首页The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other StoriesThe Jockey

The Jockey

        to ter a moment stepped to one side and stood motionless, o tels in tos of August roses scattered tals oable linen and from ted o tiil at last able in a er diagonally across from    ed o one side, iffened so t tense against tced in this way.

        of green C evening, tailored precisely and tume outfit for a c ie striped el colors.    iff,    bang on    emples and    in a er a time    od; ill ense    of .

        t table rainer, a bookie, and a rier er -- a large, loosely built fellozer, ernoon. te-coated er    broughe dinner.

        It er    dos Bitsy Barlo; ;Standing over t c;

        "O; said turned o look be;Ask ;

        "God no," Sylvester said.

        "; Simmons said. t and    iio deadlock between fear and greed.

        "ell, I    call    exactly," said Sylvester. "Ive kno six mont if    see ing anot t."

        "It was w ; said Simmons.

        "?" asked the rich man.

        Sylvester glanced across t t tongue. "A act. A kid got    on track. Broke a leg and a icular pal of Bitsys. A Iris a bad rider, eit;

        "ts a pity," said the rich man.

        "Yeaicular friends," Sylvester said. "You s page toget;

        "ell, t; said the rich man.

        Simmons cut into eak. e and carefully piled on mus;; ed. ";

        All tables in ty at t table in ter, and green- mot and fluttered about to treet outside came teria.

        "t in August Saratoga is t toa in t; Sylvester turo t; do you t;

        "I    kno; said t;It may very ;

        Daintily, Simmons    --"

        "ait," said Sylvester. "o e over ;

        t table in trut, s ep, ing smartly into t carpet on t t in at t table; epped bad boesy, e closed.    at a er of table, beter and t a nod of greeting or a c, gray face.

        "; Sylvester asked.

        "Some people mig t." tter, clear.

        Sylvester put e. ted ion, turning sides, unpoliss, and a s -- tfit day and nig on h his dinner.

        "Like a spot of seltzer er?" asked Sylvester. "Or somet?"

        t anse case from    and s open. Ies and a tiny gold penknife. o cut a cigarette in ed o a er passing by table. "Kentucky bourbon, please."

        "Noen, Kid," said Sylvester.

        "Dont Kid me."

        "Be reasonable. You kno to be;

        t er of iff jeer. o t on table, but instantly er . ttered , and a side dis black olives. A plate of Frencatoes able before t look at t kept er piece of full-blo;I dont suppose you remember a certain person by t; he said.

        "Noen," said Sylvester.

        ter broug fondling trong, callused     t ked against table edge. After turning t;No, I dont suppose your memory is t long aensive," he said.

        "Sure enougsy," said Sylvester. " makes you act like today?"

        "I received a letter," t;tain person    aken out from t on ednesday. One leg is ts all."

        Sylvester clucked ongue and s;I realize ;

        "Do you?" t table. o te of fried potatoes. igtered and als, bruised it bet in h.

        "ell, t; said the rich man.

        trainer and ting, but t otery fingers in er glass and h his napkin.

        "ell," said t;Doesnt somebody    me to pass to re-order. Anoteak, gentlemen, or --"

        "Please," said Sylvester. "Be reasonable.    you go on upstairs?"

        "Yes, ; the jockey said.

        it teria.

        " I go up to my god-damn room and e some letters and go to bed like a good boy?    I just --"    up. "O; ;Foo to you. I    a drink."

        "All I    say is its your funeral," said Sylvester. "You kno does to you. You know well enoug;

        t into ttan, and Sylvester d igogettle finger out from tail glass and sipping the drink slowly.

        "; said Simmons. "Like I said."

        Sylvester turo t;If s a lamb    omacer t of ;

        "A jockey s drink," said the rich man.

        "t satisfy    used to and    s it out. If s a lamb cc too omat go do;

        ttan. tom of tanding at , turoouts arted an argument about ain in t nigy-dollar bill and didnt t the ge.

        o to table at     sit do;No, I    presume to t extensive,"    table top reac to , and oop. "No, youre too busy gobbling up dinners in dining rooms. You"re too --"

        "ly," begged Sylvester. "You got to be;

        "Reasonable! Reasonable!" t in a mean, frozen grin. able so t tes rattled, and for a moment it seemed t    over. But suddenly opped.    toe o ely    a featoes in urned and spat out t ines,"    a gratified ;You libertines," urned and    of the dining room.

        Sylvester ser t ableclot speak until ter came to clear away.