehs.
Noiselessly s to used to be -- olid sound of Mister Bilderbacsteps across tudio and t slid open.
For a moment s during most of teen years of t jutted from beurbed only by ted, blank plug of a violin string. Mister Bilderbaceac, t and tes of eetemples to be observed across the room.
"Arent you a little early?" telpiece t ed to five minutes of t;Josefs in tle sonatino by someone ;
"Good," srying to smile. "Ill listen." So a blur of piano keys. S tired -- felt t if tremble.
ood uai, s;; ;t;
"Ill till after; s;t;
"After you finis; o crumble at the ers.
tudio and Mister Lafkoz pus tood beside him.
"Frances?" ;And ;
it meaning to, Mister Lafkoz al t. today racted. Sco t purpose, ipped boe slits today and t flowed down from hem.
"I gat no; smiled Mister Lafkoz, alt yet ansion.
S Mister Bilderbaed ae afternoon sun came tudio and sed yelloy living room. Beeag piano, t of Brahms.
"No," so Mister Lafkoz, "Im doing terribly." t;I dont knoter," s Mister Bilderbacooped muscular back t stood tense and listening.
Mister Lafkoz smiled. "times, I suppose, w;
A ;Dont you tter get on ; asked Mister Bilderbach.
"Immediately," said Mister Lafkoz, giving tarting toop of t rument "Youve seen ture of ;
igc; picture?"
"One of able. Iop cover."
tina began. Discorda somey but style of its own. S.
t-rings for a pizzicato. itrapped ly beer and rolled collar. It ure. Alt oograp ring. o turn around toure-taking apparatus. omac poke out no chs.
alented young violinist, snapped er Israelsky, ed to play to h --
t m, after siced from six until eig do table . Sed breakfast; it gave er four ce bars y ts lunctle morsels from t under cover of opping dead t a fried egg on e and s if it burst -- so t te -- s able and closed her eyes.
tudio seemed to be urging violently and clumsily for somet to be er a moment s dreure -- and il so tudio -- t tations on tfully dra all t here.
S fet ter Bilderbacared at ago. ill tco tions of tired, s often came to before so sleep on ts buzzed and carried into their own whirligig space.
A underkind -- a underkind -- a underkind. t rolling in t o a murmur. Along in distortion, diminiso pale blobs -- Mister Bilderbacer Lafkoz. Around and around in a circle revolving to ttural underkind. Mister Bilderbachers around him.
Pes sig falling over eacairs. Bacimed grotesquely to tired body and the buzzing circle.
Sometimes -- ayed out from so fused. ttle memories ;Age of Innoce" picture er t cert was over.
A underkind -- a underkind. t er Bilderbac to ed the word.
Not t o ;Bienc; (S except ;Bienc; ;I kno must be terrible. Carrying around all time a t;
Mister Bilderbacc. ry and imes s been born and broug ati. er Bilderbac is Dutderstand you?
t day so tudio. After swilighe piano.
"No; first day. "It -- playing music -- is more to a sed -- t means not;
apped and ubby ;o uand t." ed a cigarette aly ble exion above ;And art noions and ttle Sc; ime to jerk t to t;I en carefully no;
S t tired. raying inside ime. Sed to read touc pointed out ted to feel trong hairy back of his hand.
Suesday after scurday afternoons. Often sayed, and took treetcar m. Mrs. Bilderbac dumb and sloc boto spend all ime in tairs, reading magazines or just looking not sing anymore (s en to a pupil s it , very gut.
een it came to t seemed strange. Once scriding in from tudio, tense some pupil irring til aed on urned -- stood placid -- moving. And to a quiet inexpressiveness, and uro tudio.
After sarted er Bilderbac ime to see anyt er Lafkozs pupil and o Mister Bilderba to tea t et sonatas or Bloch.
A underkind -- a underkind.
o go to scer Lafkozs broto teacry and European ory and Frenoon. een e ati -- everyone said so. But playing t be easier t must be.
o smell of corduroy pants and ten and rosin. ime, too, y around ts peeped out dingily from ter. Sc ts tle blobs of fles-ails and t s.
In t only in a blur. S krue, t er tood togetage o made a differeer of ta togethe Bloch.