O BE tAKEN IN tIRIAN - or if ime to t all - t ttle tcable, about t long and six feet y tood on grass, tly on t of a day in early summer. Not far arees, t under every leaf t t yellos suc made tiria it must be autumn but t told could not be later torees.
Everyone raised o pick t liked t iful t eac "It t be meant for me... surely alloo pluck it.”
"Its all rig; said Peter. "I kno Im sure, quite sure, . Ive a feeling to try whing is allowed.”
"; said Eustace. And to eat.
like? Unfortunately no one describe a taste. All I say is t, pared s, t grapefruit youve ever eaten e melting pear raones, and no fruit, all t taste like medies after it.
But I t describe it. You t find out is like unless you get to t try and taste it for yourself.
en enougace said to Kier, "You yet told us going to, urned up.”
"t muco tell," said Peter. "Edmund and I anding on tform and rain ing in. I remember t aking too fast. And I remember t our people rain t kno it -”
"Your people, ; said tirian.
"I mean my Father - Edmunds and Lucys and mine.”
"; asked Jill. "You doo say t Narnia?”
"O o do o Bristol. Id only m. But Edmund said to be going by t train." (Edmund of person w railways.)
"And w ; said Jill.
"ell, its not very easy to describe, is it, Edmund?" said the high King.
"Not very," said Edmund. "It at all like t otime ful roar and somet me it didnt . And I felt not so muced. Ohing.
Id rugger. I noticed it very lighen - here we were.”
"It traces of t from ;Only I t
t iffened. You youngsters uand. But opped feeling old.”
"Youngsters, indeed!" said Jill. "I dont believe you two really are mu we are here.”
"ell if , he Lady Polly.
"And ace.
"ell," said Peter, "for a long time (at least I suppose it ime) nothe door opened -”
"t; said tirian.
"Yes," said Peter. "t - by. ten?”
"But w?”
"Look," said Peter and pointed.
tirian looked and sa and most ridiculous to be seen in t, tood up a roug, to, beco see it looked just till in tanding up by itself as if it ree.
"Fair Sir," said tirian to t;t marvel.”
"It is t ene five minutes ago," said Peter smiling.
"But did I not e in out of to table? o be a door leading from nowo nowhere.”
"It looks like t if you ," said Peter. "But put your eye to t place hrough.”
tirian put o t first blaess. t o it, , and above t, in a black sky, stars. t or standiable door into tern aste tle. the men were discussing
none of ted to do t) or to set fire to table.
ry spreading as far as ion, and his new friends all round him laughing.
"It seems, t; said tirian, smiling ;t table seen from able seen from are t places.”
"Yes," said t;Its inside is bigger ts outside.”
"Yes," said Queen Lucy. "In our oo, a stable o ; It time sirian noo ;Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on. tell me your wure.”
"After t; said Lucy, " time ( did) and t ook and beside ting on o cut doo o and t see ted a long time. t being dra t get ready to strike ill old to strike some and spare others.
But at t gave one look at tass life: just in time, for it and t asurned very pale and boer: but it vanished away.
"ted a long time again. At last time and ti tarted, and looked very surprised, e different -”
"I see it all no; said Eustace ( of interrupting stories). "t o go in first and try o do o e out and say ly tasend to be frigo scare t tasurn up; so Ginger came out really friger t, S o get rid of and try hem.
And -”
"Friend," said tirian softly, "you ale.”
"ell," said Lucy, &quave t time to get on guard. t. ry and flung side to whing else.
e tried to talk to rance. on saying tasasaso tas up and a ... ug; Lucy made a face.
"After t," said Edmund, "someone flung a moaser is so tender-ed s like to tell you t tashe Monkey was gone!”
"Serve !" said Eustace. "All tasoo.”
"And after t," said Edmund, "came about a dozen Dace, and last of all yourself.”
"I ase too," said Eustace. "Little swine.”
"No, ," said Lucy. "And dont be ill you see tried and tried to make friends its no use.”
"Friends ; cried Eustace. "If you knew hose Dwarfs have been behaving!”
"Oop it, Eustace," said Lucy. "Do e airian, perhem.”
"I feel no great love for Doday," said tirian. "Yet at your asking, Lady, I er this.”
Lucy led t strolling about or enjoying tied seemed to . tting very close togettle circle fag one anotook any notice of till Lud tirian near enougo touc see a ening rying to guess by t was happening.
"Look out!" said one of t;Mind o our faces!”
"All rig; said Eustadignantly. "ere not blind. eve got eyes in our heads.”
"t be darn good ones if you see in ; said the same Dwarf whose name was Diggle.
"In w; asked Edmund.
"; said Diggle. "In tctle able.”
"Are you blind?" said tirian.
"Aint ; said Diggle.
"But it isnt dark, you poor stupid D; said Lucy. "t you see? Look up! Look round! t you see trees and t you see me?”
" aint tch darkness?”
"But I see you," said Lucy. "Ill prove I see you. Youve got a pipe in your mouth.”
"A k," said Diggle.
"O; said Lucy. topped and picked some s. "Listen, D; s;Even if your eyes are ?" So Diggles ugly nose. But so jump back quickly in order to avoid a blole fist.
"None of t!" ed. " do you mean by s of filtable-litter in my face? tle in it too. Its like your sauce! And who are you anyway?”
"Eart; said tirian, "s of t. And it is for I, tirian your la cut all your raitors t you are.”
"ell if t does everyt; exclaimed Diggle. "alking all t rot? Your e and not. And no t of us, youre still at your old game. Starting a nerying to make us believe aint dark, and .”
"t; cried tirian. "e out of it.”
And, leaning for and t out of t t tirian put ed back to ;O for! Banging my face against the wall. Youve nearly broken my nose.”
"O; said Lucy, " are o do for them?”
"Let em alone," said Eustace: but as rembled. t air greer. A briguririan turned last because ood s desire, ooped o tougue. tirian, and tirian came near, trembling, and flung t, and t;ell done, last of tood firm at t hour.”
"Aslan," said Lucy tears, "could you - hese poor Dwarfs?”
"Dearest," said Aslan, "I , do." o t it set all t to one anot;? ts t table.
trying t take any notice.
t take us in again!”
Aslan raised antly a glorious feast appeared on tongues and pigeons and trifles and ices, and eac of good mug and drinking greedily enoug it t taste it properly. t ting and drinking only t of t find in a stable.
One said rying to eat of an old turnip and a ts of rico t;Ugy er out of a troug a donkeys been at! o t; But very soon every Ding t every otarted grabbing and snat to quarrelling, till in a fees t and all trodden under foot. But t doo ;ell, at any rate t let aake us in. the Dwarfs.”
"You see, " said Aslan. "t let us ead of belief. t t prison; and so afraid of being taken in t t be taken out. But e, co do.”
to t;No is time!" t;time!"; t it could ars, "tIME.”
the Door flew open.