首页The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other StoriesWunderkind-2


        "No, no -- I dont t e." Mister Bilderbaced to end t;No Joe Virginianesque."

        S uood ted it to be ter Lafkoz and heime.

        Mister Bilderbacer, after temperament for t type of music, after t ced.

        "t oie oie stuff," said Mister Bilderbaot for you, Bienc to tses and skys."

        A underkind. No matter    was w he had called her.

        ter at t t scimes, cry problem on tion    knife-like i in bed, and even sometimes rating at t    just t being Jeirely. It    t    o go to sing so early, eit was --?

        Once s she knew.

        "Play tasia and Fugue," Mister Bilderbacer er Lafkoz ogether.

        to ail of er Bilderbacically from tisfied ood up from t o loosen t to    and c. But --

        "Frances --" Mister Lafkoz     covered by te lids. "Do you know ;

        Suro ;A good many. ty some odd."

        "ell t; tcly in ; ;

        Mister Bilderbac pleased; tural effulgence of German z raised    t easily enoug s ion in keeping ure because t er Bilderbaced o look.

        Yet suco do . Not least, for ser Bilderbacood t, and even Mister Lafkoz    meant just w he said.

        In ter Bilderbad tracted in ter of tly, temples insisting.

        But sometimes, before s, tog do . "Biend bringing Mrs. Bilderba and s s gatogether in a lumpy heap.

        And time sed from Junih.

        " you ; asked Mrs. Bilderbac breakfast    iced to mar.

        "An evening dress my cousin    year."

        "A;    ;I bet I kno;

        ed.    believe    sly didnt care at all.

        "Like t; able and ming to the room, swishing his hips, rolling up his eyes behind his horn-rimmed glasses.

        t Saturday afternoon, after ook o tment stores dooaffetas t ts. o o one side, aed pink. Soo.    some tle like old ladies so ep y look. But it really didnt matter at all. o cut out t it to errupted o stand by and suggest ruffles around tte on t and such made no difference.

        Nottered muc playing t must be played, bringing out t must be in ig, practig, playing so t Mister Bilderbae of its urging look. Putting to    Myra hess had, and Yehudi Menuhin -- even heime!

        o o es began springing out onation. Adolesce, s. Some kids played il, like    little tart t rying to get t -- someto    not so be. She --

        O    lose t. A underkind. . . A underkind. . . Of , rolling tain t at ernoon Mister Bilderbac ser Lafkoz to t door, as ayed at tly pressing a solitary note. Listening, Frances d    .

        "A good picture of ; s;I got a letter from elling about    egie o eat at tea Room."

        to put off going into tudio a moment longer sed until Mister Lafkoz o leave and tood bey cold outside cut into t e as    t to be.

        As s into tudio Mister Bilderbac up from tly ctle    the keyboard.

        "ell, Bienc; ;ternoon o begin all over. Start from scratc t fe;

        rying to act a part in a movie. oe to ogetisfied, movie    to run tausic s in. "t yet," ;tion Sonata. Opus. 26."

        tiff and we and dead-seeming.

        "ait a minute," ood in t ;today I expeeta -- its t Beeta you ever e is under trol -- teco cope    ts all you t."

        led til eaed it around aed raddling th his legs.

        For some reason, sion of    on    today s t sice urbed. iffly tilted, eo balance dangerously on t;No; ory dart of ion.

        notes oo loud, ther phrases followed dryly.

        Arrestingly ;ait! te w youre playing. ;


        "All rig drag it into an adagio to t snatc off s oned andante --"

        Sried again. e from t was in her.

        "Listen," errupted. "ions domi;

        "t; she answered.

        "t. te -- but its not salon stuff as you just played it. Start out softly, piano, and make it s just before t id doer melody sing out. You kno. eve gone over all t side of it before. No. Feel it as Beete it dedy araint."

        S stop looking at o rest tentatively on to fly up as a stop signal as soon as so . "Mister Bilderbac me play on t variation    stopping I could do better."

        "I    interrupt," he said.

        oo close to t part, and, obeying a nod from    jarred on    t into t s.

        o speak ness: "I    ally, t o take on iy, develop t o be in in t part. Go on    o;

        Sed to start it o a feeling of deep, s o gum in t imagi should be.

        note opped vibrating, ely got up from to side -- aop of t of op once more. "No,"    her.

        o quiver. "I t . I --"

        Suddenly rained o a smile. "Listen, Bienc; ;You still play t you? I told you not to drop it from your repertoire."

        "Yes," s;I practice it no;

        ;It    tly you used to play it -- like a real blacksmiter. You see, Bienc you ifully. You used to --"

        opped in fusion and inub of cigarette. t from    around her lank hair and childish forehead.

        "Make it ; cepping back from the piano.

        For a moment ood just i circle t made. tted doo t;Vigorous," he said.

        S stop looking at ting on one    resting squarely bef training urousers, raigaunc;Simply no; ed ure of ;t in turbed."

        S look do t brigspread ter.

        "All of it," ;No;

        S t t in    t     all afternoo suddenly dead. S gray and limp and s ter.

        o t in space before ion in temples. Ireat, s tears made te keys blur in a ery line. "I t," s;I dont kno t -- t any more."

        ense body slaed and, o c him.

        . ttens and galos t was o speak.

        As sibule s    see    from    leaned against tudio door, relaxed and purposeless. t to firmly. Dragging cumbled dooeps, turned in tion, a her children.