首页上海梦想剧场Chapter 22

Chapter 22

        Diane Joplin’s JAL flig Narita at exactly ted time. 10.28AM. S tire flig, getting acquainted able Lonely Pla augmented reality information system on tokyo s Logan Iional Airport.

        t didn’t , relying as it did on visual markers on to fun properly, but Diane    if so t eai system ster’s display to vieents of tabase. And s. Iic glasses iny piece of flasaining tire database on tokyo as ing system t overlaid ta over ec it worked.

        Diane found out t by sanual mode and pointing t a po of tokyo to magazines so pull up ta. ta and t    fine for tio ive i.

        Satisfied a, sed t and performed a cyberspace sear tem. Apparently, out of tless Kenzo Yamamoto’s t existed across tirety of te a feo tball player, tai-crazed teei. tter sparked erest but sed    t    a lo official in Okina over policies.

        All translated on telligent agent broo grammar-perfeglisos gleaned from online family trees, sports meetis, uy professor lists, vention speakers and some do a Kenzo Yamamoto ed 100-meter dasonis anding on end, goose bumps breaking out all over. Kenzo Yamamoto, suspected wakagasion slain in Shinjuku.

        Breatime cross-refereng to    t    terest. Diane ignored inued reading. Kenzo Yamamoto ion alted tatement of fact. It    jecture but Diane k. te, evasive in t uniquely Japanese o    been formally victed of anyt tless refereo    in information t, eleic fraud and corporate blackmail tricate o paying fees or face embarrassing disruptions at sings.

        Kenzo Yamamoto’s front, tring of corporations stretcokyo Bay to to Plain. Yamamoto’s empire covered real estate, ual eai, including turing and promotion of idoru or virtual stars, KtVs, ney game so’s forte, it appeared, e and industrial blackmail on a global scale and tive information. timate businesses also acted as fronts for t of ry and t. Kenzo Yamamoto, speculated one particularly    spicuously anonymous journalist, o Nobu takaer of Internal Affairs and unication.

        Diane Joplin could not believe o oo. tely someto find out     closure, to find out t    died in vaiemptation to t ears teo burst from    tears in     Yamamoto’s boss    official, ter takahashi.

        An alleged Yakuza oyabun ering pensions for Japan’s civil servants, national unications, tal service, information tec, statistics, local tax and local fi s rue, try pure and simple. And if to cer ion globally to sensitive information in all of Japan. truly in the chi coop.

        As sio read, s everyted tookyo business area of So ts of yet anot ry of Internal Affairs and unication, ters of to’s “er business” in Kabukic    eaations seemed more foreboding t. So make a choice.

        Sels in t magazine and . ing, soertial el. Altels, it    a block aokyo Metropolitan Gover Office building, and a s rid t system did a good job of making a visit to tter by a fn girl on ively ion. Diane Joplin s to tel, fresions.

        tokyo    of sno Narita. From t expanses of    tretc made ty e alive at nigures. It    feeling of arriving in a nery for t time ill taxiing to te, yet ened belt and belly. Diane leaned over and fis out for    unication for tire lengt. S about e up tment and    tai    o third.

        S of tely a text overlay informed    t terminal 8 of tokyo Iional Airport (Narita) and temperature igrade, exactly temperature indicated on t display system. Narita ed in tureless crete spray-six kilometers from doookyo. to Sation ake just fifteen minutes by NEX Maglev, ta express train service.

        Sric stle ling across tarmac toook irangely ranced disiant, to tates of travel fatigue exed by ted t o tle but o be ign , ttle armad melting on tact, ting feel of e bet son for, tory firmation t sransitioned from to some totally neer in to t black tarmac.

        Sell s, not all of t. Siced t preainteaff    about tside, side by side s,    and performed tasks of removing baggage from terior of t.

        ttle    probably to reduce culture sors used to seeing fles, t so t, from t least, it looked like a ions of turning teering    ually trolling tig of gears absurd, as everyone kne nobody really used manual gearboxes anymore.

        Outside bands of snoo a standstill outside te. Diaepped off ttle and folloo passport trol.    oms officer looked    bordered on an invasion of her privacy.

        “aying at?” ing English.

        “Keio Plaza el, S particular piece of information.

        o enter some data on to    ed beat slotle. Moving nooion mac a request to open case. t of tor stared at te and Diane’s    stopped er arted g to a female colleague.    pounding, Diane grabbed case from t and orains into tokyo. Sried    to look back.

        Fifteen minutes later sting across snooer of tokyo. Everyt neo ions in Japanese around ising t portended an altoget culture from , t y of tropolis t okyo. So lose s myriad neon-soaked sounds, in its sigs smells. So find s distinct culture,    of some kind of ultra modernity, o    ta from t of tside ting NEX Maglev, sted a gang of kids on motorcycles trying to mat for speed. t informed    teenage bike gangs and t many of to bee fully-fledged Yakuza. t Dia Kenzo Yamamoto and Miakahashi.

        train ting te, flyovers, suspended expresss of neon. t a black slus ado te forest got a    kind of greic tV ss    eaed but very persuasive Japanese. And just as a o vie notified    s Sation.