首页上海梦想剧场Chapter 21

Chapter 21

        Cald oerloo station. y. S going but t’s relief from a rack to o’s sole and total of s ion crial pollution.

        t an almost-empty Maglev to t and Cald in ted carriage in total silence. A silenderscored by t of    aogete, circumstand a strange inexplicable mental e.    y to say not everyt time?

        “I am ts,” Kat said suddenly. “You’ve found out about yours, o know.”

        Cald Kat’s past for a fe could n o tell oo uable. Kat ured at Uy College London’s Department of Biocry and Molecular Biology. Kat erial for medical researts. Acc to puter records at ty, Kat    stardom even after    more drilling doabase    one of tants for t y for removiive material from uy premises. t sensitive material . S t beside ting material, tle fingers clutctle of formula.

        Sell    ers underground being bombarded s and subliminal advertising for ing services. Sell io be discriminated against by to    until urned from    least, if o support     s anytical oto know.

        as t flared brigo suspect t s? tion Cald suggested t sed somet o trace s for so long.

        t tation and rode aor to tatioy. t t to a ca    off during off-peak    tatio ige oo fill times o let test t nigting tem kno of it. tV cameras t dotted every single block of t platform for t kind of dissent.

        t India Dock Road in tion of Blackwell.

        “I to give Mr. Fouler a call. I don’t knoly    is some railer,” Caldo Kat eleplex boot simply nodded and tinued trating on her Sim.

        Cald from its groove and spoke to ted. t s, different from t. tinued for about e tracted process vaguely familiar. It less times before. ly o do. ed.

        ion o t. Kat o stay in Glyprailer and Fouler o tell railer ested initially but sooed. o go back to wever he had been doing when Caldwell called.

        “You see, t    so bad. o let you stay,” Caldo Kat as tohe Puzzle.

        “ing you your dying wish.”

        Caldried to say somet to e out.

        Glyprailer ely forty feet loirely one    er equipment and otact, some s spilling open like termat ransistors, motegrated circuits reop, acked tina of dust. te any es    of cupboards onto the vinyl-covered floor.

        t ters intact alt of ting t someos of cupboards ied out on to ttress torn open and panels removed.

        Cald spent t ting as mucoget a lot icleboard or plastic , cracked or broken, Glyp tape colle came in very     collapsed on Glyp in front of Glypor op staring into space.

        t visible marks on t retrae from ture Glyp up tside, opening traigo top to cers. t of top     most of ime in cyberspace.

        Cald t mulling over everyt    mig ill alive.    . In a fe alive. If it    t to ’d probably be trusioion AIs or even Fouler’s fit. o be at t in just a fe o be a tougion    a oll on     any cost.

        Caldemplated catg gift, ter, in t till    given tacles    arm    be somet ed.    and    as mucrip.    Kat,    blaring in otally non-stop.

        of    and slo time    to expect. t-ditctempt to get Caldo trust    Fouler never ever did anyt an ulterior motive. Cald terior of Glyprailer dissolved ao reveal fragments of his memories.


        Caldside tes of a scers and Englis ternational Sc killed s are corroded into ory of ted by Fouler. t particular dark partment    available to tly being unleas single red Cer. An image of flesal made one in a single moment of c is an image faded ime.

        A neicle in t. Caldears. tified t been muc to bury. ticle goes in t cold objective    neo cover deat remember    ed residual guilt.

        Mems of s, drinking beer in t dotted tun diplomatic quarter. Lots of time on puters. Lines of code flying by like November rain.

        Caldaring ily at a puter s,    over    ill stares at it like it is to anotudy full of puter and unication equipment, t ronic eavesdropping agency t Fouler says her worked for.

        For    rooms and on ts of most informatio departments. o er alking to rides the binary world of code like a colossus. he is supernova.

        rAZor: Fizz,    going dude? Long time no see.    o?

        Deus: Yea’s up?

        Fizz: Not a lot. as arrested by ted. o do 600 y service. Banned from the space.

        rAZor: Bummer man. Not too good.    caught?

        Deus: Motherfuckers. I feel you man.

        Fizz: Yea a freakin clue y’ know.

        rAZor: Like t busted in no reason?

        Fizz: Pretty mue fn outfit asked for me to be arrested and    o and arrests ries.

        Deus: S man. talking BS?

        Fizz: Dunno man. ted me, t’s for sure.

        rAZor: t some tracker system folloronic footprints. Any idea    was?

        Fizz: Yea’s a system I got from t kno’s like, I got to see t? So I am t same day, sing its ports and b it    still no joy. I ask tis in but    remember. Says    , rigext o itself, reasoning self, berating itself because ter.

        rAZor: ta see this.

        Deus: Dunno man. t’s probably    Fizz busted.

        rAZor: t bust me. Fizz, his.

        Fizz: It’s a revolving allocation system. But it’s ing out of twork.

        Deus: So you e table.

        rAZor: t’s good enough for me. ing Deus?

        Deus: Naer in 5 minutes got to get off. Mine ed by t virus    mont    to be able to afford a new one.

        Fizz: Be careful man.

        rAZor: No    it    hehehe.

        Deus: OK.

        Fizz: Laters!

        rAZor: Laters!

        triking but intense-looking g at Caldo ofu.

        s on ty puter system. s are trojan. ts and ts are masters of digital disguise, eleic cover-up, pixel -up. s’ routines precede everyterminal, clearing pating logs or log tem ic passing router tables to ions.

        five of ts and    into tic er tables. Everyto tcelco traffic    to to intra-uy traffic. t. Caldtle closets, locked t deliberately so. tent is to give rong sense of y. ted but     to be true.

        Caldransgresses tly and surfs tion all to tral I traffic exc, il one of t ernal gover domain system.    access it from outside. So o one of t’s extras and deduces a username    goes to work.

        t    o.    erest in    time, is minimal. ter fiso fry. em administrator or a jilted sysop. types it in. Boom. S goes blank except for a prompt like this:


        :> hello.

        :> hi Cad.

        :>    did you call me?

        :> Cad. Cad Caldo be exact. ould you like me to trace back your family tree?

        :> S.

        :> Exactly. e’ve been ing for you. You are so busted my friend.

        :> O of    me t fast, wise guy.

        :> e’ll see about it Cad Caldional Scime. ’s your excuse?


        :> Yea? Mummy and Daddy die in car cras give you to live ually dos.

        :> You s to s you down.

        :> Yood Cad, but not t good.

        :> e’ll see about t.


        :> [User e terminated.]

        t is beating so fast ’s going to burst rig of .    dozens of students going about t lifts s up tudents off at t er system t mas and increased t ty pert.    loud as a sea of green faces . One anemic-looking girl e marble floor.

        t AI, or     bluffing. But    knoricks on    jive about sc    far out. Not t scer systems    to crack. It ent t scared     time anyt o .

        of ts to sleep and backs out into talogue user interface. ands up to leave,    t of the library.

        ts to t of t tes urmoil.    is o do een, an orphan.

        t te. It es and tion in t, ar, dodgy finating sun reflects from a pair of mirrored s and click back toget takes on a sloion quality. ’s a dry void it reminds umn and dried leaves.

        t of tleman le    feel to reveal steel gray eyes. t suggests some kind of puting activity in time upo an approximation of a smile. ts motionless in t seat. All Cald of black ting very still.

        “My name is Bruce Fouler. For no’s just say I am in t,” rasps the man.

        “I bet its lip service, mostly to its rear.” Cald was in his DNA.

        tic about Fouler, like a pedop invisible dy. terious about t’s a face t seems to uand ties of y. tal quality to    effit    toget sounds like it er sequencer. And tley.

        “C udent here called Cad Caldwell. I wonder if you know him.”

        Sometells Cald talking to and is daring o spin a yarn. s ial instinct to tell a lie.

        “t    do you     into old guys?” Cald    know how.

        “Sorry to    your parents, Cad,” Fouler offers. Caldects a faint moistening of t t reflected in the car?

        “It’s cool. So ?”

        “OK, I am not going to beat around tcivities on ters.”

        A look of alarm es over ed.

        “Don’t o arrest you, ime ago. You’ve breacy systems of some important institutions you know.”


        “Yea t your fat.”

        “ Xian Uy,” Caldered.

        “t may be t ant professor.    I trust you, Cad? t I o be guaranteed absolute trusthiness.”

        “I swear on Madonna,” .

        “t’s good enough. have you heard of GChQ?”

        “Yes, satellite eavesdropping, teleunionit etc. I am intimately familiar er works.” he grins cheekily.

        “ell your fatems. You .”

        “I cracked Blue Ray and o listen to my ress talking to ch ever since.”

        “ell, like fathem.”

        “Yea’s all t to do    a udent.”

        “As I said, ced many years ago if it    for    ion    lost on us. Maybe one day you’d groo be as good at breaking into secure puters as your fat building t. Alt as invincible as you think.”

        “ho says?”

        “Ever wonder w in hundreds of hag sessions?”

        “Because I am so damn good?”

        “rong. Sometimes you left eleic trails t    ethical hackers.”

        “trails? Like w?”

        “Like NASA. tributed intelligent logging system t you did not see. It e records of your activities, time and erminal you used. e employed CCtV footage from our friends at transit Railion to place you at t iive kiosk at t time. e    ty of trusion, from a public place.”

        “ha, ha, ha.”

        “You may laug t o last you tirement.

        “Sorry. I guess.”

        “ttom line is t of your situation, t t you are obviously not ied in s is    to take you on board.”

        “ anization?”

        “You’ll kno’s just say you’ll be able to o some of t advanced puter systems using bleeding edge tecter defenses against outside intruders and you’ll get paid a petitive salary. On top of t    co tinue residing in Union if you so wish.

        “o? Jerking me off?”

        “Dead serious. Do I look like ts off on practical jokes?”

        “You don’t look like ts off on anytorts.

        Fouler lets t slide but sometells    t aure reference.

        “Enoug do you say? e    talk to your principal today and you’ll never o return to scead, you’ll get trained in travel t you love aing paid for it.”

        “Sounds too good to be true.”

        “It’s a on a lifetime offer, son.”

        “I’ll take it then.”

        “Good. ele aboard.” thin fingers.

        “Er, thanks.”

        “e’ll let you knoails once h your principal.”

        “I    trust yht?”

        “Of course, surally eveigogether.

        “how will you find me?”

        “Are you kidding?”

        “Oent or    impotent?”

        “Do you need dropping anywhere? home?”

        “No, I’ll take a er-cooled interior of tley ifling.

        “OK. Your call. And no more unofficial hag.”

        “Is t an official request?”

        Fouler lets t one go too.

        tley open automatically and Caldeps out on till    moved. tanding against ter     in tiful. raig oo muco focus tention on s to. Sco . t smell of lavender and teenage skin.

        “So, whough she’s known him forever.

        “Acquaintances.    are you doing e?”

        “aiting for you?”

        “aiting for me? hy?”

        “I don’t kno just felt like to do.”

        “ell to    offended. her him so much?

        “I kno. It’s just t I got a feeling in t I mig see you again for a long time.”

        “ell, t’s true. I    be ing back to scelling his?

        A sake of breath.


        “I’m going to .”

        “t’s ?”

        “Somet.”     ease ects a slig in    immigrants from the mainland.

        “So my intuition .”

        “I guess so. I am Cad Caldhe way.”

        “I kno kno. ters more talk about you in time.” She giggles.

        “Really?” he asks incredulously.

        “And you knooilets.”

        “Yeahing bad I hope.”

        “Not really? Just some girl o his face.

        “’s your name?”

        “Mei Lin.”


        “Yeao live hey walk in silence.

        “I catch my bus here,” she says.

        “Really? So quickly? Do you act you online?”

        “Yes I do but I only use it at sc let me use a puter at ’s 5200603,” ss it to memory.

        “So I’ll message you at s.”


        pulls at    doo omacc sever it     fees t ted aken place, like tio meet on t t time and place.

        s it. S is t time ’s like    discovered teries of taste of ay    pulsating against    and tle rise and fall of    breasts. time itself.

        “o t.”

        “o be sorry. It    to be,” she world.

        “It’s just t I am leaving    .”

        “It doesn’t matter.    matters is t rue to our feelings. e    again. Ah, here es my bus.”

        A number 8 bus pulls up to ted bus stop and t o    possible time.